Chapter 113 Move

"Then just pay the rent." Fu Jinye said, "There are servants for cooking and cleaning the house, so you are not needed."

Xia Zhi nodded.

Although it hurt a little, this was the best way to reassure her.

"Where is Xia Ran?"

Xia Zhi said, "In the room."

Fu Jinye nodded, "Bring two changes of clothes and come with me now."

Xia Zhi felt a little sudden.

However, I think about what happened just now.
She doesn't plan to live here anymore.

Fortunately, the suitcase I brought with me when I was recording the show has not been packed yet, so I can just take it with me.

"Wait for me, I'll go talk to Ranbao." Xia Zhi said.

Fu Jinye nodded.

Xia Zhi walked into Ranbao's room.

The next moment, his face turned cold.

Fu Jinye called Tao Yuan, "How's it going?"

Tao Yuandao, "Don't worry, we are in an information society now, and surveillance is everywhere on the streets.

Those people obviously have little experience. I have given the police the information I have investigated, and I believe they will handle it properly. "

"Yeah." Fu Jinye nodded, "There's one more thing."

"What?" Tao Yuan was a little confused.

Fu Jinye said coldly, "Please help me post a statement on Weibo, saying that this matter will be pursued to the end."

Tao Yuan knew Fu Jinye's temper.

In particular, those people should never, never should have messed with the people Fu Jinye liked.

Tao Yuan could already imagine the uproar the statement would cause on the Internet.

But he also knew very well that no one could stop what Fu Jinye decided.

That's it.

Tao Yuan didn't even try to persuade him, he simply nodded and said, "Okay, I will handle this matter."

He asked again, "How is Xia Zhi doing over there? Are you frightened?"

Fu Jinye's heart ached when he thought of Xia Zhi crying in his arms.

"I'll take good care of her."

Tao Yuan said nothing more.

He was even thinking, would the next thing he would post be a statement about the public relationship between Fu Jinye and Xia Zhi?
When Xia Zhi came to Ranbao's room, he was sitting in front of the computer. On the screen was a string of codes that she couldn't understand.

Is Ranbao learning code by himself?


Seeing Xia Zhi, Xia Ran put down the mouse in his hand, trotted over to Xia Zhi, and hugged her legs tightly.

Xia Zhi thought he was scared, so she knelt down and held him in her arms, "Be good, honey, it's okay. Those people are gone."

"Yes." Xia Ran responded in a muffled voice, his dark eyes flashing with a depth that was not for his age.

He will not let go of anyone who bullies his mother! ! !
"Ranran, mother wants to discuss something with you."

"what's up?"

Xia Zhi took a deep breath and said, "Do you remember Uncle Fu Jinye?
How about we go to Uncle Fu's house and stay for a while? "

Fu Jinye.

Thinking of that man, Xia Ran's eyes showed guard.

He looked at Xia Zhi and asked, "Mom, do we want to stay at his house forever?"

"Of course not." Xia Zhi denied, "After this period of time, when the popularity between the two of us subsides and no one pays attention to us online, we will leave Uncle Fu's house."

Xia Ran was still a little insecure and asked again, "Will mom marry him?"

Xia Ran's words directly confused Xia Zhiwen.


How can it be!

Xia Zhi subconsciously denied it, "No, mom and Uncle Fu are no longer in the same world and will not get married."

After hearing her mother's assurance, Xia Ran felt a little relieved.

Don't worry, don't worry, you still need to take precautions.

His mother belongs to him alone, no one can take it away from her!

Xia Zhi didn't quite understand.

Ranbao and Fu Jinye are obviously father and son.

But why are the two of them so unwilling to deal with each other?
When moving the suitcase, Fu Jinye took the initiative to help Xia Zhi carry it, but did not look at Xia Ran.

The same goes for Ranbao, who never looked at Fu Jinye seriously.The two seemed like natural enemies.

In the car, Xia Zhi opened the window.

The breeze blew through her hair, and she looked at the scenery outside the car window.

An unprecedented anxiety swept through her heart.

From now on, she wants Fu Jinye to live together.

The mood is very complicated.

She let out a long sigh and braced herself.

No matter what awaits her in the future, she just needs to work hard to do well now.

As for other things, we will talk about them later.

Xia Zhi's cell phone buzzed several times.

Only then did she remember that she had been so busy packing her things that she had forgotten to reply to Rong Yun.

When I turn on my phone, countless messages flood in.

Not only Rong Yun, but also Shen Jiangqi, Ye Qi, Yuan Dong and others.

The people who sent the messages were all friends who were relatively close to Xia Zhi.

Naturally, the most information was from Rong Yun.

Xia Zhi took a look and saw that there were dozens of them.

Basically, they asked her how she was doing and whether she was hurt.

[Xia Zhi: Don’t worry, I’m fine. 】

As soon as he finished replying to the message, Rong Yun's call came in.

Xia Zhi answered.

The next second, her voice came from the other end of the phone, "Xia Xia, are you okay?

Who are those people?

Called the police?

What did the police say?
Have you caught those people?
What are you going to do now?
How about staying in a hotel for two days?

If you really can't, come to my place. The apartment I rent happens to have a vacant room, which is enough for you and Ranbao. "

Hearing Rong Yun's concerned words, a smile appeared on Xia Zhi's lips.

She said softly, "Don't worry, everything is going well on my end.

After hanging up the phone just now, I called the police directly.

I have already found a place to live, and I won’t be going home for the time being. "

"Well, that's good." Rong Yun felt relieved.

Immediately, she realized something was wrong, "Where do you want to live?
Could it be Shen Jiangqi's family?

His house is okay, I feel relieved if you can live in it. "

Xia Zhi was a little embarrassed and secretly glanced at Fu Jinye who was driving.

Seeing that he was driving intently and not focusing on himself, he relaxed a little.

She whispered, "It's not him."

Rong Yun was not aware of her friend's embarrassing situation at the moment.

He guessed again, "If it's not Shen Jiangqi, it shouldn't be."

Xia Zhi thought Rong Yun would guess Fu Jinye's name.

Afraid of Rong Yun talking nonsense.

Her heart rose to her throat.

Rong Yun spoke slowly, "Could it be Yuan Dong?!"

Hearing this name, Xia Zhi was stunned for a moment and quickly denied it, "It's not him.

I won’t tell you anymore, I still have something to be busy with. "

"Hey, don't hang up." Rong Yun was very curious, "Who is it?"

Xia Zhi hung up the phone and looked at Fu Jinye again.

He probably didn't hear it.

In fact, she didn't understand why she was afraid that Fu Jinye would hear the conversation between her and Rong Yun. ,

Xia Zhi finally found a very reasonable reason for herself.

She will live with Fu Jinye soon, and Fu Jinye will be her landlord from now on.

Is it okay to bring up other landlords in front of my current landlord?

Of course not!

Xia Zhi, who was immersed in her own thoughts, did not notice at all that Fu Jinye was holding the steering wheel tightly and the veins in his arms were bulging, as if he was enduring something.

(End of this chapter)

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