Chapter 143 cp
"Let's talk about it when we get back," Fu Jinye said, "There's no rush."

Xia Zhi nodded.

She has no intention of performing in front of Fu Jinye now.

Did not return overnight.

Xia Zhi sat in the passenger seat and yawned.

To refresh herself, she turned on her phone and prepared to watch videos.

Unexpectedly, the hot search that popped up on Weibo attracted her attention.

#Fujinyesuspected of falling in love#
Xia Zhi felt confused.

Could it be that he met the paparazzi?

Xia Zhi clicked in.

This Weibo post has reached the top of the hot search list.

Under the entry are photos of Fu Jinye and Wen Fanqin.

Click on the comment below, Qing Yishui is a beautiful man and a beautiful woman, and they have been together for a hundred years.

Xia Zhi couldn't help but feel a little sour.

She glanced at Fu Jinye who was driving.

It's really pretty.

"What's your relationship with Wen Fanqin?" Xia Zhi suddenly asked.

Fu Jinye was a little confused, "What's wrong?"

He didn't know why Xia Zhi suddenly asked this.

Xia Zhi said, "It's nothing, I just think you two are a good match."

"Where is the match?" Fu Jinye frowned, his eyes full of confusion.

Why doesn't he think it's a good match? Is Xia Xia jealous?

However, she shouldn't be jealous for no reason.


Fu Jinye was driving, and Xia Zhi couldn't show him the photos on Weibo.

She said, "Someone broke the news on Weibo that you two are together."

"Everyone thinks highly of you."

Fu Jinye laughed out loud.

Xia Zhi felt a little guilty because of his smile.

what the hell.

In fact, she wasn't jealous.

Just seeing all the words of blessing for the two of them online, I can't help but feel a little disappointed.

It was more because she also felt that the two of them were a good match.

So, this loss was magnified again.

Fu Jinye didn't take this matter to heart at all.

"Xia Xia, if you agree to make it public, I don't mind telling everyone that I already have a name.

In the future, I also hope that everyone will stop being a partner. "

Fu Jinye said it very seriously.

Since Xia Zhi agreed, he now expressed his love on Weibo.

Hearing this, Xia Zhi immediately stopped and said, "Let's forget it."

"Not yet."

Fu Jinye was a little helpless, "Okay."

Xia Zhi continued to browse Weibo.

Soon, she saw Wen Fanqin's clarifying post.

Wen Fanqin: Brother Fu is a very good senior. I am still single at the moment. I hope everyone will be sensible.

Not only that, Wen Fanqin also posted a beautiful photo of herself under this post.

This clarification is very timely.

Immediately, Xia Zhi clicked on Fu Jinye's Weibo.

He doesn't post many Weibo posts, and the most recent one is about himself.

Xia Zhi clicked on the comments, and there were a variety of comments.

Some people think that she and Fu Jinye are together, so Fu Jinye defends her like this.

Some people think that what Fu Jinye did was just to speak out for his friends.

Some people think Fu Jinye wants to chase her
"Fu Jinye." Xia Zhi asked curiously, "Is your Weibo managed by an agent, or do you use it yourself?"

Fu Jinye said, "Use it yourself.

The studio has a dedicated work Weibo. "

There are no advertisements on his Weibo. Instead, it is like a circle of friends, where his status will be updated every once in a while.

Sometimes it’s a selfie, most of the time it’s the reflections during this period, or some emotional sentences.

Looking at his Weibo, it seems like looking at Moments.

back home.

The two of them got up earlier.

When they got home, Xia Ran and Ye Heng were still sleeping.

"Young Master and Young Master Ye slept a little late last night, so I didn't wake them up for breakfast this morning." Xia Zhi was a little surprised.

Ranran rarely stays up late.

It seems that the two little ones had a lot of fun last night.

Xia Zhi first went to Ranbao's room.

Ye Heng and Xia Ran were lying on the bed, each covered with a quilt.

The bed is surrounded by carpets thoughtfully placed by the butler.

The two little babies slept very soundly.

Xia Zhi quietly walked into the room, tucked the two of them into bed, and then returned to her room.

She needs a bath.

Just as he finished taking off his clothes, there was a knock on the door outside.

"what happened?"

Xia Zhi said while putting on a bath towel.

She opened the door and Fu Jinye stood at the door.

Fu Jinye glanced at Xia Zhi and quickly looked away.

He said, "I have to go out for a while, so you can have a good rest at home.

Check your acting skills at night. "

"Okay." Xia Zhi nodded.

Faced with Fu Jinye's proactive report, Xia Zhi smiled and frowned.

She said thoughtfully, "You should also pay attention to rest."

Last night, he probably didn't sleep well in the tent.

Fu Jinye nodded.

Close the door.

Xia Zhi stood at the door, a little lost.

Fu Jinye also stood at the door. After a while, he walked away.

After taking a bath, Ranbao and Xiaoheng also woke up.

"Mom." Seeing Xia Zhi, Ranbao immediately ran over and hugged her legs tightly.

Xia Zhi pinched Ranbao's face and said softly, "What's wrong?"

"Ranran misses you." Xia Ran said bluntly.

This coquettish look shocked Ye Heng who was standing aside.

Unexpectedly, you turned out to be such a Xia Ran!
Xia Ran's younger brother is five years old and still acting like a spoiled child.

Unlike him, he has grown into a little man at the age of five!
Looking at her coquettish son, Xia Zhi's heart melted.

After having breakfast with Xia Ran and Ye Heng, Xia Zhi played games with them.

Summer vacation is very long.

There is no need to worry about Ranbao’s summer homework.

Xia Zhi began to consider whether to enroll her two children in a specialty class.

Xia Zhi first sent a message to Ye Qi and made sure she was available before making a video call.

"Xiao Heng, come here and say hello to mom." Xia Zhi said, "Ranran, come here too and say hello to auntie."

Xia Zhi gave an order, and the two little ones came to Xia Zhi obediently.

Ye Heng waved towards the camera, "Good morning, Mom."

Xia Ran said coolly, "Auntie, morning."

Ye Qi also smiled and greeted the two little ones.

At the same time, she did not forget to remind her, "Xiao Heng, you must obey Aunt Xia's words at Uncle Fu's house and don't cause trouble, you know?"

Ye Heng pouted, "Mom, I won't tell you anymore, I'm going to play with brother Xia Ran."

Huh, mom is too annoying.

He actually demolished his stage.

She wasn't causing any trouble.

Moreover, he is the older brother now.

How embarrassing it is to be scolded by your mother in front of brother Xia Ran!
Naturally, his little thoughts could not escape the eyes of Xia Zhi and Ye Qi.

However, the two adults didn't say anything.

"Xia Xia, what's wrong?" Ye Qi asked curiously.

Under normal circumstances, Xia Xia would not go out of her way to make a video call to her.

Xia Zhi said, "Sister Qi, have you signed up Xiaoheng for any interest classes?
I saw that my two children had a long vacation and it was not an option to play all day long, so I thought about enrolling them in a hobby class. "

Although there is still a variety show to film next.

However, it shouldn't be too much of a delay.

"Interest class?" Ye Qi thought for a moment and said, "Are they willing?"

She respects her children's opinions.

Although, don’t let your children lose at the starting line.

But this kind of thing must be done voluntarily by them.

(End of this chapter)

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