Chapter 16 She was held in Fu Jinye’s arms

Fu Jinye regarded Xia Zhi as his own.

Does Xia Zhi know this?

Various doubts arose in Shen Jiangqi's heart, but he was unable to resolve them for the time being.

Fu Jinye glanced at Shen Jiangqi, with his hands in his trousers pockets. He had a straight body, broad shoulders and narrow waist, and an excellent figure.

He is a little taller than Shen Jiangqi, and his temperament is much sharper than him.

Regarding Shen Jiangqi's question, Fu Jinye said calmly, "Maybe Miss Xia will tell you the answer."

Fu Jinye looked at Xia Ran from a distance and said in an unclear tone, "Mr. Shen, how many coincidences do you think there are in the world?"

Xia Ran and Fu Jinye have similar faces. Is this a coincidence?

Fu Jinye only said two sentences.

It seemed that he didn't say anything, but the smart people had already begun to understand the meaning of his words.

Shen Jiangqi was stunned for a moment, then calmly curled his lips, "I never believe in coincidences."

After speaking, he added, "However, coincidences do exist."

Therefore, as long as there is no evidence, the resemblance between Fu Jinye and Xia Ran will only be a coincidence.

"What do you think of Movie Emperor Fu?" This sentence carries a strong sense of provocation.

Qi Mo suddenly interrupted with a deep tone, "What are you talking about?"

Fu Jinye glanced at Shen Jiangqi, snorted and said nothing.

Xia Zhi was very distressed. Faced with a plate of food, she couldn't get rid of it even if she had another stomach.

Is this food?
No, this is the love from my son!
"Are you hungry, Ranbao?" Xia Zhi asked.

Xia Ran shook his head, "If you're not hungry, Mommy will eat."

But my mother can't eat it.

Xia Zhi felt miserable.

But she can't show it.

Faced with her son's love, she could only accept it with tears.

Xia Zhi was happy and helpless while eating her favorite food.

"I'm hungry."

Fu Jinye's voice rang in his ears.

Xia Zhi was startled by the sudden sound, staggered, and the plate of food in her hand almost flew out.

Fortunately, her wrist was held tightly.

This prevented the accident of lifting the plate.

Wait, someone grabbed your wrist?

Xia Zhi wanted to turn around, but Fu Jinye grabbed her wrist from behind. Looking from a distance, she seemed to be being held in Fu Jinye's arms.

"Let me go." Xia Zhi struggled through gritted teeth.

Fu Jinye's hot breath sprayed in her ears, "Don't move."

The ears are Xia Zhi’s sensitive parts.

Fu Jinye's breath made her feel itchy and uncomfortable.

The familiar aura on his body made Xia Zhi feel a little dazed, and she gradually forgot to struggle.

Fu Jinye was very satisfied with her reaction, with a smile in his eyes.

But Xia Zhi didn't know.

"What are you..." Ye Qi's voice suddenly sounded.

Xia Zhi quickly broke away from Fu Jinye's arms.

Perhaps because of the presence of outsiders, Fu Jinye loosened his grip, and Xia Zhi was able to break free.

Xia Zhi explained to the astonished Ye Qi, "I almost fell down just now, but it was Actor Fu who helped me out and held me up."

Ye Qi looked at Fu Jinye teasingly, obviously not believing what Xia Zhi said.

Xia Zhi was embarrassed and just wanted to escape from this Shura field quickly.

However, she had just taken two steps out when her wrist was grabbed by Fu Jinye again.

This time Fu Jinye didn't say anything strange, and just took the dinner plate in her hand with his other hand.


Xia Zhi felt her wrist being rubbed by him, and when he let go.

But Fu Jinye's face was calm, and he couldn't see any flaws at all.Is it my own illusion?

Xia Zhi glanced at him doubtfully and left the dining table with Ranbao.

Regardless of whether it was an illusion or not, as long as he could stay away from Fu Jinye.

"Xiaobao, do you want to go to the toilet?" Xia Zhi asked.

Xia Ran nodded obediently.

After asking the staff about the specific location of the bathroom, Xia Zhi took Xiaobao and left the recording scene.

This is an independent island.

It's early summer, the grass is growing, the flowers are blooming, and the environment is beautiful.

Xia Zhi likes this place very much.

In particular, there was no cold and indifferent face of Fu Jinye in the fresh air, nor was there the lingering smell of woody cedar on his body.

Everything is beautiful on the island without Fu Konye!

"Mom, you like it here very much?" Xia Ran asked innocently.

Xia Zhi nodded, "Baby, do you like it here?"

"I like it." Xia Ran said seriously, "As long as my mother likes it, Xia Ran likes it."

Looking at her cute son, Xia Zhi's heart melted.

How could she give birth to such a lovely son?

The mother and son held hands and came to the bathroom.

Before parting, Xia Zhi asked, "If you don't see mom when you come out, just stand here and wait for mom to show up. Don't talk to strangers, okay?"

Xia Ran nodded obediently, "Mom, don't talk to strangers either."

Xia Zhi laughed, looking at Xia Ran's little adult appearance, and for a moment she didn't know which of the two was the adult.

"Okay, mom, listen to Ran Ran." Xia Zhi followed Xia Ran's words and spoke.

Xia Zhi didn't expect that she would come out before Ranran.

She stood with her back to the bathroom, and Ranbao could see her figure as soon as he came out.

"Miss Xia, what a coincidence."

A male voice sounded.

Xia Zhi turned around. The person in front of her was familiar to her, but a little strange.


This is his name.

He is also one of the guests invited by the program team.

It's just that there has been no sense of existence. Strictly speaking, the two of them can only be regarded as strangers who know each other's names.

"Mr. Qi." Xia Zhi nodded at him in response.

I thought that the interaction between the two would be limited to this.

Xia Zhi had no intention of communicating more with Qi Mo.

Unexpectedly, Qi Mo suddenly approached her.

As he approached, Xia Zhi smelled a smell of smoke and a strong smell of perfume.

These two smells mixed together, the smell is really not good.

She frowned, feeling a little more repelled by the person in front of her.

"Can I call you Zhizhi?" Qi Mo suddenly said, "That's what Shen Jiangqi seems to have called you."

So greasy!
Xia Zhi had always been a little repulsive to this person, but now that he said this, her repulsion towards him turned into disgust.

"Mr. Qi, we are not familiar with each other." Xia Zhi showed a professional fake smile.

Qi Mo smiled and said suggestively, "We will get together more often in the future. Will we get to know each other soon?"

The smile on Xia Zhi's face could hardly be maintained.

This person is really evil.

With his frivolous movements and suggestive tone, if it were someone else who wanted to reach a higher level, he might actually have followed him.

It's a pity that she, Xia Zhi, is not such a person.

Xia Zhi distanced herself from Qi Mo, her voice serious and firm, "I'm sorry, Mr. Qi, I don't have the habit of gathering with strangers. If you have nothing to do, please leave first."

(End of this chapter)

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