Chapter 130 Dad?If it doesn’t exist, he doesn’t want it!
Xia Zhi understood what Ye Qi said.

She also follows dramas herself, so she has a very clear understanding of this type of role.

There are few scenes, but there are many appearances.

Basically, when it appears, it can make people's eyes brighten.

The characters are impressive.

"I'm still a little unsure," Xia Zhi said truthfully, "But, Sister Qi, I'm very moved by what you said, and I want to give it a try."

Ye Qi originally thought that Xia Zhi would continue to refuse.

Unexpectedly, she changed the subject and actually agreed.

"Okay." Ye Qi said in surprise, "Shall I ask my agent to find a few similar scripts for you to read?"

"No, no." Xia Zhi waved her hands quickly, "Sister Qi, you have helped me a lot, how can I have the nerve to trouble you again."

"Brother Yuan said before that if I was interested in entering the entertainment industry, he would take me there."

"So, I want to hear his opinion on this matter."

Xia Zhi made up her mind, and Ye Qi couldn't say anything else.

"Two beauties, this is a gift for you." The director's assistant said, holding two gifts from the brand.

"Thank you."

Ye Qi's assistant collected the things.

Ye Qi sat aside, taking off her makeup and chatting with Xia Zhi.

"Xia Xia, what changed your mind?" Ye Qi was a little curious, "Did Fu Jinye say something to you?"

Think for a moment.

Xia Zhi nodded, "That's right.

He asked me a question, 'What is the life that belongs to me, Xia Zhi?'.

I don't know how to answer. "

about life.

When she was in love with Fu Jinye, she hoped that the two of them could be together forever.

Later they broke up and she got Ranbao. She hoped that Ranbao would grow up healthy and happy.

She had no particular passion for her career, and the only thing she loved was photography, which she put aside for many years.

In the past few years, I have saved some money.

But Xia Zhi still hasn't found a place where she can use her remaining energy.

So, she wanted to be bold and try something new.

Maybe it will bring about a different turn of events.

After hearing Xia Zhi's narration, Ye Qi murmured, "Fu Jinye really knows you very well."

Xia Zhi blinked, feeling a little at a loss.

Ye Qi said, "He is right. We are ourselves first, and then we are so-and-so's mother, so-and-so's wife, or so-and-so's children."

"Yes." Xia Zhi nodded in agreement, "Sister Qi is right!"

Ye Qi gave her a helpless look, "You're the only one with a sweet mouth!"

When Tao Yuan received the news from Xia Zhi, he was studying Fu Jinye's new script.

Many people pushed scripts to him, and some of them looked pretty good.

He was struggling, preparing to select the most representative ones and let Fu Jinye make the final decision.

After seeing Xia Zhi's news, he immediately dialed her number.

"Xia Zhi, have you figured it out?" Tao Yuan got straight to the point, "Want to try the entertainment industry?"

"Yes." Xia Zhi nodded, and then she hesitated, "I have no experience, will it cause trouble to Brother Yuan?"

"No." Tao Yuan said truthfully, "When I first entered the industry, I also worked with a few inexperienced newcomers.

Not to mention your acting skills, your mentality is very good.

Although you now have a certain fan base, when it comes to acting, you can't just consider the number of roles from the beginning.

Start small, move forward step by step, and you will eventually succeed. "

"Yeah." Xia Zhi agreed, "Brother Yuan, what should I do now?"

Tao Yuan thought for a moment and said, "If it were an ordinary newcomer, I would ask her to sign a contract first, and then discuss the follow-up matters.

But you are Konno’s friend, so the contract matter is not urgent for now.

I will first find an acting teacher for you and see if there are any roles suitable for you.

Then you can audition first.If we can win the audition, how about we sign a contract? "

Tao Yuan's words hit Xia Zhi's heart perfectly.

Xia Zhi quickly said, "Okay, okay."

She knew in her heart that she was able to receive special treatment entirely because of Fu Jinye.

Therefore, her gratitude to Fu Jinye increased.

After filming the commercial, Xia Zhi took Ranbao back home.

Fu Jinye is busy with something and is not at home.

Xia Zhi came to Xia Ran's room and told him her plan seriously.

"Ranbao, mother wants to discuss something with you."

Xia Ran tilted his head, "Is it about acting?"

Xia Zhi was a little surprised, "How did Ranbao know?"

Xia Ran said, "Ranran heard the conversation between mother and Aunt Ye."

Mom and Aunt Ye have a very good relationship.

Therefore, he is willing to accept her.

Xia Zhi reached out and rubbed his head, "Although this is mom's business, mom hopes to get Baby Ranran's consent."

Xia Ran's black eyes were filled with unknown emotions.

He asked, "If Ranran doesn't agree, will mom give up?"

"Yes." Xia Zhi said without hesitation.

No matter when, Ranbao will always be the most important part of her life.

Xia Zhi said seriously, "Ranran, if you don't agree, we can continue to return to our original lives after the variety show is recorded and the heat subsides."

Although Ranbao is only five years old.

But when Xia Zhi encounters something, she will still discuss it with him.

On the one hand, Ranbao's IQ is higher than that of ordinary children, so he cannot be regarded as just a five-year-old child.

On the other hand, she hopes to cultivate Ranbao's sense of independence and exercise his ability to make judgments and choices.

Xia Ran was a little confused.

Secretly, he hopes to return to his original life with his mother.

He wants to be the most important person in his mother's heart.

However, he also hopes that his mother can be happy.

"Well" Xia Ran pouted and whispered, "Then mom has to promise Ran Ran something."

"What?" Xia Zhi looked at him confused.

Xia Ran said weakly, "Mom is not allowed to find a father for Ran Ran."

Xia Zhi:.
When did she say she wanted to find a father for her son?

Xia Zhi did not agree directly. She asked curiously, "Why doesn't Ranran like dad?"

Xia Ran pouted, how could he like someone who competed with him for his mother!

Mom is so stupid!

Huh, he won't tell his mother the truth.

Xia Ran casually found a reason to explain, "Ruan Ran doesn't know how to get along with dad."

He can't let his mother see that he hates the role of "dad".

Otherwise, his mother will definitely correct his idea.

Hearing this, Xia Zhi suddenly felt guilty.

If she had not broken up with Fu Jinye, or found a man to marry before Ranbao was born.

It will not make Ranbao lose his role as a father in his life.

As a result, he now does not have a clear understanding of the role of "father".

Xia Zhi said guiltily, "Ranran, if, mother means if.

If you had the chance to meet your father, would you want to meet him? "

Xia Ran's heart suddenly rang with alarm bells. What does mom mean by this?
Are you going to tell him who his father is?

Xia Ran blurted out, feeling a little excited, "I don't want to!"

(End of this chapter)

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