Chapter 124 The Perfect Plan

Xia Zhi glanced at Fu Jinye in confusion and asked curiously, "How many times have you been kissed?"

Looking at him like this, so familiar with the road, he must have a lot of experience.

Fu Jinye said calmly, "Reiji."

"Huh?" Xia Zhi didn't believe it.

How could it be such a coincidence that as soon as she became an assistant, she met Fu Jinye on her first blind date.

Fu Jinye explained, "I have been introduced to him by my family several times before, but we have never met."

“Now that we have a workforce, it’s okay to meet.”

labor force?
Is it her?
Xia Zhi sneered, "Yes, you really have the potential to be a boss.

I believe that even if you are not in the entertainment industry, you will still be able to become an excellent boss. "

Fu Jinye did not hesitate to give in and said calmly, "It's okay."

Xia Zhi complained, "I really don't know how to be humble."

Fu Jinye drove and looked ahead intently.

Suddenly he let go of one hand, hit Xia Zhi on the head, and said half-jokingly, "How can I talk to the boss?"

Xia Zhi nodded and said nothing more.

back home.

Xia Ran had just finished lunch and was sitting in the living room watching TV.

What is shown on TV is scientific experimental research.

His expression was focused and serious.

But when Xia Zhi's footsteps appeared behind him, Xia Ran immediately turned his head.

Seeing the familiar figure, his eyes suddenly lit up.

Xia Ran trotted to Xia Zhi and said, "Mom."

Xia Zhi was healed instantly.

She put the handbag she took from Yin Xu in front of Ranbao, "This is a small gift from my mother's friend to Ranbao. Can we eat it together?"

"Okay!" Xia Ran nodded obediently.

Xia Zhi opened the handbag, and inside was a delicate four-inch cake and a portion of soup.

The carvings on the cake are very elegant.

It can be seen that it took a lot of effort.

"Miss Xia, do you need help from the kitchen?" the housekeeper came over and asked.

Xia Zhi nodded, "Okay."

When the butler brought the reprocessed soup, Xia Zhi was instantly attracted by the taste.

The fragrance is tangy and makes people salivate.

Take a sip, it's delicious.

Xia Zhi cut a piece of cake and then asked the housekeeper, "Where is Fu Jinye?"

The housekeeper said, "The young master should be in the study now."

Xia Zhi nodded, "Okay, I'll give him a cake."

"Go." The butler looked pleased, "The young master will definitely be very happy to see Miss Xia."

Xia Zhi almost fell down.

The butler doesn’t need so many lines.

She just went to Song Ge cake.

Xia Zhi came to the study room. Fu Jinye was sitting at the desk, staring at the computer screen, seemingly dealing with business.

The door to the study room was not closed, so Xia Zhi walked directly in.

"Fu Jinye." She spoke softly, calling his name.

After getting closer, Xia Zhi discovered that Fu Jinye was wearing headphones.

Hearing her movements, he took off a Bluetooth headset and asked softly, "What's wrong?"

Xia Zhi was a little embarrassed, "Did I disturb you?

Today my friend gave me a small cake, and I cut a piece for you.

How about I go out first?

You remember to eat. "

After saying that, Xia Zhi placed the cut cake on the table aside and pretended to leave.

Fu Jinye suddenly stopped, "Wait a minute."

Xia Zhi paused.

I only heard him say to the computer screen again, "The meeting is suspended, we will talk about it later."

It turned out to be a video conference.

It seemed like she came in at the wrong time.

Fu Jinye took off his headphones, stood up and walked to Xia Zhi's side. "Come eat with me." Fu Jinye said.

Xia Zhi felt strange in her heart and wanted to refuse, "No, I"

Unexpectedly, before she finished speaking, Fu Jinye directly grabbed her arm and pulled her to sit on the sofa, "Don't forget, you are my assistant now."

Xia Zhi couldn't refute.

Fu Jinye picked up the cake, took a bite, and added, "I don't like eating alone.

So, come and eat with me. "

Hearing this, Xia Zhi felt inexplicably soft-hearted.

But why does this sentence sound so familiar?

It seemed that she had said something similar when she was pestering Fu Jinye.

What did Fu Jinye say at the beginning?

Oh, by the way, he didn't say anything and just let her fool around around him.

Xia Zhi sat next to Fu Jinye and watched him eat the cake one bite at a time. He couldn't help but tease, "If Brother Yuan finds out about your eating like this, he will definitely blame me."

Male celebrities should pay attention to body management.

"Yes." Fu Jinye nodded in agreement, "I have to increase my exercise tonight."

After saying that, he looked at Xia Zhi meaningfully, "Do you want to come together?"

"What together?" Xia Zhi asked blankly.

Fu Jinye smiled and said half-jokingly, "Let's exercise together."


Her thoughts went astray unconsciously.

Although I know that Fu Jinye is not talking about the kind of sport.

She remembered that Fu Jinye seemed to have eight-pack abs now.

I don't even know what it feels like.

Fu Jinye looked at Xia Zhi who looked confused and couldn't help but hit her on the head, "What are you thinking about?"

Xia Zhi felt pained and gave him an angry look.

This look made Fu Jinye feel inexplicably heartbroken.

He reached out and rubbed Xia Zhi's hair, "I'm full, and I still have some things to do. You go and play for a while. I'll see you later."

"Okay, Master." Xia Zhi stood up consciously and started role-playing.

Mainly because she had heard the housekeeper call him Master Fu Jinye so many times that she couldn't help but call him that too.

The corners of Fu Jinye's lips curled up, and his eyes gradually deepened as he looked at Xia Zhi's leaving figure.

After coming out of Fu Jinye's room, Xia Zhi played games with Ranbao for a while, put him to sleep, and then returned to his room to take a nap.

When she opened her eyes again, the sun was almost setting.

Xia Zhi glanced at the time on her phone. It was already five o'clock in the afternoon.

She yawned, feeling very sleepy.

For some reason, every time I go to bed in the afternoon, I always feel like I can't wake up.

But after a while, I became very excited again.

Anyway, I have nothing to do tonight, so I’ll sleep some more.

Xia Zhi turned around and was about to go back to sleep.

Suddenly, she thought of something and sat up from the bed.

Blind date!

Fu Jinye’s blind date tonight!

Xia Zhi quickly got up from the bed, put on her slippers and prepared to go out.

As soon as she opened the door, she met Fu Jinye who was about to knock on the door.

"What's wrong?" Fu Jinye's eyes flashed with confusion, "Are you having a nightmare?"

Xia Zhi shook her head, "Did I get up late for your blind date?"

"No." Fu Jinye said, "We made an appointment at eight o'clock in the evening. You still have three hours to prepare."

"it is good!"

Xia Zhi vowed, "Don't worry, I will help you destroy it without any worries."

"Well, I believe you." Fu Jinye said with a smile in his eyes, "I'll pick you up later."

"Why pick me up?" Xia Zhi wondered.

Fu Jinye asked, "Didn't you say you wanted to help me ruin the blind date?"

Xia Zhi nodded, "Yes, just send me the address later.

Leave the rest to me! "

Seeing Xia Zhi's eagerness to try, Fu Jinye suddenly had a bad feeling.

(End of this chapter)

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