The sickly girl became famous when she went to sex with a baby girl, and the actor’s ex-boyfriend as

Chapter 14 She knew Ranbao was strong, but she didn’t know he was so strong

Chapter 14 She knew Ranbao was strong, but she didn’t know he was so strong

Xia Zhi didn't expect that Xiaobao would reject Fu Jinye so much.

But that's fine, she never planned to disclose Xiaobao's identity.

Let this secret sink into obscurity.

Anyway, after recording this program, there was no longer any relationship between her and Fu Jinye.

Fu Jinye stared at Xia Ran with a heavy gaze. After a moment, he spoke quietly, with a unique mellow voice, "I don't have such a stupid son."

Xia Ran stared at Fu Jinye, like an angry little beast.

Xia Zhi held her forehead, these two people really looked alike.

Especially the character that refuses to admit defeat is exactly the same.

I thought that when I saw Fu Jinye again, he would be cold and emotionless.

But the competitive nature in his heart has not changed at all.

Fu Konye Yuzai spoke leisurely, "I could memorize the multiplication table at the age of three, and I was proficient in [-] Tang poems, the periodic table of chemical elements, and calculus at the age of five."

This is the longest sentence Fu Jinye has said since recording the show.

It may also be the most disgusting thing he has ever said outside of movies and TV shows.

[Hahahahahahahahahaha, suddenly childish Fu Konno]

[Actor, do you know that your character is ruined? 】

[Maybe what he said is true. I don’t believe it anyway]

[What I said about things flying in the sky turned out to be Fu Jinye’s boast]

[As expected of my destiny, I have been different since I was a child]

[Can you know calculus at the age of five?All I can say is awesome]

[Fu Jinye has a talent for comedy. He said such funny things in a serious manner, which made my stomach hurt from laughing! 】

After hearing Fu Jinye's example, Xia Ran silently compared it in his mind.

There were some things in it that he had not been exposed to.

But he knows most of what this man says.

Xia Ran stretched out his little paws to wrap around Xia Zhi's fingers, and said with a smile, "Ruan Ran can do what you said!"

Xia Zhi lowered her head and looked at Ranbao.

Baby, when did Mommy teach you to brag and not draft?

Sensing Mom's gaze, Ranbao raised his head and looked at her, with a clear smile in his eyes.

This is an expression that can only be shown in front of Xia Zhi.

Xia Zhi stroked her silly son's hair and said, "Xiaobao, you have to keep a low profile, you know?"

What is low-key?
Xia Ran's eyes flashed, she nodded enthusiastically, and said obediently, "Nuan Ran, listen to mother."

"Oh?" Fu Jinye raised his eyebrows, "In that case, why don't I test you to see if you are bragging?"

When facing Fu Jinye, Xia Ran returned to his beast-fighting state, "Ranran is not bragging!"

Others were confused as to what kind of medicine Fu Jinye was selling in his gourd.

Fan Yimin, who looked confused, was suddenly cueed, "Director Fan, how about treating my test of Ranran as his performance?"

Fan Yimin glanced at him inexplicably and nodded in agreement, "Okay, but Konno, Ranran is still young after all, so you have to take it easy."

The implication is, don't let him get off stage.

After getting permission, Fu Jinye's eyes fell on Xia Zhi, with unknown meaning.

Xia Zhi was a little frightened by his stare, and she shrank unnaturally, trying to escape.

However, all actions in front of the camera will be magnified.

Whenever she shows any rejection, netizens will spit her to death.

Xia Zhi knew this very well, so she did not run away, but stood quietly, pretending not to know that Fu Jinye was sizing her up.Suddenly, Fu Jinye spoke slowly, "Then you can memorize "Moonlight Night on the Spring River"."

As soon as these words came out, everyone sighed.

Most of the people present had heard of the poem and probably knew a line or two from it.

But if you memorize it completely, it can be said that no more than ten people can complete it.

There are even people who don’t know what it is.

Zhou Jiajia looked up at her mother and asked doubtfully, "Mom, what is that?"

An unnatural look appeared on Zhou Yiran's face, and she smiled awkwardly, "Jia Jia, be good, don't talk nonsense, so as not to disturb Xiao Ran's thoughts."

Zhou Jiajia said "Oh" without knowing why, her expression was very confusing.

Ye Heng also looked up at Ye Qi, his small eyes full of doubts.

Ye Qi explained, "This is a poem with more than 200 words more than the "Climbing the Stork Tower" you memorized."

Hearing this, Ye Heng opened his mouth and made a sign of surprise.

More than 200 words?
so many!
Humph, Xiao Heng wouldn’t believe that he could recite it!
Xia Zhi looked at her son worriedly, but Xia Ran gave her a reassuring expression.

Then, he recited the poem with excitement, "The tide of the spring river reaches the level of the sea, and the bright moon rises with the tide on the sea. The waves follow the waves for thousands of miles, but there is no moon on the spring river."

His voice is childish, but the rhythm of reciting poems is very steady.

The space between each sentence is almost the same.

This scene seems familiar.

Only then did everyone realize that Xia Ran who recited poems and Xia Ran who recited multiplication formulas were almost identical.

His small face exudes calmness.

Xia Zhi's initial concern turned into shock.

She knew that Xiaobao was very smart, but she didn't expect that Xiaobao was so smart.

"Moonlight Night on Spring River" Hey, she almost didn't memorize it back then.

If Fu Jinye hadn't been nagging in her ears and checking her recitation all the time, she probably would never have been able to memorize it.

As if thinking of something, Xia Zhi turned to look at Fu Jinye.

Did he deliberately ask Xiaobao to recite this poem?

Xia Ran's voice continued, "I don't know who Jiang Yue is waiting for, but I see the Yangtze River sending water."

【Shock me for 100 years! ! ! 】

[TMD Isn’t this really a script? 】

[Even if it’s a script, it’s impressive that Ranbao can recite this poem, and judging from everyone’s reaction, it doesn’t look like a script at all]

[At the age of 25, I consider myself a waste, but I don’t admit that I am not even as good as a five-year-old child]

[I asked why Xia Ran looked so familiar. He was sitting in front of me when I was taking the college entrance examination]

[Are you starting to create a stupid academic tyrant again? How much money did this mother and son spend on this show? 】

【Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh oh oh ah ese pop’s where's’'s ’’s''re’'re' Time'ged!!! GEN Bao are great!I’m going to climb over the wall, I’m sorry, Mr. Fu, wuwuwuwuwu]

As time passes little by little, Xia Ran's poem is coming to an end, "I don't know how many people will return by the moon, and the falling moon shakes the trees all over the river with love."

His voice was still milky, but when others looked at him, they felt more in awe.

The audience in front of the screen doesn't know, but they, the people recording the show, do.

No script, just random questions.

Xia Ran recited "Spring River Flower Moonlight Night" without any preparation.

As a five-year-old child, such memory and knowledge can be described as terrifying!
Fu Jinye raised his eyebrows and judged Dan with a dignified tone, "Not bad."

(End of this chapter)

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