Chapter 148 Secret, tell me when you want to say it

Ye Qi bent down and picked him up, "Mom is here.

Does Xiao Heng miss his mother? "

"No." Ye Heng said what he meant.

Ye Qi naturally saw through his little trick and pretended to be sad and said, "That's it, Mom is so sad.

I originally bought Xiao Heng’s favorite Lego toys, but unfortunately Xiao Heng didn’t miss his mother. "

Hearing "Lego toys", Ye Heng's eyes instantly lit up.

"Mom, where are the Lego toys? Xiao Heng wants to play with them!"

Ye Qi kissed Ye Heng on the face and put him down. "At the door, you and Ranbao will share. Go and play."

"it is good."

Ye Heng took Xia Ran to play with Lego toys.

I completely forgot about my old mother who I had been thinking about for two days.

Seeing this scene, Ye Qi smiled helplessly.

At the same time, Ye Qi also noticed the two adults beside him.

Xia Zhi is not an outsider, but the man beside her.

Ye Qi's eyes fell on the man, and when she saw his face clearly, she was a little stunned.

"Hello, Queen Ye." Jiang Huan took the initiative to say hello, "I'm your fan, and I didn't expect to see you under such circumstances."

Ye Qi nodded and quickly hid his emotions, "Hello, thank you for your like.

Your name is Jiang Huan? "

Jiang Huan nodded.

Ye Qi asked again, "Do you know a man named Jiang Cheng?"

Jiang Huan was a little surprised when he heard the name, "I know him, he is my brother.

We are not biological, but our families are related. "

No wonder.
Ye Qi was in a daze, "Then do you know where Jiangcheng is?"

Jiang Huan shook his head, "I don't know about that.

Ye Yinghou knows my brother? "

"I'm not familiar with you." Ye Qi smiled bitterly and didn't explain much, "I met you by chance. Your facial features look a bit like him, so I remembered that there is such a famous person."

Jiang Huan said "Oh", "That's it.

Then Ye Yinghou and I are destined to be together.

I wonder if I will be lucky enough to get an autograph from Queen Ye later? "

"Of course." Ye Qi resumed her ladylike behavior, polite and distant, "Mr. Jiang, you don't have to be so outgoing, just call me Ye Qi."

Jiang Huan did not refuse, "In that case, don't call me Mr. Jiang. How about we just call me by my first name? We are all about the same age anyway."

"it is good."

Neither Ye Qi nor Xia Zhi had any problems.

"Xiaoheng, Ranbao, you practice with Mr. Jiang first, and then you can play with Lego after the practice is over."

Ye Qi gave an order and the two little ones followed Jiang Huan upstairs.

The villa of Ye Qi's family is about the same size as Fu Jinye's family, with slightly different structures, but the facilities in the villa are complete.

After sending the three of them away, Ye Qi invited Xia Zhi to have afternoon tea in the back garden.

"I've troubled you these past two days." Ye Qi said sincerely, "If it weren't for you and Xia Ran, I might have had to run around these past two days."

If Ye Heng hadn't lived with Xia Ran, Ye Qi might have come back to sleep with him at night.

Then rush back to the filming location in the morning.

Looking at Ye Qi who looked tired, Xia Zhi felt a little distressed, "Sister Qi, you don't have to be so polite.

Ranbao and I have also received a lot of care from you before.

What's more, Ranbao and Xiaoheng are very good friends now. "

"Yes." Ye Qi smiled happily when he mentioned this, "Seeing Xiao Heng so happy makes me relieved."

She took a sip of black tea and said with some hesitation, "Xia Xia, there is something I..." Xia Zhi interrupted her in time, "Sister Qi, there is no need to say what you don't want to say.

I'm not that curious either.

Besides, who doesn’t have a secret of their own? "

Ye Qi was a little surprised and immediately smiled.

"Aren't you really curious?" Ye Qi joked.

Xia Zhi shook her head, "Well, I know if I say I'm curious, Sister Qi will definitely tell me.

But that would make Sister Qi unhappy.

Otherwise, how about waiting until Sister Qi wants to tell me? "

Ye Qi nodded.

Now, she really didn't know how to tell Xia Zhi these things.

Her matter is very complicated and cannot be explained for a while.

"Will Jiang Huan cause trouble to you?" Xia Zhi suddenly asked.

Ye Qi was stunned for a moment, not expecting that she would ask this.

Immediately, she shook her head, "No, I can tell the difference clearly.

Besides, we invited him here to teach two children, as long as the children like him. "

Xia Zhi nodded.

In fact, if Ye Qi feels awkward, Xia Zhi thinks she can consider changing teachers.

But Jiang Huan is indeed a very careful teacher.

The two of them drank afternoon tea and chatted, and the time passed quickly.

Jiang Huan's training is also over.

When he saw the two of them in the back garden, he took the initiative to come over.

"You two are quite leisurely." Jiang Huan's voice sounded.

Xia Zhi glanced at him in surprise.

She discovered another characteristic of Jiang Huan - his familiarity.

Ye Qi still has a filter on Jiang Huan.

"How was the teaching?" she asked.

Jiang Huan came over, sat next to the two of them, and said seriously, "These two children are in good physical condition. Xiao Heng's physical condition is slightly better, but Xiao Ran's learning ability is stronger."

It has to be said that Jiang Huan knows how to carry water.

Xia Zhi asked curiously, "Jiang Huan, I heard that your martial arts is not taught to outsiders. I wonder how far you can teach them?"

Jiang Huan smiled and explained, "Actually, it's okay, we don't have such strict rules that nothing can be leaked.

At present, these two little guys are still in the basic stage. Even if I really want to teach them everything I have learned, it will take a lot of time.

I have it, but these two little guys may not have it either. "

This makes sense.

Members of their family spent most of their time practicing kung fu when they were young.

As for academics, I hire private tutors to take classes, and then I just have to take important exams.

Ranbao and Xiaoheng obviously cannot devote themselves wholeheartedly to this inheritance.

Jiang Huan continued, "So don't worry, you two, I will teach you what I can. The main thing is to see their understanding."

Xia Zhi nodded, "That's good."

Ye Qi looked at Jiang Huan curiously, "I heard that you made clothes for them and embroidered their names on them?
Not many men can sew these days. "

Jiang Huanhun said nonchalantly, "It's bad, I'm used to it. I was naughty when I was a child and often ruined my clothes. My mother is good at sewing. I watched her mending my clothes, and over time, I learned it on my own."

Ye Qi understood that it was so.

Xia Zhi saw through Ye Qi's temptation, she should be suspecting something.

(End of this chapter)

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