Chapter 140 Sleeping Together
Xia Ran said seriously, "Of course I'm helping you."

Although Ye Heng is young, his emotional perception of certain things is very keen.

He always felt that brother Xia Ran was trying to trick him.

But he has no evidence.

Since brother Xia Ran said he was helping him.

Then help him!

"What can you help me with?" Ye Heng asked blankly.

Xia Ran said, "Don't you want Fu Jinye to be your father? How about I help you realize this wish?"

"Okay." Ye Heng said excitedly, "Brother Xia Ran, you are so awesome, you can do this!"

Can Xia Ran do it?

a bit difficult.

However, he will work hard!

"Then what are we going to do?" Ye Heng was very interested in this matter.

He wanted to know what brother Xia Ran wanted to do.

Xia Ran thought for a moment, "Have a look on Baidu."

When in doubt, go to Baidu.

Everything is available on Baidu.

Ye Qi, who was filming, and Fu Jinye, who was on the top of the mountain, had no idea that they were being matched by two five-year-old children.

If they knew the truth, they would be dumbfounded.

When she got tired of taking pictures, Xia Zhi returned to the tent.

At this time, the sky gradually darkened.

There are not many people climbing the mountain, and even fewer people sleeping in tents on the top of the mountain.

However, when Xia Zhi was collecting wind just now, she saw a tent, which was not too far from their location.

"What shall we have for dinner?" Xia Zhi asked curiously. ,

With Fu Jinye's careful character, he must have brought food up the mountain.

Fu Jinye did not answer her question directly, but asked, "What do you want to eat?"

Xia Zhi smiled and said, "Can you conjure up whatever I want to eat?"

"No, you can't try it." Fu Jinye said mysteriously.

Xia Zhi glanced at the bag behind Fu Jinye.

It can contain at most some fast food, bread, milk, instant noodles and the like.

She deliberately spoke in an awkward manner, "I want to eat hot pot, can you do it?"

Fu Jinye raised his eyebrows.

Looking at his expression, Xia Zhi was a little surprised.

She said uncertainly, "You didn't really bring a hot pot to climb the mountain, did you?"

Of course bringing hot pot is out of the question.

Fu Jinye took out two boxes of self-heating hot pot from his bag.

He said, "I just prepared this, so it can be regarded as indirectly fulfilling your wish, right?"

Xia Zhi was very surprised when she saw these two boxes of self-heating hot pot.

How could she forget that there is such a thing as self-heating hot pot in the world?

Maybe, this is a tacit understanding?

After Fu Jinye finished cooking the self-heating hot pot, he turned to look at Xia Zhi, "I fulfilled your wish, is there any reward?"

Xia Zhi waved to him.

Fu Jinye leaned over to see what kind of reward Xia Zhi would give him.

Xia Zhi suddenly grabbed his collar.

Pull the person down.


She just kissed him on the cheek.

After the kiss, Xia Zhi said calmly, "This is the reward."

Fu Jinye's eyes darkened, "Xia Xia, is this reward too light?"

Seeing him making a move, Xia Zhi quickly dodged and said, "Dah."

Whatever I say is what it is~"

Fu Jinye:
"I also brought desserts, do you want to eat them?" Fu Jinye suddenly said.


Naked bribery!
Will Xia Zhi be fooled?

the answer is--

The food delivered to your door is free of charge.Fu Jinye worked so hard to bring it up the mountain, wouldn't it be a waste of his good intentions if he didn't eat it?
Although it is in the mountains.

However, Fu Jinye prepared self-heating hot pot and small cakes, and Xia Zhi was quite satisfied with them.

She half-joked, "If this continues, shouldn't Brother Yuan be looking for me?"

Fu Jinye looked at her doubtfully, waiting for her next words.

Xia Zhi said, "Since you have been living with me, you have been heavy on oil, salt and sugar. When your weight increases, Brother Yuan will definitely not let me go!"

Fu Jinye said calmly, "It's not a big problem."


"When I get back, I'll let him make a detailed exercise plan for us."

Xia Zhi caught the key word, "We???"

Why add her?
Fu Jinye nodded, "That's right."

Xia Zhi shook her head and refused, "I think I'm in good shape now and don't need to exercise."

Fu Jinye said calmly, "When filming, day and night are often reversed, which leads to endocrine disorders.

If you stay in this state for a long time, your physical fitness will also decline.

At that time, you will easily gain weight if you eat even a little bit.

If prevention is not done in advance, it will be too late to save. "

Xia Zhi: I was scared.

But after careful analysis, what Fu Jinye said seems to make sense.

Xia Zhi did not agree immediately.

She needs time to think.

Exercise always takes time to prepare.

After eating, Xia Zhi made a video call to Ranbao.

In the video, Xia Ran and Ye Heng were sitting together, and their two heads appeared in the screen, looking very cute.

To Xia Zhi's surprise, Ye Heng was wearing pajamas in Ranbao's room.

"Ranran, is Aunt Ye Qi here?" Xia Zhi asked.

It was Ye Heng who answered her, "Mom is not here."

Immediately, Ye Heng spoke again, "Xiao Heng and brother Xia Ran will sleep together tonight."

Hearing these words, Xia Zhi was shocked.

real or fake?

Is this still her son?

It seems that he and Xiao Heng have a really good relationship.

"Aunt Xia, where are you? It looks like a tent." Ye Heng asked curiously.

Xia Zhi turned the camera over and took a panoramic view of the tent for the two babies.

"Did you see that Aunt Xia is camping on the mountain? She will live in a tent tonight."

After filming, Xia Zhi turned the camera over again.

"Is it cold on the mountain?" Xia Ran asked with concern, "Mom, please keep warm and be careful of catching a cold.

When sleeping, close the tent and don't let small animals and bad guys in. "

Small animals refer to various types of bugs.

What this bad guy is referring to is also obvious.

Fu Jinye.

Xia Zhi nodded seriously, "Make sure to close the tent tightly!"

Seeing this, Xia Ran's mood eased slightly.

Although I am still very angry that my mother was abducted.

But my mother should not be with that man.

He noticed that there were two tents on the mountain.

Huh, stinky man. ,

Want to abduct mom?
Dream it! ! !
"Ranran, when you and Xiao Heng sleep together, remember to cover yourself with a quilt." Xia Zhi couldn't help but remind her, "The two of you squeeze a little closer together to be careful of falling."

After all, there are two little kids.

She didn't know how Xiao Heng slept.

Fortunately, the bed is big enough so I won't fall off it.

However, she was still a little worried.

"Nanran, before going to bed, go to the housekeeper and ask for a carpet to lay beside the bed." Xia Zhi warned.

In this way, even if it falls, there will be a buffer to prevent injuries.

(End of this chapter)

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