Chapter 149 Ye Xia’s cp reaches Oita

Xia Zhi guessed that Ye Qi might be doubting Jiang Huan's identity.

She was wise enough not to speak, and quietly listened to the conversation between the two.

Ye Qi mainly asked about Jiang Huan's family affairs, as if he asked casually without going into too much detail.

After Jiang Huan answered one by one, Ye Qi said no more.

"That being the case, Ranbao and Xiaoheng will still have more trouble with Mr. Jiang in the future." Ye Qi said politely.

Jiang Huan nodded, "If nothing happens, I'll leave first.

See you tomorrow. "

"it is good."

Ye Qi asked the housekeeper to send Jiang Huan away.

Seeing her frown, Xia Zhi couldn't help but ask, "How is it? Did you find anything?"

Ye Qi shook his head, "Maybe it's my misunderstanding. I just feel that he looks like an old friend of mine."

"Sister Qi, don't think too much. Just let nature take its course." Xia Zhi comforted her.

Ye Qi nodded.

Yeah, let it be.

Fu Jinye didn't go home for dinner, so Xia Zhi and Ye Qi stayed together.

Ye Qi suddenly said, "By the way, our previous variety show will continue to be recorded in two days. Have you seen the news from Director Fan?"

Xia Zhi nodded.

Director Fan has already spoken in the group about continuing the recording.

"This time, we seem to be changing groups." Ye Qi said, "I don't know who I will be paired with."

Xia Zhi is also a little curious about how the director team will arrange it.

Speaking of which, this program can be regarded as a matchmaker between her and Fu Jinye.

If she hadn't participated in this show, maybe she and Fu Jinye wouldn't have met again so soon.

When Xia Zhi returned home, Fu Jinye had already returned.

He changed into casual clothes and sat in the living room reading a book.

Hearing the movement at the door, Fu Jinye turned around and said, "Why are you the only one coming back?"

Xia Zhi smiled and said, "I left the burning treasure at Sister Qi's place."

Xiao Heng has been sleeping here for the past two days, and she thought that Ran Bao could stay at Xiao Heng's place tonight.

The two little ones can just take this opportunity to cultivate their relationship.

"Okay." Fu Jinye nodded, and then he opened his arms and motioned for Xia Zhi to come over.

Xia Zhi smiled and sat next to Fu Jinye.

Fu Jinye took the person into his arms forcefully, "I'm so tired today."

The voice was tired and seemed to be coquettish.

Xia Zhi reassured, "Then don't arrange so much work for yourself.

Anyway, if the money you earn now is enough to spend later, why do you have to push yourself so hard? "

Fu Jinye said angrily, "You little heartless thing, who am I so tired for?"

Xia Zhi really doesn't know.

She looked at Fu Jinye with a blank expression.

Fu Jinye explained, "The variety show recording will take place in two days, so I deliberately put all my work in these few days to complete. I just want to participate in the show with you and relax, and don't want to be disturbed by these trivial matters."

It turned out to be the case.

No wonder Fu Jinye is busy so late every day.

"Well, how about I work with you?" Xia Zhi thought for a moment and said, "Although I don't understand your work, I can stay up late with you."

"No need." Fu Jinye said, "You should also stay up less late. Staying up late is not good for your health."

"What about you?"

"Don't worry." Fu Jinye stroked Xia Zhi's hair, "Just finish this period of time and you'll be fine."

before the variety show resumes filming.

The commercial filmed by Xia Zhi and Ye Qi was also released.

In the video, Xia Zhi and Ye Qi stand together, pure and lustful, full of sexual tension.

Once the commercial was aired, it received numerous positive reviews.

"Damn it, it turns out that such a cp can be formed!"

"At this moment, fans of this summer CP and Qixia CP have fainted in the toilet crying!"

"Ah ah ah ah, the combination of beauties and beauties is amazing. I declare that Ye Xia's CP will give me big marks!!!" "Seriously, please Xia Zhi and Ye Qi, please make a movie with two female protagonists." It’s a drama, no matter how bad it is, I’ll watch it!”

"These two people stand together, it's like a carnival of Yangou!"

"I heard that the variety show will continue recording. I will be able to meet Xia Xia and Sister Qi soon. I am so excited!"

The ad received rave reviews and the advertisers were even more delighted.

Xia Zhi received her first advertising fee in her life.

Originally she was just a guest star.

I didn't expect it would have such a good effect.

Looking at herself in the video, Xia Zhi simply didn't dare to recognize her.

She immediately saved the video and sent it to all her friends.

Everyone sent congratulations.

Especially Rong Yun, he was so jealous.

[Rong Yun: I will return to China in two days. I don’t care, you have to take a set of photos like this with me! 】

The inexplicable possessiveness from my best friend!

Xia Zhi comforted him.

[Xia Zhi: Okay, okay, take pictures, take whatever you want, take as much as you want! 】

Hearing what Xia Zhi said, Rong Yun felt a little more mentally balanced.

The advertisement helped Xia Zhi gain another group of fans.

Tao Yuan called her and asked her to open the business at the right time and post some photos on Weibo to gain followers.

If possible, it would be best to post some photos with Ye Qi.

After all, Ye Qi has a lot of traffic.

Xia Zhi never thought about taking advantage of Ye Qi's traffic.

She was about to post a few selfies of herself.

Unexpectedly, Ye Qi suddenly came to Fu Jinye's house.

She brought two little ones back.

Seeing Xia Zhi sitting on the sofa in a daze, Ye Qi curiously asked what was wrong.

Xia Zhi told the situation truthfully.

"What's the point?" Ye Qi said very generously, "Don't worry, Sister Qi is not a jealous person."

Xia Zhi smiled.

She knew Ye Qi didn't care about this.

The two have taken some selfies before.

When Ye Qi was looking through Xia Zhi's photo album to choose photos, he suddenly found a photo of Xia Zhi and Fu Jinye on the top of the mountain.

In the photo, Xia Zhi has a bright smile, and Fu Jinye has gentle eyes. The two of them are perfectly matched in the same frame.

With Ye Qi's years of experience and her keen intuition, if this photo is released, it will definitely cause an uproar.

Ye Qi looked at Xia Zhi curiously, "Xia Xia, what's going on between you and Lao Fu? Will they be together?"

Xia Zhi nodded hesitantly, "Maybe."

"But now you also know that there is a big gap between me and him, so I want to wait until my career is successful before I can get back together with him."

Ye Qi understood Xia Zhi's thoughts.

She said, "Xia Xia, your idea is very good, but have you ever thought that whether you are with Fu Jinye or not, it will not affect your career development.

To put it another way, even if you didn't succeed, wouldn't you be with Fu Jinye?
It is not easy to meet someone you like in your life.

Don't let external factors affect the relationship between you two.

Not all marriages are equally matched. Likewise, how do you know that you are definitely worse than Fu Jinye now?
Maybe your financial and academic qualifications are not as good as his, but you also have your shining points.

Xia Xia, learn to love yourself. "

Ye Qi's words touched Xia Zhi's heart.

love yourself.

Then love others.

Xia Zhi nodded, "I understand, Sister Qi."

"If you really decide to be together, it's best to vaccinate your fans in advance."

Xia Zhi looked at Ye Qi doubtfully.

Ye Qi clicked on the group photo just now, "I just took advantage of this opportunity, why not send a few more photos?"

(End of this chapter)

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