Chapter 138 Confession
Xia Zhi was a little at a loss.

Except for the time when I met Fu Jinye again.

This was the most overwhelmed she had ever been.

Why did Fu Jinye give her a camera?

"Open it and take a look?" Fu Jinye's voice was full of expectation.

Xia Zhi was a little afraid to take action.

She didn't know what it would mean to herself if she opened it.

She loves photography and has been doing it for a long time.

But since the accident at home, she has never done anything related to photography.

Most of the time, I use my mobile phone to record my life.

If Fu Jinye was the biggest pain in her youth, then photography was the biggest regret in her life.

Now, Fu Jinye was sitting in front of her holding her favorite camera in his hands.

"Xia Xia." Fu Jinye put down the camera and reached out to hold Xia Zhi's hand, "No matter what happened to you before, I will be here from now on.

I'm sorry for not being by your side during your most difficult time.

I promise, never again. "

Xia Zhi's tears burst out instantly.

The unstoppable kind.

She didn't expect that Fu Jinye would say such things to her.

It seemed like so many years of grievances were instantly relieved.

Fu Jinye was really the calamity in her life.

Xia Zhi fell into Fu Jinye's arms and cried loudly.

It seemed that in this way, he could pass on all the grievances he had suffered over the years to Fu Jinye.

And Fu Jinye did feel it.

He held Xia Zhi in his arms and comforted: "Cry, Xia Xia.

I understand, I understand everything. "

So, you can cry as much as you want in my arms.

I understand all the grievances you have suffered over the years.

Xia Xia, no one will wrong you again.

After crying for a long time, Xia Zhi gradually calmed down.

She wiped her tears, still sobbing.

Ah, so hopeless.

She couldn't help crying.

It's all Fu Jinye's fault. If he hadn't suddenly taken out his camera, how could she have cried!

At this time, Fu Jinye just said, "Are you done crying?"

It's okay not to say it. This statement directly angered Xia Zhi.

She snorted coldly and said stubbornly, "I'm not crying."

Fu Jinye was stunned for a moment, then smiled.

He followed Xia Zhi's words and said, "Yes, our Xia Xia didn't cry, it was just Sha Sha who squinted her eyes."

This tone was exactly the same as when she coaxed Ranbao.

"You're trying to coax a kid!" Xia Zhi couldn't help complaining.

Fu Jinye smiled and said nothing.

Isn't she his little child?

Fu Jinye reached out and rubbed Xia Zhi's hair, "Would you like to take it apart and take a look?"


Xia Zhi came out of Fu Jinye's arms and began to open her own gifts.

The camera is already assembled and ready for use.

Looking at the brand new camera, Xia Zhi was filled with emotions.

After many years, she met Fu Jinye again and touched the camera again.

Perhaps, this is a chance God gave her to come back again.

Should she grasp it?

Xia Zhi suddenly shifted her gaze from the camera to Fu Jinye.

The sudden gaze made Fu Jinye stunned for a moment, "What's wrong?"

Xia Zhi came close to Fu Jinye, breathing closely together.She asked, "Fu Jinye, do you still like me?"

Fu Jinye frowned, seeming a little confused.

Xia Zhi: Did she guess wrong?


The next moment, Xia Zhi was directly knocked on the forehead by Fu Jinye.

If you don’t like it, don’t like it.

What does it mean to hit someone?
Unexpectedly, Fu Jinye said, "My Xia Xia, what gave you the illusion that I don't like you?"

Ah this
Xia Zhi did not expect that Fu Jinye would suddenly say such words.

Judging from what he said, does he like me?

Well, she knew it.

Fu Jinye must like himself.

Xia Zhi raised her head arrogantly, "I don't dare to make random guesses for such an outstanding person as Movie Emperor Fu."

Fu Jinye noticed that Xia Zhi had changed.

It seems like I'm back in high school again.

The bright girl in front of me.

"Now that you know it, what do you say?" Fu Jinye followed Xia Zhi's words and said, "I still like you.

No, I've always liked you.

Even after all these years, I only like you.

There is no one else but you. "

Xia Zhi is the light in his life.

After Xia Zhi left, he never thought about trying to like others.

It seemed that her departure also took away all his love.

Fu Jinye didn't know how to describe this feeling. All in all, no one made his heart move more than Xia Zhi.

There are thousands of women in the world, but Xia Zhi is his only true love.

"Me." Xia Zhi hesitated and thought for a while before giving the answer, "I allow you to chase me, how about it?
Is Mr. Fu confident? "

Looking at the playful Xia Zhi, Fu Jinye smiled sincerely.

He pinched Xia Zhi's cheek and said softly, "Okay, how do you want me to chase you?
How about giving you nine thousand nine hundred and ninety-nine roses? "

Xia Zhi: So vulgar!

The memory of the dead suddenly attacked her.

This is what she said when she chased Fu Jinye.

At that time, she deliberately threatened him, "If you don't agree, I will give you 99 roses in front of all the teachers and students in the school, so that everyone will know that you are my Xia Zhi's man!"

How did Fu Jinye answer at that time?

She doesn't seem to remember.

I only remember that Fu Jinye's eyes were very frightened at that time.

It was as if he had already imagined that scene in his mind.

Now the frightened person became Xia Zhi.

She shook her head, rejection written all over her body, "No, try another way."

Thinking of the past, certain memories suddenly came to mind.

Xia Zhi reached out and poked Fu Jinye's cheek, "Anyway, I won't agree to your pursuit easily.

Who made me waste so much time chasing you?

So now, the tide is turning, and I want to test you too! "

Fu Jinye: Suddenly I feel like I shot myself in the foot.

Why didn't he agree to come in the first place?

Oh, it seems that he didn't agree immediately because he liked to see her surrounding him.

Later, he couldn't help it anymore.

When he thought that Xia Zhi often skipped classes and surfed the Internet with other boys, and he had no suitable reason to keep her by his side, he couldn't help but agree to her pursuit.

In fact, he fell in love with her as early as the first time he saw her.

Her sunshine, freedom and brightness all attracted him.

How happy I was back then, how uncomfortable I am now.

If I had known that today would happen, what would I be struggling with at that time? !

(End of this chapter)

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