Chapter 141: Steal the child?nonexistent
Seeing her mother caring so much about herself, Xia Ran felt warm in her heart.

He nodded, "Okay, mom, you have a good time in the mountains, Ranran is waiting for you to come home."


After some more instructions, Xia Zhi hung up the phone.

"Xiao Heng is here?" Fu Jinye heard the conversation between the two.

He also knew that Ye Heng and Xia Ran would sleep together tonight.

Xia Zhi nodded and said excitedly: "Yes, I didn't expect that Ranran would agree to Xiaoheng sleeping with him."

"Huh?" Fu Jinye was puzzled.

Xia Zhi said, "Actually, I know in my heart that although Ranran is sensible, he is always separated from outsiders.

I hope he can make more friends besides me.

Now that Xiaoheng is here, Ranran is slowly changing. "

Fu Jinye understood what Xia Zhi meant.

He said, “Actually, Ranran is also healing Xiaoheng.

These two children have grown up alone and should get along well. "

Xia Zhi nodded.

She didn't know much about Xiao Heng.

However, he also knew that he had not had his father by his side since he was a child.

Sister Qi is busy with work and has little time to take care of him.

In fact, this is similar to her experience.

However, Sister Qi is rich and can give Xiao Heng a happy and stable life.

But Ranran followed her and suffered.

Xia Zhi suddenly felt sad.

Sensing something was wrong with her mood, Fu Jinye asked with concern, "What's wrong?"

Xia Zhi's lips curled up, "It's okay."

She doesn't want this negative emotion to affect others.

"I'm so tired. I should be able to sleep well tonight."

Xia Zhi yawned.

Today's amount of exercise can be said to be the most she has done in the past six months.

"Want to see the stars?" Fu Jinye took the initiative to invite.

Xia Zhi was stunned for a moment, and Fu Jinye opened his arms.

Seeing this, Xia Zhi smiled helplessly.

It’s been a long time since I’ve looked at the stars.

She walked to Fu Jinye, leaned in his arms, and looked up at the sky.

At night, the mountains seemed particularly quiet.

Occasionally there will be the sound of insects, adding a bit of mystery to the night.

The stars in the sky are extremely bright and conspicuous.

Xia Zhi rested her head on Fu Jinye's shoulder, "It's so beautiful."

"It looks just as good as it did on the island."

Fu Jinye smiled and said, "Do you like life on the island so much?"

"Yes." Xia Zhi nodded, "But I like it, and I wouldn't want to live there."


Xia Zhi said truthfully, "After all, the educational resources there are average.

Ranbao has just entered kindergarten, and will go to elementary school, middle school, and university in the future. Even if he is very smart, if he does not have good educational resources to support him, he does not know what his future will be like. "

If she is not the mother of the child.

Perhaps she will choose to live a poetic and romantic life.

But since giving birth to her child, her focus of life has shifted almost entirely to her child.

Xia Zhi didn't hate this feeling.

For her, having children has the advantages of having children, and not having children also has the advantages of not having children.

There is no good or bad.

She never regretted giving birth to Ranbao, who cured her.

"Parents who love their children have far-reaching plans." Fu Jinye concluded.

Xia Zhi nodded, "That's right.

You will know when you become a father. "

After saying that, Xia Zhi paused.He is actually a father.

What should I do? Should I tell Fu Jinye that Ranbao is actually his child?
It seems that, needless to say, he should have guessed it.

"Fu Jinye, do you know?" Xia Zhi asked.

She asked this question without any beginning or end.

But the smart Fu Jinye guessed what she meant.

Do you know (Ranbao is your child)?

This is what Xia Zhi wants to express.

Fu Jinye smiled and asked, "Is it difficult to guess?"

Xia Zhi: It’s not simple either.

Well, she shouldn't kid herself.

It's really easy to guess.

Just based on Ranbao's appearance, Fu Jinye probably guessed the truth.

"When did you know about it?" Xia Zhi asked curiously, "When did you first see Ran Bao in a variety show?"

Fu Jinye shook his head, "I did know it when I saw him for the first time.

But not in a variety show. "

Xia Zhi was confused, "Where is that?"

"When I saw Xia Ran's photo." Fu Jinye said truthfully, "I was a little suspicious when I saw the photo. When I found out that his mother is you, it was almost confirmed."

After saying that, Fu Jinye couldn't help but knock Xia Zhi, "Otherwise, why do you think I would participate in that variety show?"

Xia Zhi cursed: Just to make money.

Anyway she is!

"Okay, it turns out you've been playing tricks on me!" Xia Zhi angrily confronted Fu Jinye.

Fu Jinye said seriously, "I'm not, I didn't, don't accuse me wrongly."

Xia Zhi, "Huh?"

"It's you who has never admitted it, and you deliberately pretended that you are not familiar with me." Fu Jinye said, "I think, since you like acting, then let me continue acting with you."

Xia Zhi:.
What was she doing that for?
Isn't she afraid that Fu Jinye will snatch the child from her?

"Fu Jinye, answer me truthfully." Xia Zhi said seriously, "When you knew that Ran Bao was your son, did you ever think about competing with me for the Burn Bao?"

Fu Jinye was defeated by Xia Zhi's brain circuit.

He asked in confusion, "Why should I rob him?"

"He is your son." Xia Zhi emphasized.

"No, he is your son." Fu Jinye said, "The person I want is you."

As for the son
emmmmmmm It comes as a bonus when chasing a wife.

Xia Zhi realized that she was really wrong. ,

She even suspected Fu Jinye of robbing his son.

It was obvious that he didn't care about Burning Treasure at all.

Xia Zhi angrily twisted Fu Jinye's arm, "Don't you like Ranbao?"

Fu Jinye had a headache.

Xia Xia is making trouble unreasonably, what should I do?
The trouble with happiness.

Can this issue be acknowledged?

Of course not!

Fu Jinye said, "No, he is my son, how could I not like him.

But I know that he was brought up by you through hard work, and he can almost be said to be your lifeblood.

So, how could I possibly rob him from you? "

"Xia Xia, I know you have had a hard time these past few years. I'm sorry, I'm late." Fu Jinye held Xia Zhi in his arms.

Fu Jinye couldn't help but feel heartbroken when he thought of her as a single mother raising her children alone.

"If it weren't for Xia Ran, maybe your life would be easier." Fu Jinye said.

Xia Zhi slapped him again, this time more or less seriously. "What did you say?

Xia Ran is my son, how could I live without him? ! "

Fu Jinye said in a deep voice, "You know what I mean."

"No." Xia Zhi shook her head firmly, "If it weren't for the burning treasure, I might be dead now."

As soon as she finished speaking, Fu Jinye reached out and covered her mouth, "Don't talk nonsense."

(End of this chapter)

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