Chapter 146 Xiao Heng likes brother Xia Ran
"Okay." Xia Zhi nodded.

Immediately, she asked, "Should I write a thousand-word biography by hand or send you a document?"

"Anything is fine," Fu Jinye said.

Xia Zhi nodded, already having a plan in mind.

If that's okay, let her write it by hand.

She is more comfortable writing by hand than using documents.

Just a little slower.

But this just allowed her to understand the character more deeply.

After the performance, Fu Jinye stayed with Xia Zhi again, "Let's watch a movie together."

Xia Zhi blinked, but the words of rejection had not yet been spoken.

Fu Jinye continued, "Watching some more classic films is just a good way to learn."

"it is good"

All the reasons have been found.

Xia Zhi was even more unable to say no.

The movie they chose was "The Shawshank Redemption."

There is a private cinema upstairs. Two people sit in front of the screen, and the butler thoughtfully brings fresh juice and desserts.

Two people can eat and watch movies at the same time.

Xia Zhi had seen this movie before, but watching it again and from a different perspective, she still found it very enjoyable.

"When will Jiang Huan come over?" Fu Jinye suddenly asked after watching the movie.

Xia Zhi was stunned for a moment and said, "Tomorrow afternoon.

Sister Qi happened to be free at that time, so I made an appointment with Jiang Huan for the afternoon. "

Fu Jinye nodded, "When the time comes, you can take good care of Ye Qi.

If anything happens to her, call me in time. "

If Fu Jinye didn't mention this matter, Xia Zhi might simply ignore it.

But now that Fu Jinye mentioned it, Xia Zhi asked casually, "Can you tell me what happened?

Could this Jiang Huan be Xiao Heng's father? "

Fu Jinye frowned, "This matter is a bit complicated to explain.

I will tell you slowly later.

Xiao Heng’s father’s name is not Jiang Huan.

However, his father's surname is indeed Jiang. "

"Okay." Xia Zhi nodded, she had a rough guess.

Maybe this Jiang Huan knew Xiao Heng's father.

I don’t know how Sister Qi will react when she sees Jiang Huan.

A movie ends.

Xia Zhi yawned and prepared to go back to sleep.

Fu Jinye hesitated again and again, but still held the person in his arms.

"I didn't want to scare you, but I wanted to hug you." Fu Jinye whispered in Xia Zhi's ear, "Xia Xia, remember to dream about me at night."

Mention the dream.

Xia Zhi suddenly remembered that she had indeed had a dream the night before participating in the variety show.

In the dream, Fu Jinye locked her in the basement. There were cages and chains inside, which was extremely terrifying.

Xia Zhi hugged Fu Jinye and said half-jokingly, "Fu Jinye, does your villa have a basement?"

Fu Jinye stiffened, "Yes, what's wrong?"

Xia Zhi was also a little surprised. She just asked casually, but she didn't expect that there really was a basement!
The inside must be the same as in her dream.

Fu Jinye asked, "Are you curious?

It's a bit late today. Can I take you for a walk some other time? "

Xia Zhi shook her head, "No, no, I'm not curious."

What a joke, what if it was really the same as the scene in the dream? What should she do?
If it is different from the scene in the dream, then what are you looking at?
So, she decided not to go to the basement.

Because it doesn't make sense.

The two lingered for more than ten minutes before reluctantly parting ways.

Xia Zhi thought of how when they first got together, they would always get tired of being together during self-study in the evening and didn't want to go back to the dormitory.

Every time you have to wait until the lights-out bell to go in.

Now I feel a little bit more like that time.

The next day.Xia Zhi rolled out of bed, turned on her phone and looked at the time, seven in the morning.

Since moving into Fu Jinye's house, her biological clock has become more and more on time.

No, the biological clock was forced to correct not from the time he moved into Fu Jinye's house, but from the time the program was recorded.

She had very free time in the morning, and Xia Zhi decided to use this time to read the script.

In the afternoon, I went to see Jiang Huan with Ye Qi and the two little ones.

During dinner in the morning, Uncle He said that Fu Jinye left early in the morning.

Xia Zhi knew he was busy, but she didn't expect him to be so busy.

When Ranbao and Xiaoheng woke up, Xia Zhi was reading a script in the living room after breakfast.

"Mom, morning."

"Aunt Xia, morning."

Ye Heng stayed at Fu Jinye's house for two consecutive days, and his pajamas were changed into Ranbao's.

The two little ones are about the same size.

Now wearing the same pajamas of different colors, it feels a bit like twins.

Xia Zhi took out her mobile phone and motioned for the two little ones to stand together. She took a photo and sent it to Ye Qi and Rong Yun.

[Xia Zhi: Sister Qi, look, our twin sons. 】

[Xia Zhi: Junyun, do you think the two of them look particularly like twins? ! 】

Ye Qi was probably busy and did not reply in time.

Rong Yun, on the other hand, quickly sent a message.

[Rong Yun: Is this Ye Heng?Feeling so cute]

[Rong Yun: I never thought that one day we would be able to see our Ranbao make friends. It’s really a miracle. I’m going to buy a lottery ticket to celebrate! 】

Xia Zhi:.
[Xia Zhi: Rongyun, what do you mean?Why can't my son make friends? ! 】

[Rong Yun: Do you have any idea whether your son has any friends? 】

[Xia Zhi: No! 】

I saw the two little ones in the photo, Xia Zhi and Yourong Yan.

Her Ranbao is so good, how could she have no friends?

It's just that he doesn't usually bring friends to his home.

You see, we have become very good friends with Xiao Heng!
On the table.

Ye Heng: "Brother Xia Ran, do you want to eat fried eggs?"

Xia Ran: "I won't eat."

Ye Heng: "Brother Xia Ran, do you want some milk?"

Xia Ran: "I do."

Ye Heng: "Brother Xia Ran."

Xia Ran: "The teacher said, don't talk when you eat and don't talk when you sleep."

Ye Heng: "Oh, brother Xia Ran, you."

Seeing this scene, Xia Zhi felt helpless.

Xiaoheng is a good boy.

really good!

If it were an ordinary child, I'm afraid he wouldn't be able to stand his son's bad temper.

Xia Zhi suddenly sent a message to Rong Yun.

[Xia Zhi: I think it’s understandable that Ranbao has no friends, he doesn’t deserve it! 】

[Rong Yun: Hahahahahahahahahahahahahaha, you finally see the reality clearly. 】

Xia Zhi rolled her eyes.

What is the reality?
The reality is that my family, Ranbao, has made friends.

In the morning, Ranbao and Xiaoheng sat at the coffee table and read the script with Xia Zhi.

While Xia Zhi was reading the script and taking notes, the two little ones were doing their homework. When they got tired of writing, they would do crafts.

After reading the script for more than two hours, Xia Zhi stretched.

Ranbao goes to the bathroom.

Xiao Heng is doing his homework seriously.

Xia Zhi suddenly leaned over and asked curiously, "Xiao Heng, what do you think of brother Xia Ran?"

Xiao Heng thought for a moment and said, "Brother Xia Ran is very good, Xiao Heng likes him very much."

(End of this chapter)

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