Chapter 122 Wen Fanqin

Fu Jinye is chatting with a beautiful girl.

Someone passed by and he turned slightly sideways.

Xia Zhi saw the girl's face clearly.

She knew that woman.

Wen Fanqin, a popular little girl in the entertainment industry.

The people are beautiful, the show is good, and there are many fans.

There is Ye Qi in the film industry, and Wen Fanqin in the TV drama industry.

It is enough to prove that everyone recognizes her.

Xia Zhi stood at the door of the toilet, a little confused.

If you want to go back to your room, you must pass by Fu Jinye.

Xia Zhi didn't want to disturb the current Fu Jinye.

So he stood there without moving for a long time.

Until Yuan Dong walked out of the room and approached the toilet, he saw Xia Zhi hiding at the door.

He said directly, "Xia Xia, I thought you were abducted by aliens in the toilet."

Yuan Dong's voice was not low.

Fu Jinye turned around when he heard the familiar name.

Upon seeing this, Xia Zhi immediately hid behind the wall.

I was afraid that Fu Jinye would find out accidentally.

"Shut up." Xia Zhi pulled Yuan Dong aside.

Yuan Dong looked at her condescendingly, "Stop hiding. There is nothing to hide, isn't it your ex-boyfriend?"

"Did you recognize it?" Xia Zhi was a little surprised.

Thinking that Fu Jinye didn't seem to be deliberately avoiding the eyes of others just now, he was relieved.

Yuan Dong nodded and said it.

He directly took Xia Zhi's arm and pulled her out from behind the wall.

Xia Zhi turned her back to Fu Jinye, fearing that he would recognize her.

However, what should come will always come.

When Xia Zhi was dragged past Fu Jinye by Yuan Dong, he suddenly said, "Xia Xia, let's go back together later."

He recognized it.

Xia Zhi had no choice but to stop and say hello to Fu Jinye, "What a coincidence, it turns out you are eating here too."

Fu Jinye responded, "Well, the event is over, let's have dinner with friends."

"I came here with my friends too." Xia Zhi touched her nose, "What? Let's go back first."

After that, Xia Zhi and Yuan Dong went back to the private room.

His arm was suddenly grabbed by someone.

There was a chill on my wrist.

Fu Jinye's hands were so cold.

Xia Zhi raised her head and looked at him doubtfully.

Fu Jinye repeated, "Let's go home together later."

"No need." Yuan Dong said, "I will send Xia Xia home.

Actor Fu is so busy, so I won't bother you. "

Fu Jinye glanced at Yuan Dong, and then turned his attention to Xia Zhi.

He is waiting for her answer.

Xia Zhi glanced at Wen Fanqin beside him and said, "Yuan Dong and I still have some things to do, so you should go back first."

Fu Jinye frowned and was about to explain something.

Yuan Dong took Xia Zhi away.

The two people walked away without mercy, paying no attention to Fu Jinye behind them.

It wasn't until he entered the box that Yuan Dong let go of Xia Zhi's hand and said in disgust, "Look at your potential.

Was it difficult to say no to him? "

Xia Zhi was choked.

Not at all.

"You know, I heard that Wen Fanqin likes Fu Jinye." Yuan Dong gossiped.

Xia Zhi said "Oh" expressionlessly.

"Aren't you jealous?" Yuan Dong joked.

Xia Zhi rolled her eyes, "Why are you jealous?

Why should I be jealous?

Whoever Fu Jinye likes and whoever likes Fu Jinye has nothing to do with me. "

After saying that, Xia Zhi poured herself a glass of soda water and drank it all in one gulp.

Immediately, she added, “I just didn’t expect to meet Fu Jinye here.

How could such a coincidence happen? "Hiding for six years.

Once we met, we met by chance almost every day.

Even now she has moved to live with him.

Thinking of this, Xia Zhi felt inexplicably guilty.

Yes, Fu Jinye is still her landlord.

