Chapter 137 Give You a Gift

Fu Jinye's voice was light, but what he said was irresistible, "What if you sprain your foot? Shouldn't I carry you up?"

Xia Zhi pursed her lips.

She thought to herself: How strong is Fu Jinye's vision for mountain climbing?

She has sprained her ankle, shouldn't her first reaction be to go down the mountain?
He was even considering carrying her up the mountain.

Thinking of this, Xia Zhi suddenly no longer felt so guilty.

"Hiss." Xia Zhi couldn't help shouting in pain, "Lower your strength."

"The effect is not good if you don't use force." Fu Jinye said seriously.

After Fu Jinye's massage, when Xia Zhi stood up again, she actually felt that her legs were much more comfortable.

She was a little surprised, "I didn't expect you to know how to massage?"

Fu Jinye explained, "I learned it when I was filming."

He originally played a police undercover agent in the movie, and that character worked in a massage parlor for a while.

Therefore, he also learned some massage techniques.

Although not comparable to a professional masseur.

However, it is still possible to simply relieve fatigue.

Hearing this, Xia Zhi admired Fu Jinye a little.

"you are awesome."

Xia Zhi suddenly thought of some press releases she had seen before.

She asked curiously, "I heard that you learn a skill by filming a drama. Is it true?"

"That's right." Fu Jinye said calmly, "Sometimes you may need to learn two or even more skills."

Seeing this, Xia Zhi couldn't help but admire Fu Jinye.

As expected, a top student will have the aura of being a top student wherever he is placed.

"You will know when you are filming in the future." Fu Jinye said, "If you don't learn certain skills, you won't be able to play that role well."

Xia Zhi nodded, "That's right. After all, although an actor is one person, he has to play countless roles."

Therefore, it is not difficult to understand that actors have several skills.

It’s just that some people learn deeply and some learn shallowly.

The two people walked and chatted, and the time passed quickly.

Although Xia Zhi tried her best to ignore her physical strength, her body still issued a warning.

She breathed a sigh of relief and said, "No, let's take a rest."

"Okay." Fu Jinye said nothing.

He looked at Xia Zhi breathing heavily and said calmly, "It's time for you to exercise more."

Of course Xia Zhi also knows that exercise is her shortcoming.

But where does she have time to exercise?

After a tiring day.

She just wants to lie in bed and play games and play with her mobile phone, and has no interest in other things.

Not to mention exercise, which consumes physical energy.

Xia Zhi drank water while admiring the scenery halfway up the mountain.

I have to say that the natural scenery is beautiful.

Although tired, my heart felt very comfortable.

Maybe this is the benefit of climbing mountains.

Occasionally a breeze blows, and Xia Zhi understands it as a gift from nature.

It’s just that nature is a bit stingy and the number of gifts is very few.

Most of the time, she fanned herself by hand.

"Do you have a fan in your bag?" Xia Zhi asked curiously.

Fu Jinye shook his head, "No need."


He really doesn't need it.

Xia Zhi glanced at Fu Jinye. His breathing was not disturbed the whole time.

Only some beads of sweat broke out on his forehead.

If someone passes by, he puts on his hat, lowers his head, and turns his back to the pedestrian.

However, there are fewer people climbing the mountain during this season.

After all, not everyone "loves" sports as much as Fu Jinye.

"How about I carry you up?" Fu Jinye suddenly suggested.

Xia Zhi thought he was joking and responded with a smile: "Okay."

After saying that, she stretched out her hand to signal Fu Jinye to carry her.

Unexpectedly, Fu Jinye actually walked up to her and squatted down with his back to her.

Xia Zhi's hanging hand fell. She stood up again and patted Fu Jinye on the back, "Forget it, I can walk by myself."

Fu Jinye said calmly, "It doesn't matter to me."

Xia Zhi shrugged, "I'm not that weak." "Okay."

Fu Jinye knew that Xia Zhi would not agree to let him carry it.

So the two of them continued walking up the mountain.

I do not know how long it has been.

This time, Xia Zhi did not take a break, but gritted her teeth and persisted.

Her back was soaked with sweat, but she didn't yell stop.

Maybe he was afraid that Fu Jinye would really carry him on his back.

Been gone for a long time
Just when Xia Zhi thought she couldn't see the end of the road, the top of the mountain appeared in front of her.

"Are you here?" She felt a little incredible.

Fu Jinye took the tent bag from Xia Zhi and nodded, "That's right."

"Which way are we going?"

Not all places on the top of the mountain can pitch tents.

The two people came to a relatively wide place.

On the other side is a cliff.

Xia Zhi is not afraid of heights, but she doesn't dare to go to the cliff.

Don’t there often be scenes of falling off a cliff in movies and TV dramas?

She was afraid that if she walked over, she would miss the mark.

The scenery at the top of the mountain is beautiful.

However, what moved Xia Zhi most was the fact that she climbed to the top of the mountain.

Climbing a mountain may be a pointless thing.

But her persistence in the process made her feel comfortable both physically and mentally.

Fu Jinye didn't seem to know why he was tired.

After climbing up the mountain, he did not immediately sit down and enjoy the scenery. Instead, he began to unpack the tent bags and prepare to set up the tent.

Xia Zhi sighed helplessly and joined in.

She can't let Fu Jinye do these things alone.

"Let me help you." Xia Zhi said.

Fu Jinye nodded, "Okay."

The two men quickly set up a tent.

Xia Zhi thought he would continue to build a second tent.

Unexpectedly, he stopped.

"Take a rest." Fu Jinye said.

"Are you tired?" Xia Zhi looked at him with a smile.

It was as if she had discovered something novel.

Fu Jinye raised his lips and smiled, "It's not that I'm tired, but I'm afraid that you will be tired."

But it doesn't matter, as long as you are happy.

Fu Jinye nodded cooperatively, "Well, I'm tired."

"I knew it!" Xia Zhi said sarcastically, "After all, you are not a perpetual motion machine. How can you work all the time without taking a break."

Fu Jinye said nothing.

More than this, he wanted to prove in other ways whether he was a perpetual motion machine.

Xia Zhi felt an inexplicable chill on her back.

Strange, there is no wind, why is it suddenly cool?

Xia Zhi was a little curious about what was in Fu Jinye's other bag.

She only saw Fu Jinye take out a bottle of electrolyte water from his bag.

She guessed that there must be food in the bag.

"Xia Xia, I have something to give you." Fu Jinye suddenly spoke.

Xia Zhi was a little surprised, "Here?"

Not that there's anything wrong with this place.

Instead, Fu Jinye climbed to the top of the mountain with a gift on his back to give it to her, which was somewhat strange.

Fu Jinye nodded, "Yes."

Then, he opened another bag he was carrying.

Xia Zhi was a little curious, wondering what kind of gift Fu Jinye would give her.

When Fu Jinye took the gift out of the bag, Xia Zhi couldn't hold it any longer.

Although it was not opened, Xia Zhi saw the logo on the gift box.

That's the camera brand's logo.

It is also her favorite brand.

(End of this chapter)

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