Chapter 119
Xia Ran and Fu Jinye looked at each other.

Fu Jinye spoke first, "Well, pay attention to safety on the road."

Xia Ran also spoke, "Mom, Ranran will miss you."

Looking at the two of them, Xia Zhi's lips curved into a smile.

In order to prevent being recognized by fans again, Xia Zhi deliberately picked a different style of clothes from her usual wardrobe.

Dressed in colorful clothes, she immediately found sunglasses and put them on.

Standing in the crowd, you will not look different, and you can hide yourself well.

Yuan Dong's car was parked near Fu Jinye's villa.

From a distance, Yuan Dong saw a beautiful woman walking towards him.

The figure looks a bit like Xia Zhi's.

But the way he dresses is completely different.

Yuan Dong lowered the window and put one hand on the window sill, ready to say hello to the beauty.

However, Xia Zhi was one step ahead of him and said, "Yuan Dong."

Yuan Dong's expression immediately dropped.

"Xia Xia, how could it be you."

"I thought I saw a beautiful woman."

"I didn't expect it to be you."

"It seems like we are destined to be together."

Xia Zhi rolled her eyes, took off her sunglasses, and sat directly on the passenger seat.

After sitting down, she started to complain, "Don't you like boys?"

"That's wrong, I can do both beauties and handsome guys!" Yuan Dong said coquettishly, "How about giving it a try?"

"Eh." Xia Zhi looked disgusted, "If you keep acting like this, I'll get off the bus."

"Okay, okay, I won't tease you anymore." Yuan Dong said, "Fasten your seat belt and take you somewhere."

After fastening her seat belt, Xia Zhi glanced at Yuan Dong, "Where are you going?"

"My sisters' shop has opened, let's go and support it." Yuan Dong said.

Xia Zhi flinched a little, "But now I
You also know that I am in a special situation now. "

Yuan Dong expressed his understanding, "Don't worry, I heard there is an offline event nearby and many celebrities will go there, so no one will care about you."

Xia Zhi nodded, "That's good."

Seeing Xia Zhi's frightened look, Yuan Dong couldn't help but laugh out loud, "Everyone is trying their best to gain more limelight in front of the media. You're good. Do you really have no idea about the entertainment industry?"

"No." Xia Zhi shook her head, "Don't talk about it. In fact, I came to you today because I want to ask your help for something."

"Huh?" Yuan Dong was a little surprised, "Miss Xia also asked me for something. It's really strange."

Xia Zhi knew Yuan Dong's temper early on.

So even if she was scolded, she didn't have any temper at all. After all, she was asking for help from others.

Seeing that Xia Zhi ignored his thoughts, Yuan Dong felt that there was no point in continuing.

He coughed lightly and said seriously, "Tell me, what's the matter?"

Xia Zhi chuckled, "I remember you have a lot of friends."

Yuan Dong's eyes lit up, "Wuli Xiaxia, are you finally enlightened?

Miss a man!
Come on, come on, tell me what kind of man you like.

Innocent little puppy?A wild wolfdog?The Flower of the High Mountain seems pretty good too.”

Listening to Yuan Dong's thoughts, Xia Zhi knew that she had found the right person.

Yuan Dong has a wide range of friends and knows countless handsome men and beautiful women.

With him here, there will be no surprises!

Xia Zhi interrupted Yuan Dong and spoke of her request, "I only have one condition."

"Huh? Under what conditions?"

"I want to look like Fu Jinye."

The car suddenly stopped, and Xia Zhi swayed forward due to inertia.

Luckily she was wearing a seatbelt.

"Yuan Dong, you just learned your driver's license!" Xia Zhi couldn't help but speak.

Yuan Dong said apologetically, "Sorry, red light."

In fact, the most important thing is what Xia Zhi just said, which is really scary.

"Do you like the type of Fu Jinye?" Yuan Dong frowned, and soon he realized that something was wrong. "I don't believe that there are no sparks between you and Fu Jinye in the variety show.

Now that we have met the real owner, what else do we need to do as a substitute? "

It must be said that Yuan Dong understands substitute literature.

Speaking of which, many of the bloody novels Xia Zhi reads were actually introduced to her by Yuan Dong.

"Stop it, don't think about it, I'll tell you the truth." Xia Zhi interrupted Yuan Dong's thoughts and said truthfully, "Ranbao is my and Fu Jinye's child."

"Oh." Yuan Dong reacted lightly to this.

Xia Zhi was a little surprised, "Aren't you surprised?"

"I'm not surprised." Yuan Dong blinked innocently.

The red light time is over.

The car drives slowly.

Under Xia Zhi's surprised gaze, Yuan Dong gave an explanation, "As far as the similarity between Ranbao and Fu Jinye is concerned, most people can see it."

The corners of Xia Zhi's mouth twitched.


She was worried about this, so she couldn't wait to find a "father" for Ranbao.

"Speaking of which, what happened between you and Fu Jinye?" Yuan Dong was serious for a few seconds before he started gossiping again, "One-night stand?"

Xia Zhi: "No."



"I understand." Yuan Dong asked no more questions.

Judging from the current state of the two people, it must be a bitter and beautiful relationship.

"Last question." Yuan Dong suddenly spoke.

Xia Zhi looked at him, "What?"

"First love?"

Xia Zhi:.
A little speechless, but he guessed it right.

Without waiting for Xia Zhi's reply, Yuan Dong knew that he had guessed correctly by looking at her reaction.

First love.

The bond is deeper.

Xia Zhi said bravely, "So, can you help me find a man who looks similar to Fu Jinye?"

"Yes, yes." Yuan Dong thought for a moment.

Fu Jinye's face is quite popular in the industry.

Many people use his face as a template when they undergo plastic surgery.

He also knows a few who are purely natural.

However, Yuan Dong's eyes fell on Xia Zhi, "What are you looking for?"

Xia Zhi told her plan, "I want him to pretend to be Ranran's father, so Fu Jinye won't be suspicious."

Yuan Dong frowned, with a look of disbelief on his face, "Are you sure this method will work?"

Who is Fu Jinye?

How could he be fooled by such a trick.

What's more, won't he take a paternity test?

"Probably not." Xia Zhi hesitated, "But even if I can't stop Fu Jinye, I can still stop everyone else."

Now, it is not only Fu Jinye who believes that Fu Jinye and Xia Ran are father and son, but also some netizens.

Anyone who has seen Ranbao and Fu Jinye will subconsciously feel that the two have a father-son relationship.

"You want to stay away from Fu Jinye?"

Yuan Dong hit the nail on the head.

Xia Zhi did these things with only one purpose - to stay away from Fu Jinye.

Xia Zhi nodded, "I knew I couldn't hide it from you."

Yuan Dong was a little surprised. What happened between these two people? How did his first love finally come to this point?

Seeing that Xia Zhi was in a low mood, Yuan Dong was sensible and didn't ask any more questions.

He looked at Xia Zhi with firm eyes and said seriously, "Xia Xia, don't worry, I will help you."

(End of this chapter)

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