How could she get angry with the landlord?

"If you ask me, if it really doesn't work, just move out from Fu Jinye's place." Yuan Dong said, "It's not a big deal if you keep living like this."

Xia Zhi nodded, "I don't think it's a problem either. Do you want me to buy something to thank Fu Jinye?"
After all, he provided me with a house when I was in trouble.

Why didn't I think of that before?
Later you go to the mall with me and pick out a gift for him. "

Yuan Dong: Well, just think of what he said just now as saying P.What a waste!

Inside the corridor.

Fu Jinye looked at Xia Zhi and Yuan Dong leaving, and his face instantly darkened.

Wen Fanqin stood beside him, feeling a little embarrassed.

"Brother Fu, is that Miss Xia Zhi, your partner in the show just now?" Wen Fanqin said, "She seems to be a nice girl."

"Yes." Fu Jinye nodded.

I don't know if he is echoing her first sentence or her second sentence.

"I have something else to do, so I'm going back first." Fu Jinye suddenly said, "Let my agent negotiate the movie."

"Okay, Brother Fu, walk slowly."

Wen Fanqin looked at Fu Jinye's leaving figure.

Soon, she also left the store.

Since it just opened, Yin Xu has been very busy.

There was almost no time to entertain Yuan Dong and Xia Zhi.

After finishing their meal, the two decided to leave.

Yin Xu took some time out of his busy schedule and stopped the two of them at the door, "Sorry, there are quite a few friends here today. Please bear with me if I didn't receive you well."

Yuan Dong glared at him angrily, "Does this need to be said between brothers?"

Yin Xu smiled and nodded, "Yes, yes, I was too polite."

Then, he handed a handbag to Xia Zhizi, "Miss Gardenia, here are some of our store's special dishes and desserts, which are very suitable for children. Take them back and give them to your children.

It just tastes a little worse than the ones in the store.

If there is a chance, Miss Gardenia will come to the store in person with her children, and I will definitely entertain you well then. "

After saying that, he seemed to remember something.

Then go straight to the front desk.

After exchanging a few words with the front desk staff, the staff took out something and handed it to Yin Xu.

Under the gazes of Yuan Dong and Xia Zhi, Yin Xu gave the black gold VIP card in his hand to Xia Zhi, "This is our membership card. Gardenia will come to play often in the future."

Xia Zhi was a little confused, and she quickly said, "Mr. Yin, you are too polite.

In this way, I will accept the food, but you can keep this card, I can’t take it. "

"Take it," Yin Xu said.

Yuan Dong on the side couldn't stand the two people being so condescending, so he took the initiative to take the card and put it in Xia Zhi's hand.

He said to Xia Zhi, "Why are you so polite? This guy is always generous. You can take whatever he gives you.

Don't worry, this is a drop in the bucket for him. "

Yin Xu nodded in agreement, "Yes, take it."

"Okay then." Xia Zhi reluctantly accepted.

It looks like I need to buy one more gift.

Yin Xu soon fell into busyness again.

Xia Zhi and Yuan Dong came out of the store, and the heat at noon was scorching the earth.

There are few people on the street.

Xia Zhi was about to get into Yuan Dong's car when she saw a familiar figure approaching her.

Fu Jinye. He hasn’t left yet!
"Let's go." Fu Jinye took the handbag from Xia Zhi's hand, "I can't stay for too long."

His words directly blocked Xia Zhi's refusal.

Yes, he is a big star.

Wouldn't it be very troublesome if someone recognized him?

Xia Zhi glanced at Yuan Dong apologetically, "I'm leaving now. See you another day."

Yuan Dong said angrily, "Okay, see you another day."

Seemingly unwilling, after getting in the car, he sent Xia Zhi a WeChat message.

[Yuan Dong: A guy who forgets his friends after seeing sex! 】

[Yuan Dong: I may have to reconsider what you asked me to do! 】

(End of this chapter)

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