Chapter 154 Every 7 Game
"No!" Ye Qi stopped him, "Xia Xia, your behavior is too obvious."

Xia Zhi looked at Ye Qi innocently, "Sister Qi, what do you mean?"

"Isn't your mission to eat up all our pasta?" Ye Qi boldly guessed.

Xia Zhi:.
She looked at Ye Qi helplessly, "Well, do you think it's possible?
Although our program team has no conscience, it won't let me die. "

Pasta for six people.

But it doesn't look like much.

Fu Jinye took the initiative to hand his pasta to Xia Zhi, "Eat it."

Xia Zhi was a little surprised.

If bad guys can see other people's tasks.

Is Fu Jinye helping him complete his mission?
"Old Fu, you" Ye Qi looked at Fu Jinye in surprise.

Fu Jinye said calmly, "I'm not very hungry."

Xia Zhi took Fu Jinye's pasta and ate it not as fast as before.

After eating pasta for three people.

Her mission was inexplicably accomplished.

Xia Zhi became more and more certain that Fu Jinye should be his teammate!
Even if the bad guy can see all the missions, how can the bad guy determine who is his teammate and who is the good guy?

Xia Zhi, who had vowed just now, instantly put out the fire.

She thinks too much.

Maybe Fu Jinye simply dotes on her.

Xia Zhi thought that maybe Fu Jinye and Shen Jiangqi were not bad people.

If she learns about everyone's mission and doesn't know who is a teammate and who is an enemy, she will find a way to complete her own mission while destroying other people's missions.

The two of them cooperate with each other so well that it is unlikely that they are teammates.

Somewhat brain-burning.

Xia Zhi thought about this while competing with the steak with her knife and fork.

Finally, she decided to take it one step at a time.

While she was thinking, others also started their own tasks.

"Just eating is boring, why don't we play a little game?" Shen Jiangqi suggested.

"Okay." Ye Qi nodded.

Fu Jinye also agreed.

Others have no opinion.

Shen Jiangqi took the initiative and said, "I brought up the game. To prevent you from doubting me, you decide what game to play."

In this way, he put aside his own suspicion to a certain extent.

Shen Jiangqi probably didn't expect that his proposal would suit Qi Mo's wishes.

How could Qi Mo let go of such a good opportunity?

He took the opportunity to speak, "Why don't we play the recently popular 'Feng 7 Game'? What do you think?"

His proposal was unanimously approved by everyone.

The rules of this game are very simple. Everyone takes the number, but if they encounter a number with 7 or a multiple of 7, they will skip it.The rules are simple, even people who have never played it can understand it immediately.

"In that case, let's start from my side."

Chimo: 1
Zhou Yiran: 2
Fu Jinye: 3
Ye Qi: 4
Shen Jiangqi: 5
Xia Zhi: 6
Shen Jiangqi: 8
Ye Qi: 9
The cycle repeats, and so on.

When Shen Jiang's odd number reached 20, Ye Qi subconsciously added 21.
"Oh oh oh~"

Everyone looked at Ye Qi.

Ye Qi came to his senses and explained, "I'm talking nonsense."

"I just wanted to play the game and forgot to set up a punishment." Shen Jiangqi suddenly said, "How about from now on, whoever loses gets a sip of wine?"

His proposal was unanimously approved by everyone.

Since the punishment started after Ye Qi lost, Ye Qi does not need to accept the punishment this round.

A new round of the game begins with her.

Ye Qi: 1
Fu Jinye: 2
Zhou Yiran: 3
Chimo: 4
Zhou Yiran: 5
Fu Jinye: 6
Ye Qi: 8
Shen Jiangqi: 9
Xia Zhi: 10
After Qi Mo finished saying 16, Zhou Yiran subconsciously added 17.
The game is over again.

Zhou Yiran was a little annoyed, "I was just thinking about the multiples of 7, and I forgot to include the number 7."

She took the initiative to pick up the glass and took a sip of red wine.

This time, counting starts from Zhou Yiran.

This game seems simple, but requires quick reflexes.

After four or five rounds, there were no more than 50 people.
Xia Zhi originally wanted to cause trouble.

But without her causing trouble, this game would be unplayable.

Qi Mo's mission was aborted.

Chacha felt that compared to eating three servings of pasta, Qi Mo's task was a hellish level of difficulty.

Shen Jiangqi also clinked glasses with Fu Jinye and Ye Qi on the pretext of punishment.

[I feel like this game is quite simple. Why do you think they have so much trouble playing it?]

[Hahahahahahahahahahaha, I recommend you keep playing, I can keep watching]

[These people are so funny together! 】

[To be honest, Xia Zhi’s mission should be to eat other people’s pasta. Although I don’t know what Shen Jiangqi’s mission is, I feel it is related to wine. As for Qi Mo, it is probably related to the game Feng 7, personal intuition]

[Come here, kill the prophet upstairs]

[I feel like the analysis above makes sense]

"No more playing." Ye Qi waved his hand and refused, "If you continue to play, I will probably drink too much.

How about we change the game? "

Shen Jiangqi looked at Ye Qi, "Do you have any suggestions?"

Zhou Yiran suddenly interjected, "How about 'Visiting the Three Gardens'?"

This game is okay. It shouldn't react as fast as "Feng 7 Game". As long as what is in my mind is not spoken out, there will be no problem.

Xia Zhi glanced at Zhou Yiran, and at the same time looked at the red wine that everyone had almost bottomed out.

After more than three people drank the wine, her mission was successfully completed.

(End of this chapter)

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