Chapter 150 Belongs to You Only
"What photo?" A flash of doubt flashed in Xia Zhi's mind, and soon she understood Ye Qi's hint.

"Would it be too ostentatious to show off like this?" Xia Zhi asked with some uncertainty.

Ye Qi shook his head, "Don't worry, it won't happen!"


Since we want to be together, sooner or later we have to make it public.

Xia Zhi didn't know whether she posted a photo with Fu Jinye or a photo she had taken with Shen Jiangqi before.

The purpose is to divert some of the attention.

Of course, she asked Shen Jiangqi's opinion in advance.

Seeing that he agreed, I gave it to him.

Xia Zhi posted a total of nine pictures, one with Ye Qi, one with Fu Jinye, one with Shen Jiangqi, three with Ranbao, and her personal photo with text "Fragments of Life".

Ye Qi quickly retweeted Xia Zhi's Weibo and took the initiative to guide her: wuli Xia Xia is really getting more and more beautiful.

Shen Jiangqi also immediately forwarded this Weibo post: See you another day~
The one who was discovered last was Fu Jinye.

By the time he forwarded it, it was already an hour later.

However, this was enough to make netizens explode.

After all, Fu Jinye generally does not repost other artists' Weibo posts, even if the relationship is good, he has never retweeted them.

Generally, if there is a need for publicity, it will be forwarded from the studio’s dedicated Weibo account.

Fans all know that Fu Jinye’s Weibo has always been used by Fu Jinye personally.

However, this hidden candy is even better.

Fu Jinye's accompanying text is: I hope that next time I climb the mountain, I will still be fruitful.

Netizens don’t understand what Fu Jinye’s harvest is, but Xia Zhi knows.

During that mountain climbing trip, she changed her mind about Fu Jinye.

The next time we go hiking, we can really put the two of them on the agenda to reconnect.

Xia Zhi's picture made netizens happy.

Everyone said that Xia Zhi is the contemporary Duan Shui Master.

Qi Xia CP fans, Jin Xia CP fans and the emerging Ye Xia CP fans are simply dumbfounding.

Every CP fan is having a party.

Some people even suggested that Xia Zhi open a harem directly.

It's a pity that Xia Zhi's attack power is not enough to capture the three of them, so the role can only be snatched away by the three of them.

The time for the variety show to be recorded again is getting closer and closer.

Jiang Huan comes to Ye Qi's villa every day to teach the two little ones basic skills.

Occasionally I see Ye Qi.

But Ye Qi was busy most of the time, and the two of them didn't have much time to spend together.

Xia Zhi originally thought something would happen between the two of them, but now it seems that she was overthinking it.

"Jiang Huan, we have to participate in the program recording tomorrow, and we may not be able to see each other for several days." Xia Zhi said, "You can teach them again after the program recording is over."

Xia Zhi said worriedly, "It shouldn't delay anything, right?"

Jiang Huan said truthfully, "Delay will definitely cause delays. I have watched your program before, and it is not broadcast live throughout the day.

Taking advantage of the gap between live broadcasts, let the two children exercise. Although the effect is not as good as my supervision, it is still useful. "

"Okay." Xia Zhi nodded, "Thank you for your hard work during this period. The fee has been charged to your card. See you in two days."

Jiang Huan nodded.

Until the end of Jiang Huan's class today, Ye Qi was not seen.

Before leaving, Jiang Huan took out a glass bottle from his bag.

It's transparent, and the inside seems to be made of something like honey and passion fruit.

Jiang Huan glanced at Xia Zhi and hesitated for a moment, not knowing how to speak.

Xia Zhi understood instantly, "Is this for Sister Qi?"

Jiang Huan nodded, "Sorry, I was a little pressed for time this time, so I only made one bottle. I will replenish it for you next time."

"It's okay, it's okay." Xia Zhi took the glass bottle from Jiang Huan's hand with a smile, "Jiang Huan, are you a fan of Sister Qi?"

Jiang Huan nodded, "Well, I have liked her for many years, many, many years." Xia Zhi glanced at Jiang Huan in confusion.

She always felt that there was something in Jiang Huan's words.

I have liked Sister Qi for many years, is it because I am a fan or
When Ye Qi came back in the evening, Xia Zhi had not left yet.

"Xia Xia, why are you still here?" Ye Qi asked doubtfully, "Where are Xiao Heng and Ran Bao?"

Xia Zhi said, "They are asleep. I am waiting for you."

Ye Qi lay tiredly on the sofa, his voice full of exhaustion, "What's wrong?"

Xia Zhi sat up straight, picked up the glass bottle given by Jiang Huan from the coffee table, and handed it to Ye Qi, "Sister Qi, this is given to you by Jiang Huan.

This is the only bottle specially prepared for you. "

Hearing Jiang Huan's name, Ye Qi was in a daze.

She sat up slowly, but her eyes fell on the glass bottle in Xia Zhi's hand.

"Did Jiang Huan give it to me?" Ye Qi asked uncertainly, "Did he say anything?"

Xia Zhi said, "Jiang Huan said that if you think it tastes good, he will make it for you."

Ye Qi was slightly stunned.

Immediately, she smiled and said, "Xia Xia, do you want to try Jiang Huan's craftsmanship?"

Without waiting for Xia Zhi to refuse, Ye Qi went directly to the kitchen with the glass bottle.

She brought two cups, brewed them with hot water, and handed one to Xia Zhi.

It tastes sweet and sour, and is very appetizing.

Just a little on the sour side.

According to Xia Zhi's taste, it would be better if more honey was added.

"Sister Qi, do you like something sour?" Xia Zhi asked curiously.

She was direct. Jiang Huan preferred Ye Qi's taste.

Ye Qi nodded, "That's right."

"Then Jiang Huan is really thoughtful."

Ye Qi was also a little surprised, how could Jiang Huan know his taste so well.

The doubts that had been suppressed now took root in my heart again.

"Xia Xia, push Jiang Huan's WeChat account to me."

Xia Zhi nodded, chatted with Ye Qi for a few words, and then left.

There are still programs to film tomorrow.

This time, the director team did not come directly to the house.

Instead, they were given an address.

Let them get to a place.

In order to avoid suspicion, Xia Zhi originally wanted to separate from Fu Jinye.

Unexpectedly, Ye Qi came to the door with Ranbao and Xiaoheng and asked to go together.

With Ye Qi's participation, there is no need to avoid suspicion.

"Xia Xia, have you watched the group?" Ye Qi said, "This time we seem to be traveling and have to visit several places."

Xia Zhi nodded, "I saw it, I saw it. There are several places that I have been to before. I didn't expect that this wish was fulfilled by Director Fan."

Since I have been busy with work, I have less and less free time.

Not to mention traveling, it’s hard to have a vacation, wouldn’t it be nice to rest at home?

This time is different. With lovers, relatives and friends around you, it will definitely be an unforgettable journey!

"Hi, everyone, long time no see. How have you been lately?" Director Fan's familiar voice sounded.

This time, everyone was no longer restrained in getting along with each other, and responded to him enthusiastically, "Not bad."

"I believe everyone has seen our itinerary this time." Director Fan said, but suddenly he changed the subject, "However, since our funds are limited, before starting the tour, everyone will play a little game. .”

As soon as this was said, complaints arose frequently.

(End of this chapter)

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