Chapter 153 Role Playing
Then he saw Xia Zhi walking out of the room wearing a cheongsam.

The beautiful figure is displayed vividly.

With her slim waist, long legs, bulging front and back, she is simply a beauty in the world.

Even though he was used to seeing beauties in the entertainment industry, when he first saw Xia Zhi's look, he was still shocked by her beauty.

"Hello, beauty, can you please leave me your contact information?" Shen Jiangqi, handsome in a suit and leather shoes, saw a flash of surprise in his eyes when he saw Xia Zhi, and deliberately stepped forward to talk to her.

Xia Zhi didn't expect that Shen Jiangqi could be so naughty.

Just about to answer.

Fu Jinye suddenly appeared. He walked up to Xia Zhi, hugged her waist without any explanation, and brought her into his arms.

At the same time, Fu Jinye looked at Shen Jiangqi and perfectly interpreted the look of a dandy young master, "I'm sorry, Lawyer Shen, this lady is mine tonight."

Is this a drama?

What Xia Zhi can do is to cooperate.

She has been learning acting skills from Fu Jinye these days, and the two of them have become accustomed to various role plays.

"Master Fu, I'm here to sing, no other services are included~"

Xia Zhi's voice was soft, as if it had a hook, and it was inexplicably seductive.

She has such charming eyes, when she looks at you, it seems like nothing matters.

Fu Jinye's eyes darkened, and there was a smile of unknown meaning at the corner of his mouth.

He leaned close to Xia Zhi's ear, and his deep voice sounded slowly, "Do you think you can escape?"

As the family's lawyer, Shen Jiangqi didn't have much interaction with the young master.

But he also knew that this was not the time for him to interrupt.

He doesn't want to have a head-on conflict with Master Fu just yet. ,

"Oh, it's so lively."

As soon as Ye Qi opened his mouth, the concubine's unruly and difficult character came out.

She twisted her body and walked to a few people, her eyes moving.

Ye Qi is also a great beauty, and she is no less beautiful standing next to Xia Zhi.

Especially with the blessing of her powerful acting skills, a charming woman appears in everyone's sight.

Immediately afterwards, Zhou Yiran, who played the daughter, and Qi Mo, who played the housekeeper, both came out.

"Brother, second aunt." Zhou Yiran said timidly.

Fu Jinye responded in a muffled voice.

Ye Qi snorted coldly, twisted his body and left, his eyes full of disdain, as if he didn't like Zhou Yiran's daughter very much.

"Miss, Master, Lawyer Shen, Miss Xia, the food is ready in the kitchen. Let's go to the restaurant to eat."

[Wow, these guys are really good at acting]

[When a drama queen meets a drama queen]

【.Qiqizi’s acting skills are really great. This character is so different from herself, but there is no sense of dissonance at all! ! ! 】

[Screen licking screenshots like crazy, I feel like any two of these six people would be very annoying]

[CP fans are having a carnival this summer. The scene where Fu Jinye hugged his waist just now really killed me! ! ! ! 】

[Has anyone told me whether what they are saying now is a script or improvisation? It doesn’t feel like acting! 】

[Please, can the six of them make a drama about the Republic of China? I will watch it no matter how bad the acting is! 】

The camera follows several people to the restaurant.

To facilitate photography, the seats in the restaurant are arranged in a row.

Arranged according to their respective identities are Qi Mo, Zhou Yiran, Fu Jinye, Ye Qi, Shen Jiangqi and Xia Zhi.

Qi Mo was the housekeeper and Xia Zhi was the singer. They had lower status than the others, so they sat on both sides.

The food prepared by the director team is pasta and steak.

It was said that he was poor.

Whose poor family has steak?
There is red wine in the wine glass on the side, which looks very stylish.

Fan Yimin's voice sounded at the right time, "Now everyone is entering the eating stage. Please complete your tasks before eating and don't be discovered."

Bad guys destroy identity cards when they complete their mission.Good guys who complete tasks will receive identity cards.

At the same time, the good guys don't know what the bad guys' mission is, but the bad guys know what the good guys' mission is.

After clarifying this idea, Xia Zhi began to observe other people.

Her identity is a bad person.

Yes, she is a bad person.

When she saw these two words, Xia Zhi was confused.

She didn't even know whether she was lucky or bad.

Her mission is simple, eat three servings of pasta.

At the same time, she also knows the tasks of others.

Fu Jinye's task is to exchange steaks with the person next to him.

Ye Qi's task is to sing a line of lyrics and find two people to pick it up.

Shen Jiangqi's task is to toast everyone.

Zhou Yiran's task is to supervise everyone to finish drinking the red wine in their glasses. It is enough for three or more people to finish the wine.

Qimo's task is to let everyone play the "must pass game every seven", and the number in one round of the game exceeds eighty.

In fact, compared to other people's tasks, Xia Zhi feels that her task is very simple.

This round, everyone has their own agenda, and the director team has not disclosed the identities of the two bad guys.

Not only the guests have to guess, but the audience in the live broadcast room also has to guess.

Although Fan Yimin said the game started.

But everyone looked at me and I looked at you, but no one moved.

After all, I don’t know what the other party’s mission is.

The slightest mistake may lead to suspicion.

Xia Zhi's stomach growled with hunger. Seeing that no one moved their chopsticks, she was the first to do so.

He just picked up his fork and ate all the pasta in front of him.

"Eat slowly." Shen Jiangqi said softly, "Be careful not to choke."

Xia Zhi smiled and said, "I'm so hungry, and this pasta is so delicious!
"Do you still want to eat your share? How about I trade you the steak?"

Xia Zhi was the first to make the request, and everyone couldn't help but cast suspicious glances.

"Xia Xia, your mission is to exchange steak for pasta, right?" Ye Qi said suspiciously.

Xia Zhi frowned, "How is that possible!

I just don’t like eating beef. If you don’t believe me, ask Brother Shen. "

Shen Jiangqi nodded hesitantly, "Xia Xia really doesn't like beef."

"You can take my pasta and eat it. There is no need to exchange."

After all, he couldn't rule out that this was Xia Zhi's mission.

"Okay." Xia Zhi smiled, and then quickly finished the pasta on Shen Jiang's strange plate.

Looking at the way she was devouring it, it seemed as if this pasta was truly a delicacy in the world.

Of course, in addition to Xia Zhi being really hungry, there is also an element of acting.

She really doesn't like beef, but steak and tomato-braised beef brisket are waiting for her. She just doesn't like beef with a strong taste.

When she's not sure how good a restaurant's beef is, she generally won't choose to eat it.

So Shen Jiang Qicai misunderstood that she didn't like beef very much.

However, this kind of misunderstanding is not bad.

It made it easier for Xia Zhi to do her tasks.

After finishing the pasta for two, Xia Zhi picked up the steak in front of her and glanced at the others.

The meaning is self-evident, she also wants to change the pasta.

(End of this chapter)

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