Chapter 117 The scheming Xia Ran

After dinner.

Ye Qi and Xia Zhi sat together again. They sat on the sofa and chatted while watching variety shows.

Very pleasant to get along with.

Fu Jinye answered the phone, got up and went to the study.

After the housekeeper took care of his affairs, he also came to the study.

"Master, we have found out the family situation of those people." The housekeeper said, "However, during our investigation, we found that someone was also investigating the families of those people."

Fu Jinye narrowed his eyes slightly and said in a cold voice, "Who?"

The housekeeper hesitated for a moment and said uncertainly, "It seems to be the young master."

Summer burning?

Hearing this name, Fu Jinye's frown relaxed.

He thought it was Xia Zhi's rotten peach blossom.

"What did he do?" Fu Jinye crossed his legs with a calm expression.

The housekeeper said, "The young master found out the home addresses of those people, and then spent money online to find people to paint graffiti on their doorsteps."

A tit-for-tat tactic.

A smile appeared on Fu Jinye's lips, "He is indeed a child."

The housekeeper's mouth twitched. Who would hire someone to do such a thing for a five-year-old?
"Where did he get the money?" Fu Jinye was a little confused.

Soon, he reacted.

Combined with the changes of Xia Ran and Ye Heng at the dinner table.

It’s obvious where the money came from.

The steward asked, "Do we need to investigate?"

"No need." Fu Jinye shook his head, "Put 10 yuan into Xiao Heng's card. Don't let Ye Qi know about it."

After thinking for a moment, Fu Jinye added: "Don't tell Xia Zhi about this first."

Xia Zhi must not have known that her son was so capable.

She is timid and may be scared if she finds out about this.

Fu Jinye feels that boys should be cultivated to be responsible from an early age.

It can only be said that Xia Ran deserves to be his son.

It's just that he is still young and his mind has not yet fully matured.

It is inevitable that there will be mistakes in doing things, and he needs to handle the funeral affairs.

"Whatever the young master wants to do, try to help him complete it."

The butler nodded, "Yes, Master."

But I couldn't help but sigh in my heart, they are indeed a father and son.

Not only do they look alike, but their behavior is also so similar.

If Madam knew about this, she would definitely
Seeing that Fu Jinye wanted to deal with something, the housekeeper silently left the study.

Around nine in the evening.

Ye Qi looked at the time and prepared to go home.

Xiao Heng and Xia Ran have become "good" friends.

The adults were very pleased to see the two of them getting along well.

"Xiao Heng, let's go." Ye Qi took Ye Heng's hand and said, "Say goodbye to auntie."

Xiao Heng waved to Xia Zhi obediently, "Goodbye, aunt."

Immediately, he looked at Xia Ran again and said, "Goodbye, brother Xia Ran."

Xia Ran pursed her lips and responded coolly, "Well, goodbye."

Send away Ye Qi's mother and son.

Xia Zhi found Xia Ran and said, "Ran Bao, mom is very happy that you and Xiao Heng can become friends."

Xia Ran originally wanted to refute.

But seeing her mother so happy, she held back the words she spoke.

In fact, they are not friends.

Forget it, mom said yes.

He still owed Ye Heng money.

Until you pay it back, treat him as a friend for the time being.

Anyway, he promised not to compete with him for his mother.

"Mom, let's sleep together tonight." Xia Ran looked at Xia Zhi expectantly.

Xia Zhi nodded, "Okay."

Children will inevitably have difficulty adapting to a new place.

Even if Ranbao hadn't mentioned it, Xia Zhi would have mentioned it. "Yeah." Xia Ran was very happy.

Even the displeasure of coming to live at Fu Jinye's house with some money dissipated.

When Fu Jinye came out of the study, Xia Zhi was walking out of the room wearing pajamas and holding a quilt.

Seeing her like this, Fu Jinye instantly understood what she was going to do.

"Xia Ran is five years old." Fu Jinye said calmly.

Xia Zhi nodded, "Yes, I know."

Seeing that Xia Zhi didn't understand what he meant, Fu Jinye pointed it out directly, "So, he can sleep by himself."


Before Xia Zhi could refute, Ranbao's voice came from underneath her.

Xia Ran stared at Fu Jinye with his black eyes, a look of hostility on his face.

Fu Jinye didn't feel any embarrassment about being caught, he put his hands in his pockets and glanced at him, "When I was five years old, I was already completely independent.

Parents don't need to worry at all. "

"You are so awesome." Xia Ran responded with a deadpan expression. He leaned close to Xia Zhi and said with a milky voice, "But Ranran needs her mother."

good boy!
As expected of his species.

It is impossible to provoke a general.

Xia Zhi held the quilt in her arms at an angle and looked at Fu Jinye with her facial features exposed. "I'm afraid Ranbao won't be able to sleep when he comes to a strange place, so I'll sleep with him tonight."

Fu Jinye frowned slightly, "You should train his independence.

Only in this way can he survive in society better in the future.

This society is very cruel.

Education should start from an early age. "

Xia Zhi was speechless.

Fu Jinye's words are not unreasonable.

It’s just that Ranran is still a child in their family!
Seeing Xia Zhi's shocked expression, Fu Jinye knew that she didn't take his words to heart.

Fu Jinye sighed softly, "Xia Zhi, a loving mother often loses her sons."

Xia Ran's face immediately darkened.

The badass.

Having said all that, isn’t it because he doesn’t want his mother to sleep with him?

"Mom, Ran Ran is afraid." Xia Ran's voice was coquettish and milky, and the hearts of those who heard it were broken.

Xia Zhi instantly focused all her attention on her son, "Don't be afraid, mom will stay with you tonight."

"Well, mom, don't leave Ranran.

Ranran doesn't want to be alone. "

Xia Zhi quickly comforted Ranbao, "Don't worry Ranbao, my mother will never abandon Ranbao."

After saying that, she looked at Fu Jinye again, "I'm sorry, Ranran has lived with me since childhood and is quite attached to me.

I'm going to pack my things first.

You go to bed early, good night. "

Good night.

Xia Zhi hugged the quilt and walked towards Xia Zhi's room.

Only two backgrounds are left for Fu Jinye, one big and one small.

Suddenly, Xia Ran turned his head, and his dark eyes fell on him, full of provocation.

Those talking eyes seem to be saying: Mom is mine, you can’t take it away.

Fu Jinye murmured, "Smelly boy."


Who knows that in Xia Zhi's heart, her son is more important than him.

Fu Jinye watched the two people walk into Xia Ran's room, then turned and returned to his own room.

The decoration style of his room is completely different from that of Xia Zhi and Xia Ran's rooms.

Simple and deserted.

Fu Jinye, who originally liked this style, was sitting in the bedroom, but felt unprecedentedly lonely.

People are always greedy.

He had already abducted Xia Zhi back home, but he wanted to go one step further.

Fu Jinye looked at his empty room and sighed softly.

He thought silently in his heart: It's coming soon, it's coming soon.

(End of this chapter)

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