Chapter 157 Murder Motive

As soon as these words came out, everyone agreed.

If this information refers to a person, the direction is too obvious.

At the same time, Ye Qi also gave his own thoughts, "Is it possible that one of you lied?"

After all, no one else can see the identity information except you.

This is also possible.

But who lied?

There seems to be no problem with the information of the three people.

"Let's see what other tasks are next." Qi Mo said, "With more information, we can find the bad guys."

"That's right." Shen Jiangqi nodded in agreement, "Xia Xia, what are you thinking about?"

Xia Zhi has been silent since just now, which is not quite like her style.

Is she a bad person?

Xia Zhi raised her head and put her hand on her stomach, "I still want to eat pasta, I'm still a little hungry."

She had only eaten three portions of pasta just now, and in order to maintain her character, she left the steak untouched.

I'm a little hungry now.

The others were a little helpless when they heard this.

Fu Jinye said softly, "Ask Director Fan."

Xia Zhi looked at Director Fan.

Director Fan coughed lightly and said, "There is food in the kitchen. Next, you can form your own teams to collect information."

The team arrangement is still based on the previous one, with Xia Zhi and Fu Jinye in a team, Ye Qi and Shen Jiangqi in a team, and Zhou Yiran and Qi Mo in a team.

The place Xia Zhi chose to search was the kitchen. Ye Qi and Shen Jiangqi were in charge of the public areas. Qi Mo proposed to go to the study upstairs to take a look at the situation.

The live broadcast room has resumed its previous live broadcast mode.

Three split screens.

The live broadcast rooms of Fu Jinye and Xia Zhi still have the largest number of fans.

The two people came to the kitchen and saw the "food" in Director Fan's mouth.

N boxes of instant noodles.

These boxes of instant noodles come from advertisers, so they are not coded.

"How many boxes should you eat?" Fu Jinye asked.

Xia Zhi coughed slightly and said awkwardly, "Of course it's a box.

Do I look edible? "

Fu Jinye said nothing and turned to the kitchen to boil water.

Silence is already the best answer.

The facilities here are very complete.

While Fu Jinye was boiling water, Xia Zhi began to look for any clues here.

Not to mention, she really found it.

Xia Zhi saw a paper packaging bag in the trash can.

The trash can was very clean and there was nothing except this packaging bag. It must have been intentional by the program team.

She knelt down and picked up the paper packaging bag. The packaging didn't look big.

Xia Zhi turned to the other side, and there were two big words written on it: arsenic.

Xia Zhi was a little surprised, "Fu Jinye, come here quickly and see what I found."

Hearing this, Fu Jinye walked out of the kitchen and saw Xia Zhi holding a piece of paper with the word arsenic in her hand. "Who is this arsenic prepared for?" Xia Zhi asked in confusion.

Fu Jinye thought thoughtfully, "Who died recently in the house."

Xia Zhi understood instantly.

Master is dead.

"So, we are all suspects. Among the six people, there are two murderers. They killed the master." Xia Zhi said.

Fu Jinye nodded, "That should be the case.

Now that we have found clues in the kitchen, it is likely that others have found similar clues. "

"That's right." Xia Zhi nodded and was about to say something else when Fu Jinye suddenly said, "Do you want to add eggs to the instant noodles?"

The topic changed unexpectedly. She looked at Fu Jinye in surprise, then shook her head, "No, no, no."

Soon, Xia Zhi's noodles were ready.

She happily ate it, as expected it was her favorite way to eat it.

【It's hard to judge】

[After all these years, I finally saw someone who likes to eat instant noodles just hot water noodles without any seasonings. It’s really delicious! 】

[By the way, is instant noodles really delicious without seasoning?Even if you don’t add any sauce or anything, you should always add some salt, otherwise there will be no taste at all]

[I don’t like to add seasoning packets when eating instant noodles]

[It seems that the curse on Xia Zhi for eating instant noodles without seasoning packets is no longer valid]

[Why is everyone’s focus on the seasoning packets? Isn’t the point that Fu Jinye understands Xia Zhi’s taste?Something fishy!There is definitely something fishy! ! 】

[What’s the trick? This summer’s CP is real, everyone understands it! ! ! 】

On the other side, Ye Qi's group and Zhou Yiran's group also found clues each.

Everyone came to the meeting hall, which was a bit like a round table discussion.

Ye Qi was the first to speak: "This is what we found in the piano room. It's a diary about the master's coercion of Zhou Yiran. It records the persecution Zhou Yiran suffered from childhood."

The contents inside are breathtaking.

After reading it, I have to call this gentleman a beast.

To the extent that he could do anything to his own daughter, it was simply not a pity to die.

Similarly, Zhou Yiran's group also found the information on the master's modification of his will in the study.

Originally, he wanted to leave all his inheritance to Fu Jinye.

But who knows what happened later, he actually changed his will and left his inheritance to Shen Jiangqi.

Xia Zhi's group mainly ate and found very little. "This is because we found arsenic packaging bags in the trash can. Someone must have wanted to poison the master."

Fu Jinye concluded, "The situation now is obvious. Everyone should more or less have a grudge against the master and have the motive to kill him, but there are only two real murderers. To find these two murderers, our task should be finished.

There are two ways to complete the task. Make inferences based on the available information to find the murderer.

The second is the identity card in the director's hand, which can also identify the murderer. "

"Yes." Ye Qi nodded, "Now I feel that deducing the murderer is much easier than completing the task."

At this stage, the director team has not given them new tasks.

So they focused on deducing the murderer.

At the same time, everyone has one opportunity to self-certify.

Shen Jiangqi: "Let me tell you first. In fact, I am the master's illegitimate son, so he gave me the will. I should have no reason to kill him. After all, his money is mine. But Fu Jinye, as the master's Son, I didn’t get the last penny, so I must be holding a grudge. And it should be easy for you to get close to the master."

The finger pointed at Fu Jinye, and Fu Jinye said calmly, "You are right, but all this is based on the fact that I have read the will. If I had not read the will, naturally I would not know that my father had an illegitimate child, nor would I Knowing that he would rob me of property, what reason would I have to kill him?"

Zhou Yiran was silent for a moment, then said, "Now it seems that I am the most suspect. I admit that I have the motive to kill, but I don't want him to die so easily. This evil man should pay a heavy price for what he has done." , I want him to die in pain and struggle, arsenic poisoning is a relief for him!"

(End of this chapter)

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