Chapter 123 Be My Assistant

He was led by Fu Jinye to his car.

Xia Zhi subconsciously wanted to reach for the back door of the car.

But found no one in the driver's seat.

"Hey, where is your agent?"

Under normal circumstances, shouldn't actors be accompanied by an agent when talking about things?
Fu Jinye said, "I'm back."

Xia Zhi nodded.

After hesitating for a moment, she sat in the passenger seat.

Fu Jinye was not the driver of the car she ordered.

It's not polite to sit in the back.

As soon as she fastened her seat belt, Xia Zhi felt her phone vibrate several times.

You don't need to guess to know that the message must be from Yuan Dong.

Xia Zhi clicked on her phone, and it turned out to be Yuan Dong.

After seeing the content of his message, Xia Zhi cried out that he was wronged.

[Xia Zhi: Fu Jinye is a big star after all. If he argues outside, he will definitely attract passers-by to watch. You don’t want to be famous for this, right? 】

News from Yuan Dong came soon.

[Yuan Dong: Just keep making excuses. 】

[Yuan Dong: I look forward to the day when you get slapped in the face. 】

Xia Zhi typed angrily.

[Xia Zhi: I didn’t, I’m not! 】

[Xia Zhi: That won’t happen one day. [嘚泽.jpg]】

Fu Jinye started the car.

Seeing that Xia Zhi kept typing, she couldn't help but ask, "Chatting with friends?"

Hearing this, Xia Zhi turned off the phone screen and replied, "Yes, it's the friend I had dinner with just now, whom you met."

"Yes." Fu Jinye asked in an unclear manner, "Do you have a good relationship?"

"It's not bad." Xia Zhi said, "We are best friends."

She was right.

Yuan Dong is her best friend.

Fu Jinye raised his eyebrows and didn't ask any more questions.

"Fu Jinye." Xia Zhi suddenly became serious.

Fu Jinye's hands unconsciously tightened on the steering wheel.

What does she want to say?
Will you ask yourself about Wen Fanqin?
Xia Zhi said seriously, "I want to give my friend a gift to express my gratitude. Do you have any recommendations?"

It just so happened that I could take advantage of giving Yin Xu a gift to find out what Fu Jinye liked.

At that time, she bought gifts for both of them.

"To that friend just now?" Fu Jinye did not answer directly, but asked her.

Xia Zhi shook her head and said truthfully, "No."

"Just a friend." Xia Zhi emphasized, "If it were you, what kind of gift would you want to receive?"

Fu Jinye thought: Could that friend in her mouth be him?
This needs to be thought about carefully.

Fu Jinye spoke slowly, "When giving gifts, you must consider the needs of the person."

Xia Zhi nodded in agreement, "That's right."

"If it were me." Fu Jinye deliberately prolonged his voice, paused, and continued, "I don't need anything."

Xia Zhi, who was originally looking forward to his answer:.
Seeing her deflated expression, Fu Jinye raised the corners of his mouth slightly.

Fu Jinye suddenly said, "I need a life assistant."

Xia Zhi was slightly startled, what do you mean?
Ask her to find him an assistant?

"You should tell Tao Yuan about this," Xia Zhi said.

Recruiting should be a matter for the company. Even if it doesn't work, you should find an agent.

"Have you been working lately?"


"Then you do it." Fu Jinye said.

Xia Zhi was stunned.

Be Fu Jinye’s life assistant?She really hadn't thought about it.


Xia Zhi suddenly thought, "Didn't you hire an assistant before?"

What is that called?

Oh yes, it seems to be called Yu Qian.

A pretty little girl.

She likes it.

Fu Jinye said calmly, "It's normal for a big star to have two or three assistants."

Xia Zhi thought to herself that it was indeed normal.

His voice sounded again, "Besides, Yu Qian is the person my mother arranged to be by my side to monitor me. She is not really an assistant."

What a family.

They also engage in surveillance.

Xia Zhi asked with some confusion, "What are you monitoring?"

Fu Jinye coughed lightly and said, "It's nothing."

Seeing that he didn't want to say more, Xia Zhi didn't ask any more questions.

"Then why me?" Xia Zhi was a little strange.

Given Fu Jinye's conditions, what kind of assistant could he not find?

Fu Jinye said bluntly, "Because you don't have to spend money."

Xia Zhi: I didn’t expect you to be like this Fu Jinye.

When capitalists are squeezing workers, they still know how to give them some money.

It's a good thing he won't give you a penny!

Fu Jinye explained, “Your salary covers the rent.

I'll cover all your expenses, and your only job is to be my assistant.

How about it until you move out of the villa? "

Sounds good.

Xia Zhi was a little moved.

Fu Jinye struck while the iron was hot, "What's more, you probably won't be able to find another job during this period. Why don't you become my assistant and make some extra money."

"Okay, I agree." Xia Zhi said immediately.

Fu Capitalist Konno still has some conscience, just not too much.

Being Fu Jinye's life assistant not only repays him for providing a house, but also gives me something to do.

Xia Zhi said, very good.

She was a little unwilling and asked weakly, "Is it true that there is no salary?"

Fu Jinye was amused by her reaction, "No."

Xia Zhi curled her lips.

Fu Jinye deliberately teased her, "But..."

"But what?" Xia Zhi asked doubtfully.

Fu Jinye said, "However, if you do well, you will get a bonus."


Xia Zhi suddenly became interested and directly opened the memo on her phone, preparing to record it, "What is your standard for a good job?"

Fu Jinye thought for a moment and said, "For example, help me get rid of some harassment, help me deal with blind dates arranged by my family, turn on the phone 24 hours a day, make sure that whenever I call you, you will be able to receive it, and you will be on call, etc. Yes, I’ll add the rest later.”

On call 24 hours a day?

Also on call.

This is simply a black-hearted capitalist.

Seeing Xia Zhi's expression change, Fu Jinye said calmly, "The bonus starts at ten thousand, and there is no upper limit."

Xia Zhi's lips showed a standard smile like that of a stewardess, "Boss, when will you start working?"

"Then let's do it tonight." Fu Jinye said calmly, "I just have a blind date tonight to see how good you are."

Xia Zhi: Is she being tricked?

By the way, when did Fu Jinye go on a blind date?
Why doesn't she know?
(End of this chapter)

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