Chapter 120 Fortunately, I miss you silently
"I currently have several suitable candidates here. How about I call them out and you select them yourself?"

Yuan Dong spoke with interest.

Judging from his reaction, Xia Zhi felt as if she was choosing a harem.

I have to say that having such a friend to accompany you is either unreliable or reliable.

Xia Zhi cooperated half-jokingly. "Okay, then I will make a good choice then."

Yuan Dong parked his car in front of a store.

This store doesn't look like much from the outside, but when you walk in, you realize that it's something special inside.

The elegant decoration makes you feel like you are in an ancient garden.

Not only that, there are many plants indoors and the air smells very good.

"The environment here is really nice." Xia Zhi couldn't help but sigh.

Yuan Dong said, "If you like it, I'll ask my sisters to give you a membership card. Come over when you have time."

Xia Zhi shook her head, "Let's forget it."

She didn't have much time.

After recording the show, when the fans' enthusiasm for her subsides, she will continue to work.

God's chosen workers are not worthy of having fun.

"By the way, how did you meet the sisters?"

As soon as Xia Zhi finished asking, a man with long hair and a neutral appearance came to the two of them.

From a distance, his facial features are somewhat similar to Fu Jinye's.

But the two people are completely different types.

That slight similarity may be due to first glance.

When the man came closer, Xia Zhi could not find any sign of Fu Jinye on him.

This person is thin, tall and thin, and his hair style is long for boys and medium-length for girls at best.

The loose black shirt on his body seemed to add a layer of melancholy to him.

Lazy and melancholy, with a hint of sadness in his eyes when he looks at you.

One look at it gives people a sense of story.

Such a person is more suitable to be an independent musician or artist.

"Yuan Dong, why are you here?" The man took the initiative to greet Yuan Dong.

It's a man.

Yuan Dong crossed his arms and said, "I'm going to pick up my sisters."

The man looked at Xia Zhi with surprise in his eyes, "Hello, I am Yuan Dong's friend Yin Xu.

The Yin of the Yin and Shang Dynasties is lifelike. "

Not only is the person good-looking, but his name is also so nice.

Xia Zhi responded, "My name is Xia Zhi, summer from midsummer, gardenia from gardenia."

"Gardenia?" Yin Xu raised his eyebrows, "It's very beautiful."

For a moment, Xia Zhi didn't know whether he was talking about people or flowers.

She smiled embarrassedly.

Yuan Dong was on the side to smooth things over, "Lao Yin, I told you not to focus on my sisters in dealing with the little girl.

Let me tell you, she is the mother of a five-year-old child. "

After moving out of Xia Ran, Yuan Dong also didn't want Yin Xu to continue to pester Xia Zhi.

Yin Xu was shocked again.

Once because of Xia Zhi's beauty.

Once because of Xia Zhi's age.

"I really didn't see it," Yin Xu said, "Miss Gardenia looks like a college student. I thought you were studying."

Xia Zhi shook her head and denied, "No, no, I'm already old."

"Okay, let's not hang around here." Yuan Dong interrupted the conversation between the two, "We agreed to invite us to try it."

Yin Xu glanced at Yuan Dong helplessly, "It has been arranged long ago."

He walked in front and took the initiative to lead the way for the two of them.

Xia Zhi and Yuan Dong were walking behind. Xia Zhi asked Yuan Dong quietly, "What kind of tasting?"

Yuan Dong explained, "You should be able to guess from the decoration that this is a private restaurant, and the main focus is confidentiality.

But just keeping it secret won’t attract more customers.

So Yin Xu started from other aspects, and food was one of them. "Although the two people were whispering, Yin Xu was very close to them and listened to their entire conversation.

After Yuan Dong finished his explanation, he added, “Not only that, we also have a series of places for leisure and relaxation such as tea rooms, piano rooms, and study rooms.

Everything else is basically finished, except for the final recipe. "

Yuan Dong has no other hobbies, but he is good at eating.

That's why Yin Xu asked him to be a food taster.

"Xia Xia, you are in a good mood today." Yuan Dong said.

"This guy is picky, and ordinary dishes will never catch his eye."

In other words, the dishes he chose were the best of the best.

Just hearing the description made Xia Zhi drool uncontrollably.

If I had known earlier, I should have called Ranbao as well.

In the corridor, the sound of the piano is endless, the sound is neither high nor low, but it will not make people feel bored.

The tone was obviously carefully tuned by him.

Under the leadership of Yin Xu, the two came to a room.

The environment here is different from outside.

Everywhere is full of life, as if you are in a sea of ​​flowers.

"Originally, we have reserved other rooms for you." Yin Xu said, "But Miss Gardenia should be more suitable here."

Yuan Dong rolled his eyes.

He took the initiative to walk to Yin Xu, stretched out his hand to block Yin Xu's shoulder, and said through gritted teeth, "What do you want to do?"

"What are you thinking about?" Yin Xu was a little helpless, "I just think Gardenia is very kind and want to make friends with her."

"make friends?"

Yuan Dong made it clear that he didn't believe Yin Xu.

Yin Xu reached out and took off Yuan Dong's arm on his shoulder, and said with some disgust, "We are different."

"Hey, what do you mean?"

"literal meaning!
The two were about to fight.

Xia Zhi saw that neither of them was serious, so she wisely stepped aside and acted like a transparent person.

The two bickered like two elementary school students.

After talking for a long time, Yin Xu was angry and left by Yuan Dong.

In this round, Yuan Dong wins!

Looking at Yin Xu leaving, Yuan Dong raised his eyebrows.

He reminded Xia Zhi, "Xia Xia, you have to be careful with this guy's gentle knife."

"Ah?" Xia Zhi was a little confused.

Yuan Dong continued, "Don't look at others' gentleness, this guy has no heart."

In the game world, he should be the one I’m talking about.

"Oh." Xia Zhi didn't care, "Don't tell me this, I have no interest in finding a stepfather for Ranbao."

Yuan Dong said "cut" and directly exposed Xia Zhi, "I don't know who asked me to find a man in the car."

Xia Zhi explained seriously, "You know, that's not the same thing."

She is looking for a man because she hopes netizens will stop focusing on her and Fu Jinye.

It's not just to find a stepfather for Ranran.

"Seriously, you really don't want to have another conversation?" Yuan Dong looked at Xia Zhi with a look of regret, "Although Yin Xu is unreliable, he is right in saying that you really don't look like The mother of a five-year-old.”

“You’re extremely popular in the blind date market for people like you.”

Xia Zhi was very helpless.

Ever since she gave birth to Ranbao, no, in fact, ever since she separated from Fu Jinye, she had never thought about it.

Her love for Fu Jinye almost consumed all her emotions.

Someone has said that the best way to get over a broken relationship is to start another relationship.

But for Xia Zhi, this is a very difficult thing.

During the time when she just fell out of love, everyone looked like Fu Jinye to her. Whenever she thought of him, her tears would flow uncontrollably.

Fortunately, she missed him silently. Only she knew that she missed him.

(End of this chapter)

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