Chapter 112 Xia Xia, come live with me

"Baby, you're so good." Xia Zhi pinched Xia Ran's cheek, which felt good.

The boss delivered the packaged kimchi soup to the table for two people.

"Kimchi is for you." The boss said, "My wife has been following your variety shows, and she really likes your little baby."

Xia Zhi was a little flattered, "Thank you, boss."

The boss waved his hand nonchalantly, "Come again if it tastes delicious."


Xia Zhi nodded, then quickly left the store with Xiaobao.

She originally wanted to buy some other snacks, but now she just wants to go home early.

Is this the trouble with being famous?
Back home, Xia Zhi and Xia Ran were preparing to eat.

Rong Yun's video call came suddenly.

After Xia Zhi got through, she told Rong Yun what happened today. ,
"It's conceivable." Rong Yun said, "After all, your popularity on the Internet is now comparable to some [-]th-tier stars."

"Then what should I do?" Xia Zhi sighed helplessly, "If I had known this, I shouldn't have done it in the first place. Forget it, even if you give me another chance, I will participate."

After all, who has trouble with money.

However, it is a bit dangerous to continue living at home in this situation.

If some black fans really find the address
Xia Zhi couldn't imagine the consequences.

"Is there someone knocking on the door over there?" Rong Yun suddenly said.

Xia Zhi, who was distracted, was stunned for a moment and signaled Xiaobao to continue eating.

She quietly walked to the door, and through the peephole, she saw several people wearing masks, hats, and bundled up tightly standing at the door of her house.

Several people seemed to be discussing something.

Through the door, she heard the conversation of several people.

"Are you sure, this is Xia Zhi's home?"

"It shouldn't be wrong. I followed them all the way back just now."

"Very good. Since you dare to seduce our brother-in-law on the show, you must show her some color!"

On the other end of the phone, Rong Yun said nothing.

Xia Zhi's heart was in her throat at this moment.

She hurriedly hung up the video with Rong Yun and called the police directly.

At the door, the knocking continued.

Xia Zhi didn't open the door for a long time.

The knocking on the door became increasingly violent.

"Bitch, come out here!"

"If you dare to do something wrong, people like you would have been imprisoned in a pig cage in ancient times."

"Who do you think you are? How dare you compete with our sister for a man? You're rubbish!"

Unpleasant sounds followed one after another.

Xia Zhi immediately walked to Ranbao and reached out to cover his ears.

I don't want him to hear these dirty words.

At this moment, Xia Zhi's heart had sunk to the bottom.

It was obvious that Fu Jinye and Tao Yuan had reminded her repeatedly.

What is she insisting on?
"Xia Zhi, open the door, it's me."

A familiar voice sounded, and Xia Zhi instantly felt like crying.

She told Ranbao to go back to the room and stay.

Even though Ranbao wanted to stay with his mother, but seeing his mother's sad look, he finally nodded.

"Mom, if anything happens, just call Ranran. Ranran will always be by your side."

"Yeah." Xia Zhi was not in the mood to think about anything else at the moment.

After sending Xia Ran back to the room, she came to the door again.

Through the peephole, she only saw Fu Jinye with an anxious look on his face.

I don't know if those people just left early or were driven away by Fu Jinye.

In short, Fu Jinye's appearance gave her a great sense of security.

Xia Zhi opened the door.

Fu Jinye asked with concern, "Are you okay?"

The next second, Xia Zhi fell directly into his arms.

The tears couldn't stop flowing out anymore.In front of Xia Ran, she must be strong and an invincible mother.

But in the face of such abuse, all the grievances in Xia Zhi's heart burst out the moment she saw Fu Jinye.

She cried very quietly.

Xu was thinking about Xia Ran in the room, who had been sobbing in Fu Jinye's arms.

Tears wet Fu Jinye's shirt.

Fu Jinye held the person in his arms painfully and comforted him, "Good boy, it's okay. I'm here."

"Yes." Xia Zhi threw herself into Fu Jinye's arms. At this moment, she just wanted to cry out all the grievances she had suffered over the years.

When the police arrived, they saw the two of them hugging each other at the door, extremely intimate.

Who just called the police?

Why call the police?

The policeman stayed there for a long time, but finally stepped forward and asked, "Who called the police?"

Hearing other people's voices, Xia Zhi quickly withdrew from Fu Jinye's arms.

She wiped away her tears and looked at the police with some embarrassment.

Xia Zhi raised her hand, "I called the police.

Just now, some strangers suddenly appeared at my door and cursed me with some unpleasant words. "

Fu Jinye stood behind Xia Zhi and added, "Three women and one man, they look young. There is surveillance in the elevator. You can investigate and collect evidence.

In addition, the writing on the wall was also left by them. "

After Fu Jinye's reminder, Xia Zhi discovered that there were actually words on the wall.

The words were in red, probably made of paint, and contained unflattering words such as "bitch" and "bitch."

After learning the ins and outs of the matter, the police said, "Okay, we will investigate this matter and will notify you as soon as we find anything.

Also, it would be best to change places to live in the near future.

After all, you are also considered public figures, so be careful to protect yourselves. "

The police were gently reminding them that the security level of the community was average and it was easy for people to take advantage of them.

"Okay, thank you." Xia Zhi thanked her politely.

After sending the police away.

Xia Zhi glanced at Fu Jinye.

The atmosphere between the two was a bit awkward.

Thinking of the scene where she cried bitterly in Fu Jinye's arms just now, Xia Zhi's cheeks burned a little.

In fact, she is not so worthless.

"Why are you here?" Xia Zhi asked weakly, "Come in and sit down."

Fu Jinye nodded and led Xia Zhi to the room.

Xia Zhi's home is not luxurious, and there is no comparison with the place where he lives.

But Fu Jinye likes it here very much.

Because it's very cozy here.

Especially because this is her home.

At the beginning, his dream was to have a home with Xia Zhi.

Due to some strange combination of circumstances, they have been separated for so many years.

Now, he will never let Xia Zhi leave him again.

Today, if he hadn't arranged for someone to guard Xia Zhi's house in advance, he wouldn't have received the news so quickly and rushed over.

But he was still one step late after all.

Otherwise, it would be impossible for those people to appear in front of Xia Zhi.

"Xia Xia, live with me." Fu Jinye invited again.

This time, Xia Zhi did not refuse.

She nodded, "Okay, but we can't live in vain."

Fu Jinye smiled helplessly, his Xia Xia still had to draw a clear line with him.

He couldn't figure out what happened.

Why did Xia Xia suddenly break up?

Until now, why is she still rejecting herself?

Obviously, they all have a burning treasure.

(End of this chapter)

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