Chapter 147 The casual Jiang Huan
Xia Zhi didn't expect that Ye Heng would express his feelings so directly.

"Aunt Xia, what's wrong?" Ye Heng looked at Xia Zhi doubtfully.

"It's okay." Xia Zhi shook her head, "Brother Xia Ran also likes Xiao Heng very much."

Although my son behaved very coldly.

But if he didn't like it, how could he let Xiao Heng sleep in his room for two nights in a row?
For Ranbao, this has never happened before.

Ye Heng nodded, "Xiao Heng knows.

Brother Xia Ran is shy, Xiao Heng is the older brother, Xiao Heng will let his brother Xia Ran. "

"Xiao Heng is really sensible." Xia Zhi praised.

Xiao Heng is really a child like the little sun.

It complements Ranbao perfectly.

I also hope that the friendship between these two children will last forever.

"I'm going to see my mother in the afternoon, aren't you happy, Xiao Heng?"

Ye Heng nodded, the joy in his eyes was beyond words, "Happy!"

Although he had a lot of fun here, Ye Heng still missed his mother very much.

"Aunt Xia, are you worried that Xiao Heng will not play with brother Xia Ran?"

Ye Heng suddenly asked, making Xia Zhi a little confused.

She was a little worried about this?

Although he didn't know how Ye Heng came to this conclusion, he immediately said, "Aunt Xia, don't worry, although brother Xia Ran is not as smart as Xiao Heng, Xiao Heng will not dislike brother Xia Ran." .”

Xia Zhi: If you say that, I will tell you. Do you believe it, mother?
Xia Ran came back from the bathroom and happened to hear these words.

"Ye Heng." He said coldly.

Xia Ran's voice came from behind, making Ye Heng tremble.

Just after I finished speaking ill of him, he came over.

He is so unlucky!

Ye Heng immediately turned around and looked at Xia Ran with a smile, "Brother Xia Ran, you are back."

Xia Ran said "hmm" and looked at Ye Heng expressionlessly, "What did you just say?"

"No." Ye Heng shook his head and pretended to be stupid, "Brother didn't say anything, otherwise you could ask Aunt Xia."

Xia Zhi, who was watching the show from the sidelines, was suddenly cued.

She waved her hand, “I didn’t hear anything.

You two should take a break and don't study all the time.

I'll go to the kitchen to see what's for lunch today. "

Xia Zhi made a lame excuse and left the living room.

Let them resolve the "war" between the two little ones on their own.

Jiang Huan, heir to the ancient martial arts family.

Although I've seen photos before.

But when she saw the real person, Xia Zhi was still a little surprised.

Facing Fu Jinye's face every day, most handsome guys could no longer catch her eye.

But Jiang Huan is different.

Jiang Huan's handsomeness is a very healthy kind of handsomeness.

He has wheat-colored skin and well-developed muscles, but they are not the kind of muscles that are deliberately trained in the gym.

Above all, he exudes a cynical attitude.

Xia Zhi rarely felt such a feeling from people.

"Hello, I am Rong Yun's friend, Xia Zhi." Xia Zhi took the initiative to introduce, "This is my son Xia Ran, and this is Sister Qi's son Ye Heng."


After Jiang Huan and Xia Zhi greeted each other, he turned his attention to the two little ones.

He knelt down and looked at the two children seriously.

"Hey, I don't know what to prepare for our first meeting. I don't know if you like this."

Xia Zhi was a little surprised when she saw Jiang Huan take out two large lollipops from his pocket.

The meeting gift he gave me was really fresh and refined. ,

The two little ones were also a little surprised after seeing the lollipop.

Ye Heng first took the lollipop and then expressed his gratitude, "Thank you, uncle."

Xia Ran also took the lollipop and said coolly, "Thank you."

Jiang Huan seems to like children very much.Seeing how polite they were, he smiled and said, “You’re welcome.

Tell your uncle what you want to eat next time and he will buy it for you. "

Before coming, Xia Zhi had briefly told Jiang Huan about Ye Qi's identity.

She also hopes that Jiang Huan can keep it secret.

Jiang Huan agreed happily.

Seeing Jiang Huan's attitude towards the children, Xia Zhi felt that she was not choosing the ancient martial arts teacher, but the nanny.

"Mr. Jiang likes children very much?" Xia Zhi asked casually.

Jiang Huan stood up and said casually, "It's okay."

"When will your friend arrive?"

Sister Qi just sent her a message. It is said that something has delayed her.

But not too late.

Xia Zhi said, "We have set off now. We should arrive soon."

"Okay." Jiang Huan nodded, "Then let me check the qualifications of these two children first."


Both children had unopened lollipops in their hands.

Jiang Huan came with a schoolbag on his back.

Xia Zhi thought there would be training equipment inside.

After all, she has never seen how the Guwu family cultivates talents.

Unexpectedly, Jiang Huan opened the bag and took out two sets of clothes.

"I prepared this specially for you, go ahead and put it on."

The two little ones looked at Xia Zhi and saw Xia Zhi nodding, then they walked to Jiang Huan to get their clothes. ,

It turned out that Jiang Huan asked for the height, weight and other information of the two little ones at that time in order to make clothes for them.

"Mr. Jiang, it's a waste of money." Xia Zhi said.

"It's okay." Jiang Huan said, "The fabrics are all ready-made, you can just sew them casually."

It's still freshly made.

Xia Zhi felt that Jiang Huan had really good intentions.

When the two little ones walked out in their clothes, they really felt like little disciples in ancient times. '

Don't tell me, this dress really fits me.

Xia Zhi was a little surprised, "Mr. Jiang, did you make these clothes yourself?"

It's more than just a set of clothes.

The names of two people are also embroidered on the chest of the clothes, which looks very thoughtful.

Xia Zhi didn't expect Jiang Huan to be so attentive to his two children.

Jiang Huan said casually, "It's just a casual thing, don't take it seriously."

This seems too casual.

Jiang Huan's character was really different from what she imagined.

It happened that at this time, Ye Qi finished his work and rushed home.

When she came back, Jiang Huan was pulling two small Zamabu.

Since it was his first time attending class, he didn't make any requests.

As long as the movements of the two little ones meet the standards.

As for when to rest, just rest yourself when you are tired. There are no hard requirements.

Xia Zhi expressed satisfaction with his teaching model.

After getting along with each other, Xia Zhi only had two words to evaluate Jiang Huan - casual!
"Sister Qi is back." Xia Zhi said.

Hearing this, Ye Heng immediately showed a surprised expression, and even the movements on his hands became irregular.

Xia Zhi explained, "Xiao Heng hasn't seen his mother for two days, so he's a little excited."

Jiang Huan smiled and said, "It's human nature. You should practice until here first. I just want to meet this late lady."

Xia Zhi: Why do I feel like this person has bad intentions?

As soon as Ye Qi arrived in the living room, four figures appeared on the stairs.

This welcoming gesture was a bit too warm.

Xiao Heng ran in front and walked to Ye Qi with his short legs, "Mom!"

(End of this chapter)

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