Chapter 129 Shooting Commercials
Fu Jinye chuckled, "It's actually very easy. Just be yourself and ignore the voices from the outside world."

"No one can please everyone. It is better to please yourself than to please others."

"That makes sense." Xia Zhi nodded.

She participated in variety shows just to make money.

Nowadays, many troubles occur for no reason, which can be regarded as one of the costs of making money.

After the lawyer arrived, Xia Zhi's matter disappeared.

Fu Jinye is not short of money, and his request is to sentence those people as harshly as possible.

Let them understand that the Internet is not a lawless place.

"Let's go, I'll take you somewhere." Fu Jinye pulled Xia Zhi away from the police station.

Xia Zhi didn't even have time to put on her mask.

She whispered, "Mask, will it be photographed by the paparazzi?"

Fu Jinye was quite calm about this.

He wished there were more news about him and Xia Zhi being together on the Internet.

This way, when they make it public in the future, fans will be more receptive.

"where are we going?"

Xia Zhi looked at the familiar road. Isn't this the road they walked when they came here?

Is the place Fu Jinye said he wanted to take her to go home?
In fact, it really is.

"Xia Xia, you are back."

As soon as Xia Zhi walked into the living room, she heard Ye Qi's voice.

She was sitting on the sofa watching TV, and the housekeeper thoughtfully prepared a fruit platter and tea for her.

"Sister Qi, why are you here?" Xia Zhi was a little surprised.

Ye Qi glanced upstairs and said, "It's not our Xiao Heng who insists on coming to play with your Ran Ran, so I brought him here."

Xia Zhi was a little surprised, "These two get along quite well."

"Yes." Ye Qi nodded, also feeling a little emotional, "Actually, although Xiao Heng is usually very carefree, he doesn't have many friends."

"The same goes for our Ranbao."

The two people seemed to have found a common topic and started talking about their children.

Fu Jinye, who was originally preparing to give Xia Zhi a surprise, felt helpless when he saw this scene.

Forget it, let’s see the surprise later.

"Sister Qi, haven't you been filming recently?" Xia Zhi was a little curious.

In her impression, celebrities should be very busy.

Why do the two people she knows seem so "lazy"?

Ye Qi stretched out with a lazy posture, "There was originally a commercial shooting today, but another actress was injured, and the director hasn't found a suitable one yet, so it was postponed."

After saying that, she looked at Xia Zhi, "Xia Xia, do you want to try it?"

"Me?" Xia Zhi subconsciously wanted to refuse.

Ye Qi said, "Just give it a try. Advertising shooting is not a TV series, so you don't need to use too much acting skills."

"What ad?"

Xia Zhi was a little moved by what Ye Qi said.

"Shower gel advertisement." Ye Qi added, "A well-known national brand."

If it is filmed well, it can become popular among the people.

Maybe this is one of the reasons why the director couldn't find a replacement actor temporarily.

After all, you can’t just pick up anyone and take a photo.

The main reason is that Xia Zhi's face resists being hit.

"The director is absolutely satisfied with your figure!" Ye Qi said with a smile.

Xia Zhi: Why do you feel like you are being targeted by a big bad wolf?

"Try it, it won't be a loss even if you fail." Ye Qi said.

Finally, Xia Zhi nodded, "Okay."

Just try it.

She had nothing to do anyway.

In fact, it was Fu Jinye's words "Where is your life" that stimulated her.

She also wanted to change her way of life.

"Okay, I'll tell the director and let you audition." Ye Qi is also very efficient.

I sent a message directly to the director.

After the director heard Xia Zhi's name, he went to search for her.

After seeing her appearance, I almost wanted to finalize her directly.

However, the remaining sanity still allowed him to say that he should audition first.

If there is no big problem with being on camera, this commercial is basically Xia Zhi's.

"Let's go." Ye Qi was in high spirits, preparing to drive Xia Zhi to the audition.

At the same time, Ye Heng also clamored to go together.

Xia Ran naturally wanted to stay with her mother.

So the twosome turned into a foursome.

Xia Zhi was a little nervous.

She had never shot a commercial before and didn't know how to express herself in front of the camera.

Ye Qi said, "Just relax, try to be as natural as possible and don't be too stiff."

"Yeah." Xia Zhi nodded.

Ye Qi continued to remind, "Try not to look for the lens. The photographer will know better than you how the picture will appear."

"it is good."

“The most important thing is to relax”

Ye Qilu told Xia Zhi many things to pay attention to.

Xia Zhi wrote them down one by one, feeling very moved in her heart.

Regardless of whether the audition was successful or not, she was very grateful to Ye Qi for giving her this opportunity.

Xia Zhi held Ye Qi's hand and said coquettishly, "Sister Qi, thank you."

Ye Qi smiled and ruffled her hair, "Why are you so polite?"

The passing director happened to have a panoramic view of this scene.

Immediately came the inspiration.

When the director expressed the scene he wanted to shoot, Xia Zhi hesitated.

Is this really possible?
Ye Qi was very interested, "Okay, I like this idea!"

"In that case, let's give it a try." the director said.

Xia Zhi's audition performance was quite satisfactory.

It happened that Ye Qi was also there, so the director was ready to let the two of them start filming directly.

With the addition of Ye Qi, Xia Zhi seemed to be more and more relaxed.

The cooperation between the two people is very tacit, and their eyes are flowing, and the audience is unconsciously thinking about a big drama.

The most important thing is that two stunning beauties are in the same frame, completely breaking the traditional shower gel advertising performance and fully displaying their beauty.

It's more like a promotional video than an advertisement.

Foam, wet hair, bath towel, white clothes.
The perfect blend of purity and desire.

It is simply an unparalleled visual feast.

Not only the director, but also the staff present could not help but be attracted by the inexplicable magnetic field between the two.

The filming lasted for three hours.

It’s not because the two of them didn’t shoot well.

But the director had too much inspiration and shot several versions.

It has not yet been decided which version to use.

In the end, the director decided to hand over these three versions to Party A’s father and let them choose.

"Xia Xia, your camera performance is really good." Ye Qi praised again, "Are you really not considering developing a career in the entertainment industry?"

Xia Zhi didn't bite her to death this time, she said, "Let me think about it.

I'm not from a major, so I'm afraid of not performing well. "

Ye Qi thought for a moment and explained, "If you are afraid of this, it is better to start with a small role.

For example, the role of Bai Yueguang in some big productions only appears for a few minutes, but it is enough to amaze everyone.

It doesn’t require too much acting skills, as long as you are beautiful enough.

Of course, if there is an acting bonus, it will be even more points. "

(End of this chapter)

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