Chapter 127 Naturally, he is like his father

I would like to ask, which mother is willing to see her son become different from herself for another woman.

Until Fu Jinye hung up the phone, Xia Zhi didn't hear what was said on the other side.

All I know is that the two seemed to be quarreling.

It was completely dark.

The colorful neon lights on both sides of the road make the street look extremely beautiful.

Xia Zhi stared at the lights on the roadside in trance.

"Fu Jinye." She called Fu Jinye's name softly.

Fu Jinye asked doubtfully, "What's wrong?"

Xia Zhi suddenly asked, "When do you plan to get married?"

Fu Jinye was slightly stunned.

He didn't expect that Xia Zhi would bring up such a topic.

Xia Zhi explained, "I think your family seems to care about your marriage."

"Fortunately." Fu Jinye said calmly, "They won't interfere too much."

He understands Ms. Song.

Although it takes a lot of time to educate him, he can basically be satisfied with whatever he wants to do.

Not to mention Mr. Fu.

When Ms. Song spoke, he naturally did not dare to say anything more.

"Then do you have any plans to get married?" Xia Zhi turned to look at Fu Jinye's profile.

With perfect facial features, he looks extremely handsome no matter which angle he looks at.

Fu Jinye was silent for a moment and did not answer this question.

He asked, "What about you?
Have you ever thought about getting married? "

"No." Xia Zhi said truthfully, "I have a burning treasure, so it doesn't matter to me whether we get married or not."

As long as Ranbao is good, she will be fine.

"Where is your life?" Fu Jinye suddenly asked, "Where is your Xia Zhi's life?"

A once bright girl.

If you are polished by life and become mellow and gentle.

Seeing Xia Zhi's silence, Fu Jinye continued, "I remember you said before that you wanted to be a photographer in the future."

In high school, Xia Zhi had a camera.

I take it to school almost every day and take pictures whenever I have time.

Almost every place in the school was photographed by her.

At that time, she had pestered him to be her model.

He also vowed that he would become an excellent photographer in the future.

But now, after meeting for so long, Fu Jinye has never seen Xia Zhi touch the camera.

"The camera was sold." Xia Zhi's tone was calm, and her emotions could not be heard.

Hearing this, Fu Jinye's heart throbbed inexplicably.

"What happened back then?"

Why did you leave suddenly without saying a word?
Why was he so cold when seeing him again?
Does she not like him at all?

Xia Zhi took a deep breath, and when she raised her eyes again, the sadness in her eyes had disappeared.

She smiled lightly and said, "It's not important, it's all over."

"Did you just destroy our past with just one unimportant sentence?"

It's not like Fu Jinye hasn't investigated the reasons for Xia Zhi's departure.

But back then, it seemed like things were erased on purpose.

The only thing he could investigate was that there was something going on at Xia Zhi's home.

No matter how much more, he doesn't know.

Even if Xia Zhi broke up with him, he could only guess a general reason.

When his father fell ill, he had no choice but to return home to comfort his mother and help his father handle the company's affairs.

He was very busy during that time and barely had time to put his feet on the ground.

Every day besides work or work.

It was already two or three in the morning when I finished handling the company's affairs.

At this time, Xia Zhi had already fallen asleep.

He could only pass the time by leaving her messages and looking at photos of the two of them.After finally waiting for things to improve at home, what he received was a text message from Xia Zhi breaking up.

Xia Zhi canceled all contact information and completely disappeared from his life.

She disappeared completely.

Her family also left with her.

For a while, Fu Jinye even felt that everything was his fantasy.

There is no such person as Xia Zhi in the world.

He has been looking for her for a long time.

Later, he thought that since he couldn't find her, he would go to the entertainment industry and become a household name.

If he can't find her, let her see him all the time.

Finally, he succeeded.

He has made great achievements in the entertainment industry, and more and more people like him.

But Xia Zhi never appeared.

Even if he just saw the same name, he would be stunned for a long time.

Xia Zhi was stunned when she heard Fu Jinye's words.

She didn't know how to answer.

He just pretended to be relaxed and said, "Huh, we both happened so many years ago.

Did you never fall in love again after the breakup? "

Fu Jinye's face suddenly darkened, and he gritted his teeth and said, "No."

Xia Zhi coughed lightly, "It must be because I'm too busy at work.

Yes, you are a big star now. If you fall in love, your fans will definitely be sad. "

Fu Jinye:
He saw through Xia Zhi's deliberate change of subject.

"Forget it." Fu Jinye sighed, "Whenever you want to say it in the future, tell me the whole truth."

Xia Zhi said no more, turned her head and looked out the window silently.

the truth
Is it important?

Before the breakup, Xia Zhi would not have thought about why two people who were clearly in love separated.

Later, Xia Zhi thought about it, maybe it was fate but not destiny.

When she needed him most, Fu Jinye returned to a home that needed him even more.

When she recovered herself, he wasn't that important anymore.

So she chose to leave.

After returning home, Fu Jinye and Xia Zhi didn't say a word. They went upstairs one after another without paying attention to the other.

The housekeeper was confused. He was fine when he went out, so why did he ignore anyone when he came back?
Could it be that these two had a fight?

Ranbao is naturally happy to see this situation.

He wished that his mother would quarrel with Fu Jinye, and it would be best if he never talked to that man!
"Mom, look." Ranbao gave Xia Zhi a rose he folded with paper.

The gloomy mood on Xia Zhi's face was wiped away, "Ran Bao is so powerful."

"As long as Mom likes it," Xia Ran said, "Xia Ran can also fold many patterns."

"Really?" Xia Zhi held the person in her arms, "How about teaching Mommy?"

"it is good."

Xia Zhi plays paper folding game with Xia Ran in the room.

The butler brought a glass of water to the study.

Fu Jinye stood by the window, looking out at the dark night, seemingly in a daze.

"Master, did you and Miss Xia quarrel?" the housekeeper asked with concern.

Fu Jinye's voice was light, "No."

"Master, do you need to prepare milk for Miss Xia tonight?" the housekeeper said again.

Fu Jinye nodded, "Yes."

It seems that even in the quarrel, the young master never forgets to care about Miss Xia.

The housekeeper said again, "Master, don't blame me for talking too much. If the master really likes Miss Xia, he might as well start with the young master.

I think Miss Xia attaches great importance to the young master's thoughts. "

Thinking of Xia Ran, Fu Jinye had a headache, "I don't know who followed that brat's temper."

The housekeeper said silently, "Of course he is like his father."

Fu Jinye:
(End of this chapter)

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