Chapter 142 Even though you are happy

"I'm serious." Xia Zhi stared at Fu Jinye's eyes with unprecedented seriousness.

Fu Jinye didn't know how to speak.

Because he saw determination from Xia Zhi's eyes.

This is a decisiveness that Xia Zhi did not possess before.

This look was very familiar to him.

In order to play a role, he once came into contact with many patients with depression.

Their eyes looked very similar to Xia Zhi's.

Fu Jinye held Xia Zhi tightly in his arms and couldn't help but ask, "What exactly happened back then?"

When they broke up, he guessed that it was partly his fault.

He was really too busy at that time.

There was no time to take care of Xia Xia.

But when he finished everything, he rushed back to find Xia Xia immediately.

What she received instead was the news that her whole family was leaving.

If nothing had happened, how could she have moved her family?

Xia Zhi's eyes flashed, and she smiled and said, "The harm is over.

It doesn't make sense to say that now.

Time will not go back.

All you need to know is that now that Ranbao is by my side, I am living a very happy life. "

Seeing that Xia Zhi didn't want to say more, Fu Jinye stopped asking.

However, there was one thing he had to correct Xia Xia.

"And I am." Fu Jinye said, "I am also by your side.

No matter how happy you are in the future, I will bear the wind and rain! "

The night is getting deeper and deeper.

The temperature also gradually dropped.

Fortunately, Fu Jinye is here.

Xia Zhi hid in Fu Jinye's arms and felt unusually warm.

At this time, an inappropriate sound came to the ears of the two people along with the wind.

An awkward atmosphere suddenly spread between the two.

Xia Zhi scratched her head, feeling a little at a loss.

Fu Jinye was also a little embarrassed.

"They should be a young couple who came to play in the field." Xia Zhi said uncertainly.

She thought of the tent she had seen when she went to collect wind.

If the guess is correct, it should belong to that couple.

They must have been too careless.

Don't you even know if there is anyone nearby when you come out?
What if you are secretly photographed?
Xia Zhi touched her nose and asked, "What should we do now?"

Fu Jinye looked at Xia Zhi, "How about we..."

Before he finished speaking, he was directly interrupted by Xia Zhi.

Xia Zhi nodded, "You're right, it's time for us to rest."

"I'm going back to the tent first."

Xia Zhi stood up in a hurry, with embarrassment written all over her face.

The sound continued, even showing signs of expanding.

These two people simply didn't take anyone else seriously.

"Wait a minute." Fu Jinye suddenly stopped Xia Zhi.

Xia Zhi was a little confused.

What else does he want to do?
Xia Zhi shook her head, impossible, what are you thinking about?

No matter what happens, Fu Jinye will not
I saw Fu Jinye taking out his mobile phone and clicking a few times.

Xia Zhi looked at him doubtfully.

Just listen to Fu Jinye say, "Cover your ears."

Xia Zhi subconsciously followed the instructions.

next second--
Harsh singing came from Fu Jinye's cell phone.

"Heart is beating, love is like fire

You're laughing, I'm the crazy one
Love is like fire, it warms the heart

Xia Zhi froze in place.

Fu Jinye is a sinister man.

He must have done it on purpose! ! !
The song ended abruptly after playing for more than ten seconds.

The air was deathly still.The strange sounds just now also disappeared.

To be honest, Xia Zhi even sympathized with the couple.

It is said that if interrupted suddenly, problems can easily arise.

do not know either
"You can have a good sleep now." Fu Jinye closed his hand and said calmly.

Xia Zhi had nothing to say.

She silently gave a thumbs up: You are awesome!
Fu Jinye is still stronger.

"Good night, Xia Xia."

"Good night."

Xia Zhi returned to the tent and lay down, but she did not fall asleep as she expected.

After lying down, the sleepiness dissipated.

The relationship between her and Fu Jinye has made a further breakthrough.

Xia Zhi had imagined many endings before.

For example, after filming the variety show, I broke up with Fu Jinye.
For example, Fu Jinye will find a girlfriend and get married.
For example, Fu Jinye would compete with her for the burning treasure.
But none of her assumptions were established.

When she wanted to stay away from Fu Jinye, fate brought them back together.

The more she tries to escape, the deeper the bond between the two becomes.

In fact, Xia Zhi was shaken very early.

She even thought about what would happen if she was with Fu Jinye again.

But the feeling of inferiority pervaded her heart.

After so long, they are no longer the simple high school students they were back then.

The gap between them is too great.

The hardships of life made Xia Zhi clearly realize that if two people are together, love alone is not enough.

In addition to love, they must be evenly matched.

Only this kind of relationship can last long.

She did not doubt Fu Jinye's love for her.

She just doubted whether she could afford this love.

The moment she saw the camera, Xia Zhi's heart melted.

She thought that no matter how difficult it was, she had to give it a try.

Even if he is bruised and bruised, he has no regrets.

Fu Jinye, I'm sorry, I can't agree to be with you yet.

Wait for me, and when I feel qualified to stand by your side, we can be together again.

the other side.

Fu Jinye was also unable to sleep while lying in the tent.

The sadness and despair that occasionally showed in Xia Zhi's eyes made him heartbroken.

His Xia Xia had suffered too many injustices that he didn't know about.

Fortunately, they met again, and he would not let Xia Xia suffer any injustice in the future.

The next day.

Xia Zhi woke up from the cold.

The temperature on the top of the mountain in the morning and evening is unbearable.

When she walked out of the tent, Fu Jinye was already packing his tent.

Seeing Xia Zhi come out, he said, "There are disposable toiletries prepared for you over there, and breakfast is also ready. You eat first. I will pack the tent."

Xia Zhi yawned, stretched and said, "Do you need help?"

Fu Jinye shook his head, "It's okay, I can do it alone."

Xia Zhi no longer forced herself.

She really wasn't very good at making tents.

After washing up, Xia Zhi glanced at the breakfast prepared by Fu Jinye.

Milk and sandwiches.

Xia Zhi really doubted how Fu Jinye carried these things on his back.

It seems that she still underestimated his amount of exercise.

"What time did you wake up?" Xia Zhi chatted with Fu Jinye while eating breakfast, "I seem to have forgotten something related to you, do you remember it?"

Fu Jinye said: "I woke up after five o'clock."

Then, he replied, "Remember, your acting class."

Xia Zhi suddenly realized it, and she said that she seemed to have forgotten something.

It turned out to be an acting class!

(End of this chapter)

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