Chapter 115 One thousand divided by four
The butler nodded, "Yes."

Immediately, he gave an explanation, "The young master is not young anymore and should have his own private space. But your two rooms are not far apart. If Miss Xia misses the young master, she can come directly to the young master's room." "

It's not that far away, but it's actually a few rooms away.

Xia Zhi's room is next to the master bedroom.

Opening the door, Xia Zhi smelled a faint floral fragrance.

Her bedroom has a small balcony filled with green plants and various flowers.

At the same time, there is a small casual table.

In the evening, it was quite enjoyable to sit on the small balcony, drink coffee and enjoy the beautiful view of the garden.

The bed was so big that Xia Zhi had no problem lying on it and rolling over.

The decoration style is completely according to her preferences.

She would never get tired of staying in a room like this for the rest of her life!

In addition, there is something like a secret door on the side wall opposite the bed.

Xia Zhi was a little confused, "What is that?"

The housekeeper explained, "That's the cloakroom over there. Since I was in a hurry, I didn't have time to make preparations, so I only added some daily wear. Miss Xia will see if there is anything else you need, and I'll have someone else arrange it."

Under the leadership of the housekeeper, Xia Zhi came to the cloakroom.

It was said to be a cloakroom, but the space inside was almost as large as her previous bedroom.

Sure enough, the life of the rich is so "ordinary".

The housekeeper said that he only added some clothes, but Xia Zhi saw that half of the cloakroom was filled.

Moreover, these clothes are all in her size.

Not only that, but bags and shoes are also available.

Who can read it without being confused?
These things alone are probably enough for her to buy ten houses.

Xia Zhi suddenly felt a little cautious, "Uncle He, I think this room is already very good and no other arrangements are needed."

The butler smiled and said nothing.

Xia Zhi felt flattered.

The housekeeper said, "Miss Xia, there is no need to feel burdened. You are the young master's friend, and naturally you are also our distinguished guest.

As long as you and the young master enjoy living here, it is our greatest affirmation. "

"Pleasure, pleasure." Xia Zhi nodded.

She suddenly understood what Grandma Liu was thinking when she first entered the Grand View Garden.

Seeing this, who can not be confused? !
"Xia Xia, are you there?"

Ye Qi's voice came from outside.

Xia Zhi exited the cloakroom and saw Ye Qi already standing at the door of the bedroom.

Her eyes were scanning the room.

Seeing Xia Zhi, she couldn't help but raise her eyebrows, "Imano is kind to you."

Xia Zhi smiled and said nothing.

More than good.

Even if she were sold, she wouldn't be able to pay back these things.

"I didn't expect that a straight man like him could design such a cozy bedroom." Ye Qi spoke again.

Xia Zhi was a little surprised, "Are these all designed by Fu Jinye?"

The housekeeper nodded, "Yes, these are the young master's thoughts.

The young master hopes that Miss Xia can live peacefully at home. "

There was one more thing Ye Qi didn't say.

Looking at the room, it was obvious that it had been prepared.

At that time, Xia Zhike had not yet agreed to move in.

Fu Jinye, this scheming fox!
Ye Heng emerged from behind Ye Qi, pouted and looked at Xia Zhi, "Aunt Xia, where is Xia Ran?"

Xia Zhi said, "Ruanran is in his room, I will take you there."

When she was about to leave, the housekeeper stepped forward and said, "Miss Xia, please talk to Miss Ye. I will take Master Ye Heng there."

"Excuse me, Uncle He." Xia Zhi said politely.After seeing Uncle He off, Ye Qi pulled Xia Zhi to sit down.

“What’s going on online?”

Xia Zhi was confused. She looked at Ye Qi doubtfully, "What online?"

"You do not know?"

With that said, Ye Qi turned on his mobile phone and logged into his Weibo account.

The top-searched term is #this summerCP#
Immediately afterwards is #Fujinyespeak for Xia Zhi#
Keep reading, there is #Fujinye and Xia Zhiyin getting married and having children#
#Fujinyestands out for love#
#福金野appears at Xia Zhi’s house#
#夏耀What is the magic power#
All in all, it was still a hotly searched day.

She clicked on an entry at random.

At the top of the list is a statement posted by Fu Jinye on Weibo.

The general meaning is that Xia Zhi was harassed by fans when she went home, and the police have been called.I hope fans can be more sensible and stop doing things that harm others and themselves.

Later, someone uncovered another photo of Fu Jinye going to Xia Zhi's house.

All in all, most people on the Internet now think that Fu Jinye and Xia Zhi are together.

Things were already messy enough, but Song Xin insisted on stepping in.

Shortly after Fu Jinye posted the post, she immediately retweeted it and wrote: Our Konye family is kind-hearted and cannot bear to see others suffer. If anything happens in the future, come directly to me instead of looking for irrelevant people.

The implication is that she is Fu Jinye's first wife.

No one else deserves it.

For a while, the Internet was extremely lively.

Ye Qi couldn't help but said, "Xia Xia, you are amazing."

Xia Zhi didn't understand what she said.

Ye Qi smiled and said, "Fu Jinye has fallen off the altar because of love.

You have to know that he had almost no scandals before.

Although there are a lot of hot searches, most of them are related to work.

Since he met you, he is now a frequent visitor on trending searches. "

Xia Zhi smiled a little reluctantly and said angrily, "Sister Qi, please stop teasing me.

I was so guilty that I didn't know what to do now. "

"What are you feeling guilty about?" Ye Qi patted Xia Zhi on the shoulder, "What Fu Jinye wants is not your guilt."

He wants your love, fool.

Ye Qi did not say the last sentence.

Don't Xia Zhi understand?

Maybe she understands.

There was just a huge gap between the two of them.

If you want two people to cross over, it may take time.

the other side.

Ye Heng came to Xia Ran's room.

At this time, Xia Ran was sitting in front of the computer, with a string of codes on the screen.

Seeing this, Ye Heng exclaimed, "Xia Ran, is there a virus in your computer?"

"No." Xia Ran said lightly, "What are you here for?"

His tone could be described as extremely disgusting.

Not to be outdone, Ye Heng snorted, "I'm here to see Uncle Fu and Aunt Xia. I want to see what you are doing!"

"Oh." Xia Ran responded coldly, focusing on the computer and not paying attention to Ye Heng.

Ye Heng walked to the table, looked at a string of symbols that he couldn't understand, and thought to himself: Xia Ran must be a tough talker!Even though his computer was infected with a virus, he still pretended that nothing happened!

Forget it, considering that he was his brother, he decided to forgive Xia Ran.

Hehe, I didn’t expect Xia Ran to be omnipotent!

Ye Heng patted Xia Ran on the shoulder familiarly, "If you have anything to do, tell me. If I have money, I can find someone to help you solve it."

Xia Ran: One thousand divided by four.

(End of this chapter)

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