Chapter 158
Zhou Yiran, Xia Zhi and Qi Mo currently have no pointing evidence.

But everyone carries secrets, and things are definitely not that simple.

[At first I thought this was just a simple role-playing game, but I didn’t expect that there was such a deep secret hidden behind it]

[It feels like an escape]

[I have to say that the director had an idea. The butler and the singer conspired to kill the master. How did they do it?Why do you want to kill the master? 】

[I really like detective plots! ! !I suggest the director make a few more similar issues, if you can’t get enough, you can’t get enough! ! ! 】

[As a daughter, Zhou Yiran is so pitiful. It is simply not a pity to die for such a person! ! ! ! 】

[Suddenly I want to know the whole plot. It seems that this man deserves it! 】

[I hope all QJ criminals in the world will be castrated! ! !Absolutely no tolerance! ! ! 】

[I feel sorry for Zhou Yiran, and I feel even more sorry for those girls who have experienced similar things to "Zhou Yiran". I hope there will be no QJ crimes in the world]

Everyone was gradually attracted by the plot.

Seeing this, the program team also struck while the iron was hot, "You can continue to look for clues. When you find the clues designated by everyone, the second round of tasks will begin."

After the director spoke, everyone left the meeting hall and began to search inside the foreign-style building.

Xia Zhi likes suspense dramas, so she was very excited to find clues.

She even forgot that she was the "bad guy". What she was looking for now might be evidence to expose herself.

"Fu Jinye, do you think there will be a secret room in this foreign-style building?" Xia Zhi suddenly said, "I've watched suspense dramas, and there seems to be secret rooms."

Fu Jinye said lightly, "Maybe."

Xia Zhi didn't notice Fu Jinye's unnaturalness, and then began to think about the location of the secret room.

"Generally speaking, the secret room should appear in the study or bedroom. Let's go to the master's study." Xia Zhi said, "If there is no one in the study, then we will go to the secret room."

Fu Jinye nodded, "Okay."

Xia Zhi was very excited about the search.

Xia Bad Guy Detective Zhi was actively rummaging through the study at the moment, without any sign of guilt.

[I don’t know why, Xia Zhi’s positive look always makes me forget that she is a bad person]

[Is there a possibility that Xia Zhi has also forgotten that he is a bad person]

[Hahahahaha, it’s okay for me to find evidence of my own crime! 】

[The bad guys are actively looking for clues, and the good guys look guilty. How can this game still be played like this? 】

[Ever since Xia Zhi mentioned the secret room, Fu Jinye's mood has been not right. There shouldn't be any evidence against him in the secret room, right? 】

[So, where is the secret room? 】

"Found it!" Xia Zhi said in surprise.

I saw her standing in front of the bookshelf, with a book that she couldn't pick up no matter what.

Xia Zhi speculated that this book was the switch to the secret room.

She took the book next to her and moved the one that couldn't be reached.

Sure enough, the next moment, the bookshelf next to them turned, and a secret room appeared in front of them.

Xia Zhi's voice also alarmed the other two groups.

"Oh my god, there is a secret room in the study." Ye Qi said in surprise, "Xia Xia, how did you find it?"

Xia Zhi raised her eyebrows, "Please call me Holmes Xia."

Several people walked into the secret room.

The layout here looks very depressing.

Although there is light, it still gives people an inexplicable sense of penetration.

The most conspicuous thing in the secret room is the big bed.

In addition, there are various tools.

Of course, considering the possibility of the program being broadcast, the director team tried to find some implicit tools as much as possible.

But people with a discerning eye can still see what these things are used for.

【I'm blind】

[Program team, you really dare, you don’t even dare to write like this in a novel! 】

[Please send me the link privately, thank you very much]

[This scene is inexplicably familiar, a bit like a movie I’ve seen before] [Brother, borrow one to talk]

[Dad, borrow one to talk]

[What are you talking about? Why don’t I understand? (I really don’t understand, not fake)]

[Could this be the place where the master abused Zhou Yiran? 】

Not only netizens thought of this problem, but others also thought of this possibility.

But Zhou Yiran shook her head, "I've never been here before."

Her message didn't mention anything about the secret room.

"Look, there is a camera here." Ye Qi suddenly found the camera on the bedside table, "There should be evidence in it."

Everyone found a computer and screened the contents.

After seeing the video, everyone was silent.

"Brother Fu, I didn't expect you"

"Fu Jinye, you"

"Old man, hahahahahahahaha."

The program team "kindly" filmed the contents for everyone to see.

After a brief silence, there was a burst of laughter in the barrage.


[As a five-year-old fan of Fu Jinye, I testify that everything in the video is true]

[I’m laughing so hard. Isn’t this a short YY video edited by the grandma of a certain website?]

[Director team, you know the effect of the program]

[It made me laugh so hard. My husband made such a big move and forced me to get it! ! ! 】

[Please ask for the original video link! ! ! 】

[No wonder Fu Jinye has been acting strange since just now, it turns out it’s because of this]

[No, no, my attack must not turn into suffering!I do not accept! ! ! 】

[Good luck, Grandma’s editing is simply awesome. This video is super popular on a certain website, and you don’t even know about it? 】

Fu Jinye held his forehead, Fan Yimin had mentioned this matter to him before.

He didn't take it to heart at the time.

I didn’t expect it to be this video.

Very good, he wrote down this grudge.

What else could Fu Jinye do? He could only choose to suffer the loss of being dumb.

He coughed lightly, "This is a personal hobby, there should be no problem."

Fu Jinye is not Fu Jinye now, but the role he plays.

"Now I know why the master changed his will." Xia Zhi said, "If you don't change it, the family will have no inheritance."

Fu Jinye: If you can speak, speak less!
[God has no inheritance, Xia Zhi, you can talk]

[I thought something big happened between father and son, but I didn’t expect the reason to be this]

[Hahahaha, Xia Zhi, you are really brave]

[This made me laugh so hard. As a long-time fan of Fu Jinye, I felt inexplicably happy when I saw him deflated. I must be a negative fan! 】

Several people searched elsewhere in the room but found no other clues.

It was a knife on the bed that caught Shen Jiangqi's attention.

"This knife," Shen Jiangqi said, "should be given to you by the master."

Fu Jinye nodded, "Yes."

Shen Jiangqi opened the scabbard. As a knife, the blade inside was naturally unedged.

But they still default to the fact that the knife is edged.

There were blood stains on it, so it didn’t look like a toy, but more like a murder weapon!

(End of this chapter)

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