Chapter 151 Three Ways
[Hahaha, it’s a familiar plot and routine again]

[Director Fan: Don’t ask, asking means there is insufficient funds]

[Wow, travel, will you come to my place? I’m really looking forward to it! 】

[Fu Jinye is so handsome, I love him so much! 】

[Seventh brother is great! 】

[The director team is causing trouble!But I like it]

[Three little ones, long time no see. I miss you so much. 】

The barrage is frantically swiping.

Hearing Fan Yimin's words, Ye Qi couldn't help but complain, "Director Fan, actually we don't have to travel.

It’s not impossible to go to the island like last time. "

"That's right." Shen Jiangqi nodded in agreement.

Qi Mo said, "Director Fan, what game are we going to play?"

Fan Yimin looked at everyone with a smile, "Actually, the game is very simple, rock, paper, scissors.

We have three ways to travel, namely plane, train and self-driving tour.

According to rock-paper-scissors, the person who wins first chooses his or her preferred way. "

As soon as Director Fan finished speaking, everyone began to discuss.

Fu Jinye said, "Relatively speaking, self-driving travel should be the most free, followed by airplanes and finally trains."

"That's right." Ye Qi nodded in agreement, "Everyone must be merciful for a while."

[Although, is self-driving travel really the best? 】

[Personally, self-driving travel is very comfortable, but at the same time very tiring. If the distance is too far, you have to drive yourself, which makes me very desperate just thinking about it]

[If it were me, I would choose air tickets]

[Maybe for celebrities, self-driving travel is the safest, after all, it is impossible for the program groups of the other two modes of transportation to book all the seats]

[So, no one pays attention to the train?The train also has several beautiful tourist routes, okay! 】

[To put it all together, it is actually better to travel by car. 】

Those who came out to fight were Ye Qi, Xia Zhi and Zhou Yiran.

The three of them said in unison: "Rock, paper, scissors!"

Xia Zhi produced rocks, and the other two groups produced scissors.

She was the first winner.

When Ye Qi and Zhou Yiran were competing, Fu Jinye quietly whispered into Xia Zhi's ear.

Xia Zhi looked at Fu Jinye with some surprise.

Fu Jinye just smiled indifferently, looking like an old fox.

Xia Zhi silently gave a thumbs up.

All I can say is that it's you.

Sure enough, cunning enough.

The second winner was Zhou Yiran, and Ye Qi came last.

She didn't expect that she would lose so miserably.

Ye Qi looked at Xia Zhi and said, "Xia Xia, if you choose to travel by car, can you take Xiao Heng and me with you?"

Shen Jiangqi also raised his hand and said, "There's still me, there's still me."

Xia Zhi smiled, walked up to Director Fan, and said resolutely, "I choose the plane."

Ye Qi looked at Xia Zhi in surprise.

Shen Jiangqi was also a little confused, "Xia Xia, didn't you just say that self-driving travel is the best?"

Xia Zhi nodded, "That's right, so I'll give it to you. No need to be grateful."

Looking at her appearance, who would believe that she would give them the best?
Zhou Yiran looked at Qi Mo, "Qi Mo, can you drive?"

Qi Mo shook his head, "Although I have a driver's license, I don't have much driving experience."

The same is true for Zhou Yiran.

So, their group chose the train.

What was considered to be the best self-driving tour at first turned out to be off the list, with no one choosing it.

Fortunately, Ye Qi and Shen Jiangqi's driving skills were passable.

[Starting: Self-driving travel is the best.Ending: So I choose airplane. 】

[Take a bold guess, Fu Jinye must have deliberately said that self-driving travel is the best, right? 】【As someone who has driven by himself, it is really tiring when driving on the road. Moreover, the parking space problem is also a big trouble. If you can usually fly, try to fly, or high-speed rail and train. 】

[I like self-driving travel, which is super free and comfortable. Different people have different opinions and wisdom. Everyone should choose the appropriate means of transportation according to their current situation. 】

[I’m so cute Fu Konno looks so sinister]

[When he and Xia Zhi stood together just now, they felt that they were a perfect match. This summer’s CP is already ready to move]

"Very good." Director Fan said, "It seems that everyone has already chosen the way to travel. Let's pack up our things in a while and then go our separate ways."

Since there were many people at the airport and station, the program team decided to hide the filming and put makeup on them to disguise themselves.

To facilitate the camera, six people shared a dressing room.

"I just searched for the route." Ye Qi said, "It takes about ten hours to drive from here to our destination."

Xia Zhi's eyes widened, "So far?

Can you two handle it? "

Shen Jiangqi sighed softly, "It would be okay if I drove it differently, but the journey would definitely be tiring."

Ye Qi looked at Xia Zhi, "No wonder no one chooses to travel by car."

Xia Zhi felt guilty inexplicably. She moved Fu Jinye out and said, "Fu Jinye asked me to choose the plane."

If you want to blame, blame him.

Ye Qi was amused by her reaction.

Xia Zhi's ability to shift blame is really extraordinary.

They must have become familiar with each other, otherwise Xia Zhi would not have let Fu Jinye pass him by so easily.

Zhou Yiran interjected, "It takes almost seven or eight hours by train."

Now it seems that airplanes are indeed the best.

Arrived in less than four hours.

However, they are convenient, but they also need to disguise themselves.

Relatively speaking, it is not that convenient.

"Xia Xia, what makeup are you going to wear?" Ye Qi asked curiously.

She saw that the makeup artist put a lot of foundation on Fu Jinye's face, and the color was darker.

Xia Zhi said helplessly, "Old age makeup."

"Actor Fu said that he has never put on old man makeup before, so he wanted to use this show to experience it."

"That Ranran" Ye Qi frowned.

Xia Zhi answered, "Ranran is our grandson."

Very strong.

A son becomes a grandson.

However, I have to admire the superb level of the makeup artist.

After putting on makeup, Fu Jinye really looked like an old man who was nearly eighty years old.

Especially the wrinkles and age spots on his face look very real.

In comparison, the makeup on Xia Zhi's face is much simpler.

After all, she didn't need to be completely unrecognizable.

Qi Mo and Zhou Yiran were not much better.

Although they did not put on old man makeup, their skin color was several shades darker.

Qi Mo even put on black-rimmed glasses, which blocked most of his face, making him completely different from before.

Xia Ran and Zhou Jiajia relied on their clothes to get through.

[Good guy, even if these people passed by me, I probably wouldn’t recognize them]

[The makeup artist comes to Oita, it’s so realistic! 】

[The guests are very open-minded and like this kind of real program]

[Seriously, will they really not be stopped by security like this? 】

[The program team should have said hello in advance for this kind of thing]

[I'm at the airport now, can anyone tell me which airport they are going to, so we can meet by chance]

[Now I feel that self-driving is not without its benefits, at least you don’t need to put on makeup]

【Ask for chance encounter, seek chance encounter! ! ! 】

(End of this chapter)

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