Chapter 136 Mountain Climbing
"I have something else to do, so I'll leave first." Fu Jinye stood up and said to Director Zhao.

Director Zhao nodded, "Okay, if you have something to do, go ahead and do it."

He turned around and said gently to Xia Zhi, who was sitting behind him, "Let's go."

"it is good."

Xia Zhi quickly packed her things and prepared to leave.

Before leaving the chair, she hesitated for a moment, but decided to say goodbye to the director, "Goodbye, Director Zhao."

"Well, goodbye." Director Zhao also said goodbye to her.

In fact, she didn't want to attract attention.

The main reason was that she had chatted with Director Zhao, and it would be unreasonable to leave like this without saying hello.

There is nothing easy about the adult world.

Xia Zhi decided to buy a book when she returned. She had predicted the title in advance.

It's called "One Hundred and Eight Tips for Adults to Improve Emotional Intelligence."

"What are you thinking about?" Fu Jinye saw that Xia Zhi was unhappy and reached out to take off her hat, deliberately teasing her.

Xia Zhi pursed her lips and stared at Fu Jinye with big eyes, "I'm wondering what book I can read to save my low emotional intelligence."

Fu Jinye looked at her with a smile, "Well, I suggest you just give up. It's simpler."

Xia Zhi: "Give me back the hat!"

"Nothing is difficult in the world, as long as you give up!" Fu Jinye said again.

Xia Zhi felt that this sentence sounded familiar for some reason.

This is not what she said when Fu Jinye taught her to do math problems.

Unexpectedly, Fu Jinye would now use it to educate himself.

Xia Zhi rolled her eyes, "No, nothing is difficult in the world, as long as you are willing to climb!
I can do it! "

"Really want to climb?" Fu Jinye asked.

Xia Zhi nodded solemnly, "That's right."

No matter what, she won't give up.

Isn’t it just emotional intelligence?

She practices, she practices, she practices!

She didn't believe how difficult it could be.

Fu Jinye murmured, "That's good."

"What are you muttering about?" Xia Zhi looked at him curiously.

"It's okay, let's go."

"Where to go?"


"it is good."

If only I had known that this is the way Fu Jinye meant to relax.

Xia Zhi said she would never go.

Mountain climbing
It’s such a hot summer, are you going to die?

Xia Zhi wanted to escape.

But as soon as she turned around, Fu Jinye carried her back.

Fu Jinye leaned against her ear and whispered, "Didn't you say, 'Nothing is difficult in this world, as long as you are willing to climb'?"

Xia Zhi felt her ears itchy inexplicably.

She took two steps back, staying far away from Fu Jinye.

She explained, "I did say that, but what I meant was to work hard, overcome difficulties, and gain emotional intelligence."

"What does it have to do with mountain climbing? It's just a description, a description! Do you understand?"

How could Fu Jinye not understand.

It's just that he wants to climb mountains with Xia Zhi.

So he ignored her words and opened the car to take out his hiking bag.

"Did you have a premeditated plan?" Xia Zhi asked with some confusion.

This equipment is too complete.

It is unbelievable to say that he had no premeditation.

Fu Jinye nodded, "That's right."

He explained, "I see that you are quite tired recently, so I am going to take you hiking to relax."

Xia Zhi said disapprovingly, "Mountain climbing is not a relaxing activity for me. If I really want to relax, why don't we go home and play games?"

In summer, you should stay in an air-conditioned room and eat watermelon.

It is best to adjust the air conditioner temperature to 22°C, then lie on the bed covered with quilts and play games.

That taste, not to mention how beautiful it is.

It is impossible to climb a mountain.

"Assistant, get something."

Fu Jinye changed his name.

Even if Xia Zhi wanted to refuse, she had no choice.

Who makes people capitalists?

Xia Zhi was unwilling to give in.

She walked up to Fu Jinye, grabbed his arm and said coquettishly, "Fu Jinye, can we not climb the mountain?"

"That's really not possible. If you really want to exercise, we can go indoor rock climbing."

When the time comes, let Fu Jinye climb the rock by herself, and she will sit aside and play with the air conditioner and play on her mobile phone. Perfect!

"No." Fu Jinye shook his head and refused.

Fu Jinye reached out and tapped her forehead, "Don't act like a baby."

"I didn't." Xia Zhi muttered to herself.

"Want to take it?" Fu Jinye handed a tent bag to Xia Zhi, "Or, we can sleep in the same tent."

Xia Zhi was a little surprised, "Are we still going to spend the night in the mountains?"

Fu Jinye nodded, "That's right."

"No." Xia Zhi refused, "Ranbao will miss me. How about I call you and ask Brother Yuan to come over?"

She didn't really want to spend the night alone with Fu Jinye.

However, Xia Zhi did become somewhat interested in mountain climbing.

She had yet to try pitching a tent in a cave for the night.

She is always curious about new things.

But this curiosity has no effect at all under the hot weather.

"Don't worry, I have arranged for someone to take care of Xia Ran. He will be fine."

"Xia Xia." Fu Jinye suddenly changed his title, "Do you still remember that you said that after the college entrance examination is over, we will watch the sunrise together?"

of course I remember.

Unexpectedly, Fu Jinye would still remember this sentence.

Xia Zhi finally chose to compromise, "Let's go."

Maybe to make up for that sunrise.

Maybe she wanted to experience what it would be like to spend the night in a tent on the top of a mountain.

Perhaps it's because Fu Jinye is now an evil capitalist.

No matter what the reason was, Xia Zhi finally decided to climb the mountain.

She was carrying a tent bag, but Fu Jinye had much more stuff on him than she did.

In addition to the tent bag, there is also a large bag.

Despite this, Fu Jinye's physical strength is still much better than Xia Zhi's.

"No, I need to take a rest." Xia Zhi breathed heavily and found a slightly cleaner stone to sit on. "I'm too tired."

I have never been so tired looking after children.

Fu Jinye took out the electrolyte water from his bag and handed it to Xia Zhi, "Replenish your physical strength."

When he handed it over, the bottle cap had already been screwed on.

Xia Zhi inexplicably noticed these small details and couldn't help but sigh: It's quite heartwarming.

After taking a sip of water, Xia Zhi felt like she was alive again.

However, she needed to rest for a while before continuing on her way.

"How do you feel?" Fu Jinye stood aside.

Xia Zhi said truthfully, "I'm tired. If I keep walking, I feel like my legs will give out."

Fu Jinye squatted down, lifted Xia Zhi's legs onto his own, and prepared to massage her legs.

Xia Zhi wanted to pull her leg back, "It's not good."

(End of this chapter)

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