Chapter 116 It turns out you are such a burning treasure

Seeing that Xia Ran ignored him, Ye Heng moved a stool and sat next to Xia Ran, holding his chin and watching Xia Ran's operations.

He was very skilled at typing the keyboard, as if he had learned to do it.

Ye Heng discovered that Xia Ranhui had many things.

No, he absolutely cannot lose to Xia Ran.

After he returns home, he will also sign up for a cram school to learn how to use computers coolly.

Soon, the code on the computer disappeared.

Then what appeared on the screen turned out to be a video screen.

Ye Heng didn't know what kind of video this was.

It can only be seen that the video seems to be filming the corridor.

"Xia Ran, what is this?" Ye Heng asked Xia Ran.

Xia Ran glanced at him and said calmly, "Surveillance video."

"Is it from your home?"

Xia Ran nodded, "Yeah."

The video automatically locked the information of four people.

Then their information will appear on the right side of the computer.

Xia Ran was thoughtful, and then he looked at Ye Heng.

"You said you have money?"

Ye Heng blinked, "Yes, my mother gives me pocket money every month, and I only spend a little~"

"Can you lend it to me?"

Afraid that Ye Heng would not agree, Xia Ran added, "I will pay you back when I make money in the future."

"If it doesn't work out, I can help you beat someone up and pay back the money."

Beat someone up?

Brother Xia Ran looks so scary.

Was he so violent?
Ye Hengqiang braced his back and said harshly, "When Xiao Heng bullies others, I don't need to beat them up!"

He is great!
"Oh." Xia Ran responded, "Then what do you want?
Lend me money and I will fulfill your request. "

Ye Heng thought for a long time, but he really didn't expect what Xia Ran would do.

A thought suddenly appeared in his mind and he tentatively said, "How about you call me brother from now on.

I'll give you all my pocket money! "

"Okay." Xia Ran nodded in agreement.

Ye Heng didn't expect that he would agree so quickly and was a little confused.

As a young man, he didn't know how to describe this feeling.

It's the kind of person who thinks he made an excessive request, but the other party readily agreed.

It's obvious that my request has been met, but I just can't be happy!

Xia Ran added, "However, there is a condition."

Ye Heng looked at him blankly, "What are the conditions?"

"Stay away from my mother." Xia Ran said, "Xia Ran doesn't like sharing her mother."

Ye Heng didn't understand his thoughts and asked, "Why should I compete with you for my mother?"

"Well, that's okay." Xia Ran said.

After confirming the conditions, Xia Ran said unambiguously, "Brother."

"Hey!" Ye Heng nodded happily, smiling like an idiot.


What bad thoughts can a five-year-old have?

He just wants to be the big brother.

Xia Ran stretched out his little hand and said, "Money."

Ye Heng ran out to find Ye Qi without thinking.

Ye Qi and Xia Zhi were chatting in the room.

Ye Heng suddenly ran in and said to Ye Qi, "Mom, Xiao Heng's bank card!"

Ye Qi looked at his son in confusion, "What do you want with that?"

"For brother Xia Ran." Ye Heng said matter-of-factly.

Ye Qi thought he wanted to show off his card to Xia Ran, so he didn't think much about it and took out the bank card from his wallet and handed it to Ye Heng.

"Be careful, don't lose it."

"it is good!"

Ye Heng quickly ran back to the room.Xia Zhi and Ye Qi were left dumbfounded.

"Unexpectedly, after the recording of the show, their relationship got better and better." Ye Qi couldn't help but speak.

Xia Zhi felt the same way, "Children of their age are at the time when they are playful. With Xiao Heng by his side, Ranbao should be much more cheerful."

"That's what I want to say." Ye Qi said, "With Ranbao by our side, our Xiao Heng will definitely be much calmer."

As everyone knows, the chemical reaction between these two people is greater than they imagined.

Ye Heng ran back to Xia Ran's room and put his bank card on Xia Ran's table, "Here is all Xiao Heng's pocket money. You should save some."

Xia Ran nodded, "What's the password?"

Ye Heng thought for a moment and said, "The password is Xiao Heng and his mother's birthday, 100209."

Xia Ran checked the balance and found that it was more than 40.

"Is it enough?" Ye Heng looked at him eagerly.

He has no idea about money.

I don’t know how much brother Xia Ran needs.

Xia Ran nodded, "That's enough."

Absolutely enough.

In fact, tens of thousands of dollars is enough.

After transferring [-] yuan, Xia Ran returned the bank card to Ye Heng, "I will pay you back double the amount in the future."

"No need." Ye Heng said grandly, "Xiao Heng is the elder brother, and the elder brother should protect the younger brother."

Xia Ran pursed her lips and rarely refuted.

Take the fact that people have short hands and you don't need to teach them how to do it.

Until Fu Jinye came to ask a few people to eat.

Two adults and two children came out of the room.

As soon as I reached the stairs, I smelled the aroma coming from the restaurant.

Arriving at the dining table, Xia Zhi finally saw the "big meal" prepared by Ye Qi.

All kinds of seafood, such as abalone, Olong and some that she couldn't name, were worth a lot of money at a glance.

Ye Qi said grandly, "Eat whatever you want, I'm treating you today."

She had been preparing to buy these during the barbecue on the island.

Unfortunately, the funds provided by the program team at that time were limited.

So I can only buy a little bit.

Now, you can eat as much as you want.

"Brother Xia Ran, this is wagyu. Xiao Heng likes it. You should try it too."

After saying that, Ye Heng put a piece of Wagyu beef into Xia Ran's bowl.

Xia Zhi was a little worried, afraid that Ranbao wouldn't give him face.

Just as he was about to say something, Ranbao ate the food Ye Heng put in one bite and thanked him, "Thank you."

Xia Zhi was a little surprised.

Ye Qi and Fu Jinye were also shocked.

How long has it been since then, and the relationship between the two little guys has already been so good?

After eating, Xia Ran and Ye Heng left the table first.

The three adults were left chatting and eating.

"Xia Xia, what do you think my son did to your son?" Ye Qi looked at Xia Zhi with interest, "You know your son well, what will he be bribed by?"

Xia Zhi felt that she didn't seem to understand Ranbao that well.

She thought for a while and said, "Sincerity?
It can’t be money anyway. "

"It's definitely impossible." Ye Qi said, "They are only a few years old, so they probably only know that money can buy delicious food, and they don't have much idea."

the other side.

Xia Ran transferred part of the money to another account and left a message to the account owner.

After doing all this, he closed the chat dialog box and the chat content was deleted.

Ye Heng sat boredly on the carpet and played with car toys.

Xia Ran is preparing to do her homework.

"Brother Xia Ran, what are you writing?" Ye Heng had enough fun and came to Xia Ran's side.

Xia Ran closed the homework book and showed him the cover, "Do you want to write?
I still have a bunch of them in my bag. "

Seeing the word "Olympic Mathematics", Ye Heng immediately backed away.

He shook his head quickly, "No, no, I don't like homework. Brother Xia Ran, you can do it yourself."

(End of this chapter)

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