Chapter 121 Delicious, super delicious
Later, she found out she was pregnant.

Then he devoted all his attention to Ran Bao.

until now.

Before meeting Fu Jinye again, Xia Zhi had never felt that time passed so fast.

In a flash, six years have passed, and Ranbao is now five years old.

Fortunately, Ranbao has been very well-behaved and caring over the years, and is her most heartwarming companion.

She doesn't need anyone else for the rest of her life.

It is enough to have Ranbao and these friends.

Except for Fu Jinye, it seemed that it was difficult for her to like anyone else.

Xia Zhi smiled lightly and did not take up the topic of Yuan Dong, but instead said, "Yuan Dong, do you know?

Worrying about the marriage affairs of your friends is the beginning of getting older! "

Yuan Dong rolled his eyes, "It's just unnecessary for me."

He sighed softly, "However, I have to say that maybe we are really old."

Xia Zhi blinked and continued to listen to Yuan Dong's complaints.

“I just found out after watching videos today that the post-00s generation has graduated from college.

I never felt how old I was before.

But after hearing the news, I couldn't calm down anymore. "

"Hold on," Xia Zhi said, "You've always been known as a childlike face, haven't you? Why are you still afraid of this?"

Yuan Dong spread his hands helplessly, "Because getting older is a process that everyone must go through.

Accepting that you are getting older takes time. "

"And I." Yuan Dong pointed at himself, "I am the one who has always refused to accept reality."

Yuan Dong actually looks not old at all.

Simply speaking of age, it’s really hard to say.

"Our Dongdong is forever!" Xia Zhi comforted.

Hearing Xia Zhi's words, Yuan Dong couldn't help laughing, "Xia Zhi, you are not a country person."

Although crude, this comfort was very useful to Yuan Dong.

He raised his glass and prepared to clink it with Xia Zhi, "Here's to us."

There is soda in the cup.

It happened that at this time, Yin Xu opened the door.

Seeing the two clinking glasses of soda water, they were a little bit dumbfounded.

"Are you targeting me?" Yin Xu asked.

Yuan Dong nodded, "Yes, we have been here for such a long time. We haven't seen a single dish, and we don't know where the wine is hidden. Boss, your service level here needs to be improved."

"Then I will serve you two personally?" Yin Xu half-joked.

Even though he said this, he still opened the wine for the two of them himself.

Thinking of her three-legged cat's ability to drink, she refused directly, "I prefer drinking soda."

"Okay." Yin Xu nodded, "I won't force you."

In this regard, Xia Zhi had a good impression of Yin Xu.

After hearing her refusal, he did not persuade her to drink, but thoughtfully helped her pour some water.

This is better than many people who keep urging you to drink even though they know you don’t know how to drink.

At the same time, the waiter also brought the prepared dishes one by one.

The main focus is exquisiteness, deliciousness and small portion.

A bowl of rice is no bigger than her fist.

"This dish is fresh fish soup." Yin Xu introduced it to the two of them. In fact, he mainly introduced it to Xia Zhi.

"Gardenia, do you want to taste it?"

The fresh fish soup is very rich in ingredients. One spoonful can not only contain large pieces of fish, but also many kinds of vegetables, fungus, green bamboo shoots, etc., and it seems that there are shreds of orange peel.

Eat it in one bite, it's fresh and refreshing, and indescribably delicious. "It's delicious!" Xia Zhi couldn't help but praise.

With a lack of vocabulary, she could only use the word "delicious" to express her mood at the moment, which was completely inspired by her feelings!

Seeing this, Yin Xu introduced the second dish to her with a smile, "This dish is Golden Legs, Terminalia, Crab Meat and Fresh Milk Stir-fried Rich Shrimp Balls."

Just hearing the name sounds like a very long dish.

The crab meat is stir-fried with fresh milk and tastes very tender.The shrimps are quite big, and pine nuts are added to enrich the taste.

Xia Zhi gave a thumbs up again, "It's delicious!"

She no longer knew what to use to express her feelings at the moment.

All in all, it’s just two words – delicious!

Yuan Dong said with disgust, "I said Xia Xia, can we change the word?"

"No." Xia Zhi replied, "You are the one who tastes the delicious food, and I am the one who tastes it. As for the evaluation, I'll leave it to you."

Every dish here is delicious to Xia Zhi.

Other than the smaller portion, there are no other issues.

However, if she just eats without considering money, Xia Zhi actually likes this kind of small and delicate dishes.

This way she can eat a few different dishes.

The food praised by Xia Zhi felt ordinary in Yuan Dong's mouth.

"It's not unpalatable." Yuan Dong said, "If it's a perfect score, I can give it eight to seven points."

Then, he told Yin Xu what he felt was lacking.

Overall, the dishes were passable.

Yin Xu patted Yuan Dong on the shoulder, "I found the right person for you."

"You guys eat first, I have something to do."

It can be seen that Yin Xu is really busy today.

Looking at the delicacies on the table that Yuan Dong had commented on, Xia Zhi felt a little doubtful about life.

She looked at Yuan Dong in confusion, "Why didn't I realize the problems you just mentioned?"

"If everyone could eat it, wouldn't everyone become a gourmet?"


Anyway, Xia Zhi still thinks these dishes are delicious.

It would be nice if I could pack some and take it back to Ranbao to eat.

When the notice fee is paid, she must bring Ranran and Rongyun here to spend a lot of time!
I just don’t know if her budget can support the consumption here.

Xia Zhi quietly asked Yuan Dong how the consumption was here.

Yuan Dong did not answer her directly, but gave an example, "Xia Xia, do you know what you look like now?"

Xia Zhi was puzzled, "What?"

Yuan Dong kindly explained, "Like those people who went to KFC to eat hamburgers with a huge sum of 1000 yuan when they were young."

"Don't worry, although the prices here are expensive, you can still afford it."

After hearing Yuan Dong's words, Xia Zhi felt relieved.

The unknown is the hardest thing to deal with.

Maybe sometimes it’s not that I don’t have the money to go to KFC, but I just value it too high in my mind, so I haven’t dared to go in for a long time.

Xia Zhi suddenly felt a little uncomfortable in her stomach, so she stood up and said to Yuan Dong, "I'll go out for a while, you eat first."

"Well, let's go."

Xia Zhi came out of the door, and a waitress wearing a cheongsam came forward. "Can I help you?"

Xia Zhi thought she had inquired about the location of the toilet.

Under the leadership of the girl, Xia Zhi came to the toilet.

After washing his hands, he left. Unexpectedly, he ran into Fu Jinye as soon as he went out.

He was wearing a straight suit and had an extraordinary temperament. Standing next to him was a slim and beautiful woman.

(End of this chapter)

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