Chapter 126
Fu Jinye ignored the woman and looked at Xia Zhi aside, "Come home with me."

Xia Zhi was taken aback.

I have to say, this sentence is very lethal.

As expected, after hearing these words, the girl opposite suddenly lost her composure.

She could barely keep the fake smile on her face.

Xia Zhi admired her endurance very much.

If she met such a weird person on a blind date, she would definitely run into a rage.

The corners of Lin Wanrou's mouth stiffly raised and she stopped speaking.

Say what?

She looked like a clown in front of these two people.

People didn't take her seriously at all.

"Miss Xia Zhi, I heard that you are divorced and have a child?" Lin Wanrou brought the topic to Xia Zhi.

It turned out that she knew herself.

Who spread the news about divorce and raising children? !
Xia Zhi expressed dissatisfaction.

When did she get married?

"Who is this lady?" Xia Zhi wanted to ask her name.

But Lin Wanrou took it as revenge.

She deliberately ignored Xia Zhi at first.

Therefore, Xia Zhi also took the opportunity to take revenge on herself.

Xia Zhi expressed her injustice.

She didn't, she really didn't.

"I am Lin Wanrou, Fu Jinye's blind date and the future daughter-in-law recognized by the Fu family." Lin Wanrou introduced herself.

Fu Jinye corrected her, "The Fu family does not recognize you."

Lin Wanrou frowned, "Konno, are you sure you want to say this in front of outsiders?"

"Miss Lin." Xia Zhi said, "This is the 21st century.

This is no longer the era of 'parents' orders and matchmaker's words'.

Just because Konno agrees to meet you for dinner does not mean that he agrees to be your boyfriend.

It would be too hasty if each blind date only uses one meal to determine the relationship. "

Lin Wanrou looked at Fu Jinye with resentful eyes.

Before Fu Jinye spoke, Xia Zhi's words seemed like farts to her.

The person she wants to marry is Fu Jinye.

As a man, it's normal to be a little fickle.

"Miss Xia, can I talk to Fu Jinye alone?" Lin Wanju said.

Xia Zhi said nothing.

Fu Jinye held Xia Zhi's hand to prevent her from leaving, "Let's put it this way, there are no secrets between Xia Xia and I."

Lin Wanrou glanced at Xia Zhi with disdain.

"In that case, let me get straight to the point." Lin Wanrou said directly, "Fu Jinye, I am the most suitable woman for you.

I know the special nature of your profession, and it is inevitable that there will be many women around you.

As long as you don't take her home or give birth to an illegitimate child, I don't care about this. "

Xia Zhi:.
She might as well just leave.

Have people’s outlook on life now exploded to this extent?
What is the difference between this and the three wives and four concubines in ancient times?
Perhaps the biggest difference is, polygamy and multiple concubines? ?

"Ms. Lin, we are not suitable."

Obviously, Fu Jinye was also very disgusted with her speech.

"Marriage is not a transaction. My, Fu Jinye's, marriage is for a lifetime." Fu Jinye said seriously, "Besides, I have already found that person."

Lin Wanrou sneered, "If that's the case, then why are you here to have this meal?
Do you dare to say that you have no idea about me or my family background? "

Others may have.

But Xia Zhi knew clearly that Fu Jinye definitely didn't.

With his pride, how could he bow his head for the sake of his family background?

When Lin Wanrou asked, Xia Zhi was also a little curious.

Why did Fu Jinye come on a blind date?
Maybe it was arranged by the elders in the family and I couldn't shirk it.

Xia Zhi mentally found a reason for Fu Jinye.

Fu Jinye said calmly, "You should ask Miss Lin about this."

Lin Wanrou was stunned, as if she understood something.

"It turns out it's because of her." Lin Wanrou sneered, "In that case, I won't bother you two."

Lin Wanrou stood up, took her bag and left the private room.Xia Zhi was a little confused when she saw this scene.

She thought that Lin Wanrou would have to linger for a little longer.

"Because of who?" Xia Zhi asked Fu Jinye doubtfully.

Fu Jinye shook his head, "Nothing."

At exactly this time, the waiter brought the ordered dishes.

Standing in the hotel lobby, Lin Wanrou couldn't wait to dial Ms. Song's phone number.

"Wanrou, what's wrong? Haven't you seen Konno?" Ms. Song's voice came from the other end of the phone.

Lin Wanrou said aggrievedly, "Auntie, Konye didn't come alone, he brought a girl with him."

"Girl?" Ms. Song had a vague guess in her mind, "Who is it?"

Lin Wanrou directly reported Xia Zhi's name, "Xia Zhi!

Konno also said that he would never marry anyone other than Xia Zhi in this life.

Auntie, I think Konno and I may not be suitable for each other. "

After hearing this, Ms. Song almost developed high blood pressure.

Why is his son so stubborn!


She absolutely cannot let Xia Zhi and her son be together!
"Wanrou, don't be anxious. Leave the rest to your aunt, who will help you make the decision."

"it is good."

Lin Wanrou hung up the phone.

Since Fu Jinye dared to go to this blind date party for Xia Zhi, then she would help him.

She wanted to see if Fu Jinye's promise of being a pair for life could still be fulfilled.

What age has it been, and it’s still so old-fashioned!

Xia Zhi was not happy with her meal.

She has been curious about who Fu Jinye came to this blind date party for.

I have to mention that the food in this hotel is average.

Maybe because of the delicious food from Yin Xu, everything she ate felt average in a short period of time.

on the way back.

Fu Jinye received a call from Ms. Song.

"Mom." His voice was helpless.

Ms. Song was also very helpless, "You still know that I am your mother?

What happened to Wanrou?

And that girl named Xia Zhi, why did you take her to dinner? "

"She is mine." Fu Jinye said.

Because Fu Jinye was wearing a Bluetooth headset, Xia Zhi could not hear the conversation between the two.

Are you talking about yourself?

Or is he the person Lin Wanrou said?

Xia Zhi pricked up her ears and turned her head towards the window, but her thoughts were all on Fu Jinye.

"Do you want to piss me off to death?" Ms. Song couldn't help but ask, "Don't you know what kind of state you were in when you broke up?

If it weren't for Xia Zhi, why would you want to be an actor if you were Hao Duanduan? "

Fu Jinye could not refute Ms. Song's words.

He entered the entertainment industry really for Xia Zhi.

Fu Jinye said, "Mom, trust me, I will handle these problems."

"Deal it?" Ms. Song smiled, "You are my son.

I am your biological mother, can I not understand you? "

Fu Jinye coughed lightly, feeling a little guilty for no reason.

"I'll tell you when I get home. I'm on the road now, driving."

Ms. Song said angrily, "Xia Zhi should be by your side.

Are you afraid that she will hear you when you talk to me?

My dear son, can you be of some use? "

He is obviously a smart and capable person, but when it comes to Xia Zhi's matter, he becomes confused.

This is also an important reason why Ms. Song doesn't like Xia Zhi.

In front of Xia Zhi, his son became unlike himself.

(End of this chapter)

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