Chapter 118 Two father and son facing each other
After making the bed.

Xia Zhi and Ranbao were lying on the bed.

The beds Fu Jinye chose for both of them were very large.

Even if two quilts are spread out at the same time, it doesn't look crowded at all.

After washing, Xia Ran turned sideways obediently and kept staring at Xia Zhi.

Xia Zhi stroked his hair gently, "What's wrong?"

Xia Ran asked curiously, "Mom, when will we leave?"

"Let's wait for a while." Xia Zhi said, "Let's leave here when our heat subsides."

"Ranbao is homesick?"


Xia Ran nodded, "Ruan Ran wants to live with her mother."

Xia Zhi said softly, "We are living together now."

"But there is someone else." Xia Ran pursed his lips and looked unhappy.

He just wants to be with his mother.

Don't want others to join.

Thinking of Ranbao's attitude towards Fu Jinye, Xia Zhi asked curiously, "Ranran, why don't you like Uncle Fu?"

"Actually, Uncle Fu is a very nice person."

"Now that you have become good friends with Xiao Heng, can you treat Uncle Fu a little better in the future?"

After all, Fu Jinye is Xia Ran's biological father. After all, she doesn't want to see the relationship between the two father and son become tense.

Xia Ran's eyes darkened a bit.

Before Xia Zhi noticed it, he hid his emotions and said aggrievedly, "Ruanran doesn't dislike that person.

Ranran is just afraid that her mother will not want Ranran. "

Xia Zhi looked at her son without knowing why.

She just found out today.

It turns out that my son is so insecure.

Xia Zhi held him in her arms and patted his back gently, "You are my favorite baby.

How can there be a mother in the world who doesn’t want a child?

Mom will never want you. "

"Yes." Xia Ran nuzzled into Xia Zhi's arms, "Ranran will always be with her mother."

After Xia Ran's gag, Xia Zhi successfully forgot about reconciling the relationship between Fu Jinye and Xia Ran. '

Before going to bed, when she remembered, Ranbao had already fallen asleep in her arms.

Looking at her son's sleeping face, Xia Zhi sighed softly.

Forget it, let's talk about it later.

The next morning.

Xia Ran opened her eyes early and saw her mother's face, with a bright smile on her lips.

He kissed Xia Zhi on the cheek, then tiptoed out of bed, changed clothes, and washed up.

After doing all this, Xia Ran came downstairs.

in the living room.

Fu Jinye is reading the morning newspaper.

In the kitchen, the servants were busy.

The rice is fragrant.

Xia Ran happily went downstairs to prepare breakfast for his mother. When he saw Fu Jinye, the corners of his mouth immediately dropped.

Why is he here?
Hearing the noise, Fu Jinye put down the newspaper in his hand.

What caught his eye was Xia Ran's displeased face.

Fu Jinye said calmly, "This is my home."

It's normal to see him in his home.

Xia Ran turned around and prepared to go upstairs.

Fu Jinye spoke again, "Let's talk?"

Xia Ran cursed, what was there to talk about between them?

Fu Jinye's voice came from behind again, "Otherwise, I wouldn't mind recommending some interest classes to Xia Zhi. I think she would be very interested in letting you participate."

Attending interest classes = time consuming.

Spending time = no time to spend with mom.

No time to spend with mom = bad guys take advantage.

Bad guys take advantage of the situation = mother will be snatched away.

Therefore, he cannot participate in interest classes!

Xia Ran turned around reluctantly, walked to the sofa, and chose the seat farthest away from Fu Jinye to sit down.

Fu Jinye's lips curled up slightly: You're a little too young to fight with me.

"What are you talking about?" Xia Ran asked coolly. "Xia Zhi." Fu Jinye said, "And your father."

The two almost share the same face.

There is always an indescribable weirdness when talking.

In addition, Ranbao is only five years old now.

The little one was sitting on the sofa, trying hard to look serious.

But it still gives people a very cute feeling.

Xia Ran frowned when he heard "father".

"Ranran doesn't need a father." Xia Ran said directly, denying the existence of his father.

Fu Jinye raised his eyebrows, "But your father needs your mother very much.

Likewise, your mother needs your father very much. "

"No." Xia Ran denied directly, "Mom doesn't need it!"

Fu Jinye analyzed it unhurriedly, "Take this harassment incident as an example, what can you do at the age of five?
It's not like your mother has to bear all the burden in the end.

If there is a man in the family, he can not only protect you, but also protect your mother. "

"Then I choose Uncle Shen." Xia Ran stared at Fu Jinye.

I have to say that he knows how to make Fu Jinye angry.

Fu Jinye narrowed his eyes, "Do you know who I am?"

"I don't know." Xia Ran pretended to be stupid, "It's impossible to be my father anyway."

He won't let others snatch his mother away.

I mentioned Uncle Shen just now just to make him angry.

Xia Ran continued to open his mouth and said, "Uncle Yuan can do it too."

"Do you think this will make me angry?" Fu Jinye said coldly.

The newspaper in his hand was wrinkled, but he still looked calm.

He gave Xia Ran an ultimatum to express his attitude, "I will not give up on Xia Zhi.

So, you'd better be prepared to accept me in advance.

Otherwise, I don't mind sending you abroad for further study. "


He is not with his mother yet, so he wants to separate them from her.

If they really got married, wouldn't this person occupy his mother every day?

Hum, as long as he stays with his mother for a day, he will never allow anyone to take her away from her!
There was smoke between the two.

Each has a ghost in his heart.

Xia Zhi walked downstairs with a yawn.

The two people's expressions suddenly changed, as if they were performing magic tricks.

They were at war with each other at first, but after seeing Xia Zhi, they all looked harmless.


Xia Zhi, who was still a little confused, felt inexplicably nervous when she saw the similar faces of Fu Jinye and Ranbao, one big and one small, staring at her.

She suddenly realized one thing.

Something she had ignored for a long time.

Fu Jinye is not stupid.

Ranbao was so similar to him, there was no way he wouldn't notice it.

So, he wouldn't have secretly done a paternity test with Ranbao behind his back, right?

Thinking of this possibility, Xia Zhi's final sleepiness disappeared instantly.

What would happen if Fu Jinye knew that Ranbao was his son?
Will he compete with her for his son?

During the meal, Xia Zhi ate something that didn't taste good.

She had to find a way to solve this matter as soon as possible.

Fu Jinye must not be allowed to know that Ranbao is his child!
Perhaps, Yuan Dong can help her solve this problem.

Xia Zhi had already made a decision and would go find Yuan Dong after dinner.

"Is there anything you want to do in the morning?" Fu Jinye asked suddenly, "I will have an event later, do you want to go with me?"

Xia Ran glanced at him and said the same, "Mom, can we build Lego together at home this morning?"

Faced with the invitations from the two of them, Xia Zhi refused one after another, "I'm not free."

"What are you going to do?"

"Where is mom going?"

One person and one person spoke at the same time.

Xia Zhi silently thought that these two people had a tacit understanding.

"I'm going to meet a friend." Xia Zhi said, making arrangements for the two of them clearly. "Fu Jinye, you work hard; Ranbao, you stay at home. You are not allowed to go out alone. Do you understand?"

(End of this chapter)

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