Chapter 15 The person who loves his mother the most in the world

Xia Ran glanced at Fu Jinye, his black grape-like eyes were pure and flawless, slightly cold, and those talking eyes seemed to say: Look, I've finished memorizing.

Fu Jinye understood what he didn't say and raised his eyebrows, "Do you know what the periodic table of elements is?"

Xia Ran said without thinking, "Hydrogen, helium, lithium, beryllium, boron, carbon, nitrogen, oxygen, fluorine, and neon."

His tone was still calm and calm.

It seems that such behavior should not appear in a five-year-old child.

However, Xia Ran did it.

He is a well-deserved genius.

When he can recite multiplication tables, people may just think he is smart.

When he recited "Spring River Flowers and Moonlight Night", people felt that he was not ordinary smart.

But when he recited the "Periodic Table of Elements", this cleverness changed.

Mathematics, Chinese, chemistry. At only five years old, he has already covered many subjects.

No matter what his level is, he can already be called a genius for being able to recite so many things.

Xia Ran didn't know that because of his move, the number of blackmailers on the Internet suddenly decreased a lot.

There was only praise for him in the live broadcast room.

Those who initially clamored that he was a "plastic surgery monster" and "loved to rub dogs" no longer mentioned this matter.

Gradually, everyone was only shocked by his ability and forgot about other things.

However, the father-son relationship between him and Fu Jinye was mentioned more and more.

Xia Zhi was no less shocked than the others.

As a mother, she usually doesn't pay much attention to Ranbao.

Thinking of this, an indescribable feeling of guilt rippled through Xia Zhi's heart.

"Xiaobao, you are awesome!" Xia Zhi praised.

The guilt hidden in his tone is invisible to most people.

But Xia Ran, who had always cared about her mother's emotions, noticed it.

He asked with concern, "What's wrong with mom? Did Ranran do something wrong to make mom unhappy?"

Hearing this, Xia Zhi's eyes immediately turned red.

Tears welled up in her eyes. If she hadn't been recording the show at this time, maybe she would have cried while holding Ranbao.

Xia Zhi said sincerely, "Baby, don't think so, you will always be mother's pride."


Xia Zhi kissed Xia Ran on the cheek.

As if there was some magic power, Xia Ran's face turned red almost instantly.

His dark eyes flickered, hiding timidity and shyness, but also a hint of eagerness, as if he wanted to kiss her.

When Ye Qi saw this scene, he glanced at his naughty son again.


Ye Heng covered the back of his head with an accusing look on his face, "Mom, why are you hitting Xiao Heng!"

Ye Qi didn't strike hard, just patted him lightly.

Unfortunately, Ye Heng is a drama queen.

Naturally, Ye Qi couldn't say the kind of comparison like "Look at others Xia Ran".

She didn't want her son to develop a comparison mentality from an early age.

So, I said something yawning, "My hands are itchy."

Ye Heng:.
other people:

[My hands are itchy, are you okay? ! 】

[Blindly guessing that Ye Qi must be envious of Xia Zhi for having such a good son like Ranbao, her eyes betrayed her! 】

[Hahaha, Ye Heng expressed that he was very aggrieved and was beaten for no reason]

【This is my mother! ! ! 】

[Ran Bao’s IQ is incredible, I beg him to join the Most Powerful Brain! 】【Genius burning treasure, unstoppable! ! 】

[Oh, the three babies of this season are all very good.

As Xia Ran finished reciting the periodic table of elements, this episode of the performance came to an end.

"Everyone must be exhausted from the performance just now. The program team has prepared some food for everyone. Take a rest and we will continue playing games later." Fan Yimin said conscientiously.

I have to say that the program team is still very rich in some aspects.

Fan Yimin said the food was top-notch, with everything from desserts to fruits available.

Ye Heng happily pulled Ye Qi towards the table where the food was placed.

Zhou Jiajia also looked eagerly at the table full of food, but she was a little more reserved than Ye Heng.

Xia Ran was not interested at all.

He didn't look like a five-year-old child at all.

"Are you hungry?"

Xia Zhi was about to take Xia Ran to eat when Shen Jiangqi's voice suddenly sounded in her ears.

He didn't know when he came to the two of them, and the concern in his eyes could not be concealed.

"Ran Ran, can Uncle Shen take you to eat?" Shen Jiangqi asked Xia Ran softly.

Xia Ran didn't answer, just looked up at Xia Zhi.

Compared to his indifference towards other people, Xia Ran's attitude towards Shen Jiangqi was quite good, at least there was no rejection in his eyes.

Fu Jinye's narrow eyes narrowed slightly, and when he saw the three of them getting along happily, a cold light suddenly appeared in his eyes, "I won't bother Mr. Shen to take care of my people."

Xia Zhi didn't expect that he would suddenly say such words.

I cursed in my heart, what do you mean by "my people"?
When did she become his?

Shen Jiangqi glanced at Fu Jinye with some surprise. He was both a man, and he seemed to be able to understand what the other person was thinking with just one look.

Shen Jiangqi's lips curled up slightly, "Now during the non-program recording period, Zhizhi and I have been friends for many years, so I won't bother Best Actor Fu."

As soon as these words came out, Fu Jinye's eyes became even colder, "Really?"

Just two simple words, I don’t know who they were said to.

Xia Zhi felt her scalp numb.

Last night's dream still appeared in her mind, Fu Jinye, Fu Jinye, what should she do to him.

"You two chat slowly, I'll take Xiaobao to eat." Xia Zhi chose to escape.

Although I don’t know why Shen Jiangqi is hostile to Fu Jinye.

However, the remaining reason told Xia Zhi that it was better to stay away from the two of them at this moment!

Xia Ran only obeys Xia Zhi's orders.

Naturally, everything depends on Xia Zhi.

"Mom, here is your favorite little cake."

"Mom, here are your favorite grapes."

"Mom, here are your favorite peaches."


When it comes to pampering her mother, Xia Ran is second to none, and no one dares to admit that she is first.

In a short time, Xia Zhi's plate was filled with all kinds of fruits and cakes that she loved.

Looking back at Xia Ran, there was only one grape standing there on the plate, looking pitiful.

On the other side, Shen Jiangqi and Fu Jinye's eyes followed Xia Zhi and her son at the same time.

Shen Jiangqi asked casually, "Do you know Actor Fu and Zhi Zhi?"

Although it was a question, his tone was more determined.

As sensitive as Shen Jiangqi was, he had already realized the way Fu Jinye looked at Xia Zhi.

He had seen that look on Xia Zhi's suitors countless times.

No, Fu Jinye's eyes were more fanatical than those of those suitors.

(End of this chapter)

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