Chapter 128 I refuse to forgive

"Help me do something." Fu Jinye ordered.

After listening to Fu Jinye's instructions, the housekeeper showed a kind smile on his face.

It seems that the young master really likes Miss Xia.

Madam’s wish to have a grandson will soon come true.

Ms. Song, who was far away in her old house, sneezed.

Seeing this, Mr. Fu put down the newspaper in his hand and thoughtfully put a coat on her, "It's cold at night, so wear more clothes."

Ms. Song said angrily, "Your son is the reason why!"

"Isn't he also your son?" Mr. Fu comforted her, "Honey, when our son grows up, you should stop paying attention to him.

If you have this time, you might as well pay more attention to your husband and me. "

Ms. Song glanced at her husband with disgust, "You are such an adult, what do you have to care about?"

Mr. Fu said directly, “Of course I need to be concerned.

You don’t even ask me what I did today, whether I ate, whether the meal I ate was not what I wanted, or whether I missed you.”

It has to be said that Mr. Fu has a way of dealing with Ms. Song.

Ms. Song's attention was quickly drawn away.

Let her never think about her son again.

"No." Ms. Song frowned, "I still think this little girl Xia Zhi is unreliable. I have to test her."

The corner of Mr. Fu's mouth twitched, "Honey, have you read any strange novels recently?"

"No." Ms. Song blinked, very innocently.

She has been studying flower arrangement recently, so she has no time to read any novels.

Mr. Fu clicked on his phone and prepared to read the news.

Unexpectedly, Weibo actually pushed a message to him.

Originally he wasn't going to care.

But he saw the name "Xia Zhi".

Mr. Fu clicked in curiously.

The content of the news is very simple. It roughly means that Xia Zhi was harassed by fans and even graffitied on the wall.

"Honey, it's better not to cause trouble for this little girl recently." Mr. Fu handed the phone to Ms. Song.

After seeing the content on Weibo, Ms. Song was a little angry, “What’s wrong with people nowadays, do they still think they are living in ancient times?

There are so many surveillance cameras, but they still do something like this! "

Just imagine how helpless a mother who lives alone with her children would feel if such a thing happened!
"No, husband, go and find out who these people are!" Ms. Song ordered.

Mr. Fu already knew his wife's temper and asked deliberately, "Didn't you just say you wanted to test her?"

Ms. Song frowned and said in a somewhat anxious tone, "Can it be the same?

No matter how hard I try, I won't use such a dirty trick. "

Mr. Fu held Ms. Song in his arms and said comfortingly, "Don't worry, I have seen this news, and your son must have known about it a long time ago.

Let him handle this matter personally.

Let's just leave it alone. "

Ms. Song glanced at her husband suspiciously, "I sometimes even doubt whether Konno is your son."

"Really, don't you know it clearly?" Mr. Fu kissed Ms. Song on the cheek, "How about we have another child?"

Ms. Song:
Now, she no longer had the energy to take care of her son's affairs.

At the same time, Mr. Fu’s WeChat chat dialog box still stayed on the conversation with his son.

[Cheap Son: Take care of your wife. You don’t want her to worry about me all day long, right? 】

[Rich Dad: Of course, you should stay away from your mother and avoid appearing in front of her to make her angry. 】

[Cheap son:. 】

[Rich Dad:. 】

Early in the morning, Xia Zhi received a call from the Public Security Bureau.

Four people who painted graffiti on her home have been arrested.

After interrogation, they also explained what happened.

Xia Zhi needs to go to the police station to confirm.Because she was going to the police station, Xia Zhi changed into casual clothes.

At the same time, hat masks have now become an indispensable tool for her to go out.

The purpose is to prevent fans from recognizing them.

Fu Jinye offered to send her there.

Xia Zhi refused, "Can you do it?"

Xia Zhi was a little skeptical.

Fu Jinye is a big star.

In my impression, celebrities don’t go out often because they will be secretly photographed.

"It doesn't matter." Fu Jinye said, "Just disguise yourself."

"Okay." Xia Zhi really needed someone to accompany her.

The two appeared at the police station wrapped up quite tightly.

Those who didn’t know better thought that a robber had entered the police station.

Fortunately, the two of them were calm and collected throughout the whole process.

After informing her of her intention, Xia Zhi waited on a bench for a while, and soon a police officer came to receive her.

"Hello, Miss Xia Zhi."

Xia Zhi took off her mask and hat and greeted the police, "Hello, comrade police, why did you call me here to confirm?"

The police briefly informed Xia Zhi of what happened.

It turns out that these four people are all fans of Song Xin.

They did this kind of thing because they were provoked by others in the fan base.

"We are still investigating the person behind the scenes," the policeman said. "However, the other party's ID is abroad and is virtual. It is not easy to track, so it may take some time."

"Okay, sorry to trouble you." Xia Zhi thanked her.

Xia Zhi was already very satisfied with being able to catch these four people so quickly.

"Actually, there is another reason for inviting you here." The policeman said, "They want to see you and ask for your forgiveness."

Xia Zhi was a little confused.

The policeman explained, "If you are willing to show a letter of understanding, their penalty will be lighter."

The policeman added, "Of course, this depends on your personal wishes. There is no force."

Xia Zhi's attitude was very firm, "I refuse to show a letter of understanding."

She was the one who got hurt.

Everyone should pay for their actions.

She will never forgive them!
Fu Jinye walked to Xia Zhi and held her hand. "Our lawyer will be here in a moment. You can communicate with him then."

Xia Zhi tilted her head and looked at Fu Jinye.

"It's such a trivial matter, so you don't need to hire a lawyer, right?"

In fact, this kind of thing is solved quickly.

After all, there were no casualties, so those people would most likely not be sentenced very seriously.

"This is your right." Fu Jinye said, "Don't worry, the person behind the scenes will be found soon."

Xia Zhi nodded.

Fans of Song Xin, even Xia Zhi, who is not a star-chasing person, have heard of it.

They are very capable in fighting, but almost all of them love Song Xin like crazy fans.

If they get entangled with them, few will end well.

It is said that one of Song Xin's ex-boyfriends was also an insider. After she broke up with Song Xin, her fans directly attacked her ex-boyfriend, causing his popularity to drop for a time.

Although he later turned around with his superb acting skills, some people still have a bad impression of him.

Thinking that he is a scumbag who abandons his girlfriend when he becomes famous.

As for what the truth is, no one cares.

"It's hard to make money in the entertainment industry." Xia Zhi couldn't help but sigh.

(End of this chapter)

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