Chapter 156 I am innocent, do you believe it?

The fourth person to enter the recording room was Ye Qi.

Everyone thought she was the second bad guy.

But when she read out her identity information, everyone realized that they had guessed wrong!
"My task is to sing a lyric and find two people to pick it up." Ye Qi looked at the program team full of resentment, "Director, what are other people's tasks? I always feel that you are cheating me!"

The director coughed lightly and said, "How come? I will tell everyone the relevant tasks after the recording ends."


"Since you have not completed the task, you cannot view the identity information." Director Fan said, "Go and call the next person in."

[Hahahaha, wuli Qiqizi is so miserable! 】

[Can the director be nicer to my Qiqizi?]

[It’s so funny. Not only is there no reward, but you also have to do hard work for the director! 】

【Wife, wife, I love you! 】

[Save some face for our movie queens! 】

Shen Jiangqi entered the recording room, "My identity is the lawyer in the government, and my task is to toast everyone."

"God knows, this task is too difficult."

Shen Jiangqi couldn't help complaining, "The slightest movement will arouse suspicion. I don't know how other people complete their tasks."

Director Fan touched his nose and said, "Then who do you think is the bad guy?"

Shen Jiangqi shook his head, "I can't guess, but I feel like something is not right with Xia Xia. Her mission should be related to pasta, right?"

Director Fan nodded.

The mission will be announced anyway, so he is not afraid of leaking it.

"Since you have not completed the task, you cannot view the identity information." Director Fan said, "Go and call the next person in."


[Director, do you dare to change a line! 】

[As expected of a partner, the two of them were tricked almost exactly the same way]

[No need to guess, the last bad guy is Xia Zhi]

[Hahaha, I knew it was Xia Zhi!Her luck as an African chieftain is simply incredible! ! ! 】

[I want to know what Xia Zhi’s mission is! 】

Xia Zhi was the last one to enter the recording room.

She sat on a chair, facing the director team in front of her, and greeted the audience in front of the camera with some restraint, "Hello everyone, I am Xia Zhi. My identity is a singer invited by the mansion to perform. My task is to eat Three servings of pasta.”

She paused and continued, "At the same time, I am also a bad person."

At first, when the director asked her to tell her true identity, she was a little shocked, because is this allowed to be said?

"As the bad guy camp, you have completed your mission and have an opportunity to destroy the bad guy's identity information." Fan Yimin said, "There are six identity information cards in front of you, each containing the information of the two bad guys. You can choose any one to destroy it. ."

"Can I see what's written on these cards?" Xia Zhi asked curiously.

Originally, she was just asking.

Unexpectedly, the director nodded in agreement.

Xia Zhi turned over the cards one by one and was a little surprised.

There are several vague messages in these cards, most of which correspond to two to three people or more.

But there are two pieces of information that are more directional.

Xia Zhi chose the most obvious one to destroy.

After doing all this, Xia Zhi looked up and asked Director Fan, "Can I contact my teammates?"

Just now she already knew that her teammate was Qi Mo.

If you can get in touch with your teammates, things should be easier.

"Of course, as long as no one else finds out."

Xia Zhi nodded.

[Accept Xia Zhi’s luck as a non-chieftain, will you accept it or not? 】【No answer, next one】

【Don't answer, next one】

[If the person upstairs doesn’t answer, I won’t answer either.]

[I won’t pick up anyone who picks me up downstairs]

[Shengshi Meiyan Xia, do you really not consider making a debut? 】

【Accept Xia Zhi’s beauty, accept it or not! ! ! 】

【You can take this! 】

[I'll take it, I really need this beauty]

After Xia Zhi left, the live broadcast camera also followed her out of the recording room.

When she left, the five were sitting on the couch discussing the information they had obtained.

"Xia Xia, the way you complete the task is so simple and crude!" Seeing her coming over, Ye Qi couldn't help but joke.

Xia Zhi scratched her head helplessly, "Actually, the pasta is really delicious."

Her words made everyone laugh.

"Tell me, what is the identity content you saw!" Shen Jiangqi said.

Xia Zhi was not in a hurry to speak. She sat next to Ye Qi and looked at Fu Jinye and Zhou Yiran, "Have you two said it?"

Fu Jinye nodded. "Um."

"We've already talked." Zhou Yiran also spoke.

Xia Zhi thought about the information she had seen and made up one at random, "My direction is not obvious. What is written on the card is: He has acted in a TV series."

"Did you and Lao Fu discuss it?" Ye Qi was a little surprised, "Old Fu, he has acted in movies."

Hearing the news, Xia Zhi's heart froze.

She was just looking at the six existing cards and forgot about the contents of the other two.

Fortunately, I didn't talk about movies, otherwise it would be any different from self-destruction.

The audience in the live broadcast room had a panoramic view of Xia Zhi's series of reactions.

[Hahahaha, I suddenly thought of Xia Xia's "I am a good person"]

[I laughed so hard, Xia Zhi almost blew herself up again]

[I thought it was nothing at first, but for some reason, it made sense when this happened to Xia Zhi.]

[Almost, just a little bit]

[Fu Jinye seems to be looking at Xia Zhi. Is he suspecting something? 】

[Qi Mo: I am lucky to have you! 】

Although I almost blew myself up, I still have to continue to perform the show.

During the period of studying with Fu Jinye, Xia Zhi's acting skills improved a lot.

She looked at Ye Qi with some surprise, "So, this person has acted in both TV series and movies?
By the way, there are not three people. What is the information about the other person? "

Ye Qi suddenly stopped talking.

Have children, have acted in TV series and movies
She's not the only one present!

But, why doesn’t she know that she is a bad person?
Zhou Yiran said, "My information is that she has a child."

After summarizing the three pieces of information, everyone turned their attention to Ye Qi.

Ye Qi:.
She said weakly, "I said I am innocent, do you believe it?"

After hearing this, everyone was silent, the meaning was obvious, they didn't believe it!
After a while.

Fu Jinye said, "Didn't you say there are two bad guys?

Perhaps these three messages point to two people. "

(End of this chapter)

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