Chapter 155 Respective identities

"If the game is changed, do the punishments also need to be changed?" Xia Zhi suddenly said.

Both Zhou Yiran and Shen Jiangqi, who were related to the red wine mission, were affected to a certain extent.

Ye Qi joked, "What kind of punishment does Xia Xia want to change? It won't be eating pasta, right?"

Xia Zhi frowned.

It seems like eating pasta is something I can’t get over.

Xia Zhi thought for a moment and said, "How about the loser singing?"

"Okay." Ye Qi did not object.

Her mission is related to songs.

But the pick-up game is obviously impossible.

At that time, she deliberately lost two games, and then started singing and asked everyone to join in the singing. How wonderful!

So, everyone started a new round of games.

In the end, Xia Zhi, Zhou Yiran and Fu Jinye completed their mission.

Zhou Yiran's task was for three or more people to finish the red wine in the glass. Due to the punishment mechanism in the first round of the game, there was not much wine in the glasses, so they drank it all quickly.

The reason why Fu Jinye completed the task was completely a coincidence.

When everyone was getting ready to eat steak, Zhou Yiran's steak had more gluten and was a bit difficult to cut, so Fu Jinye took the initiative to exchange it with him.

This move also caused ripples in Zhou Yiran's heart.

She didn't expect that Fu Jinye would treat her like this.

While I felt a little moved in my heart, some thoughts that should have been suppressed resurfaced.

As for Xia Zhi, everyone suspected her, but she never acted like a monster.

Except for the pasta at the beginning, it can be said that Xia Zhi has no flaws.

In fact, everyone knows it well when doing tasks.

Those who are interested can easily discover the content of their mission.

[A blind guess, one of the bad guys is Xia Zhi]

[Based on her luck when playing Werewolf, I think Xia Zhi will definitely be one of the bad guys]

[Judging from the tasks they did, it seems that none of them are very smart]

[Hahahaha, not smart but it’s okay]

[I feel that the bad guys are between Xia Zhi and Ye Qi. They seem to be targeting each other, but in fact they help each other and confuse the public]

[Let’s just say, is it possible that the two bad guys don’t know who the other is? 】

[The show team won’t let us guess who the bad guy is all the time! 】

Naturally, Fan Yimin would not make such a big fuss.

He said, "Next is the individual recording session, and those whose names are called will go to the recording room.

Starting from Qi Mo, enter in order. "

[Come here, we can finally know who the bad guy is]

[I guess it’s Qi Mo]

[Ah ah ah, Qi Mo is so handsome, I love his handsome face so much! 】

[Qi Mo, who has a cold and veteran style, just don’t kill me too much! 】

In the recording room, Qi Mo was sitting on a chair, with the director and recording camera in front of him.

"Qi Mo, tell me who you are and who you are." Fan Yimin spoke.

Qi Mo smiled at the camera, "My identity is the housekeeper of the house, and I am also a bad guy."

He turned over his ID card and faced the camera.

"In the last round, my task was for everyone to play the "Every Seven Must Pass Game", and the number of numbers in the round exceeded eighty. Unfortunately, it was not completed."

Fan Yimin said, "There is an ID card in front of you. That is the identity of your teammate. It is kept secret for the time being. Do not publish it~"

"Okay." Qi Mo opened the ID card in front of him and was a little surprised when he saw the name on it.

It turned out to be her!
[Ah ah ah ah, I knew it was Qi Mo! 】

[Hahahahaha, it’s so funny, the director team never thought that they are not even over fifty when they play the game]

[Isn’t this embarrassing our Mobao! 】

[Wow, wow, I really like the way Qi Mo says he is a bad guy, so handsome, so handsome]

[To be honest, Qi Mo and Fu Jinye are somewhat similar. 】

[Take Qimo away without comparing prices. This is Qimo’s home court. Please don’t cue others. 】

[By the way, whose ID card did Qi Mo see? 】

[I feel that Qi Mo’s expression is very subtle. Who is the second bad guy?Could it be Fu Jinye? 】

[Oh my god, I’m super curious about who the second bad guy is. Can the director reveal it directly? ! 】

As the barrage rolled, Fan Yimin called the second person.

"I am Zhou Yiran, the youngest daughter of the family, and also a good person." Zhou Yiran said, "My task in the last round was to supervise everyone to finish drinking the red wine in the cup. It only takes three or more people to finish it. .

Fortunately, Brother Shen proposed that the punishment be to drink red wine, so my task was completed smoothly. "

"As a good guy, you have completed your mission and have a chance to know the identity information of the bad guys." Fan Yimin said, "There are eight identity information cards in front of you, each with the information of the two bad guys. You can choose any one. "

Zhou Yiran looked at the eight cards in front of her and chose one at random.

After seeing the above content, she read it out, "She has a child."

After reading, Zhou Yiran turned the card over and faced the camera.

[Hahaha, lucky is worthy of its name! 】

【.Shen Jiangqi never thought of his own beauty as an adult】

[It would be okay if Shen Jiangqi and Zhou Yiran were both good people, otherwise he would regret it and die! 】

[Is this what it feels like to win by lying down?Real name envy! 】

[This Ta is very spiritual, why not just use "she"? ? ? 】

[The director team is doing something! 】

[Is it possible that there is a new kid in the entertainment industry, so I need to get vaccinated in advance? 】

[The direction of this information is obvious, the second bad guy is a woman! 】

After Fu Jinye appeared in the recording room, the number of people discussing the barrage increased significantly.

"Hello everyone, I am Fu Jinye, the young master of the mansion. My identity is a good person, and my task is to exchange steaks with the people around me."

There was something cunning about how he accomplished this task.

But done is done.

"As a good guy, you have completed your mission and have a chance to know the bad guy's identity information." Fan Yimin said, "There are seven identity information cards in front of you, each with the information of two bad guys. You can choose any one. "

Fu Jinye drew one card from the seven cards, which read: He has participated in movies.

This directionality is somewhat broad.

Except for Xia Zhi and Shen Jiangqi, the remaining four people have all participated in movies.

[Fu Jinye is so handsome! 】

[Husband, husband, husband, husband, husband, husband, husband, husband, husband, husband, husband]

【Fu Jinye, I love you! ! ! 】

[I guessed who it was, it must be Ye Qi! 】

[Unexpectedly, it was me, Wuli Qiqizi]

[Qiqizi’s bad guy is so awesome! ! ! 】

[Don’t make blind guesses, what if this information card corresponds to Qi Mo? He has also appeared in movies. 】

[That is, except for Xia Zhi and Shen Jiangqi, the rest of them are possible! 】

(End of this chapter)

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