Chapter 159 Make a corpse now

"This must be the weapon you used to kill me." Shen Jiangqi made a bold guess.

Seeing this, Fu Jinye did not hide anything and directly told what happened at that time, "Yes, this is indeed the tool I prepared to kill him, but when I got to the bedroom, he was already dead."

"I stabbed him with the knife, but he didn't react at all at that time. If you don't believe it, you can call the forensic doctor for an autopsy."

There is no forensic doctor.

But they have a program team.

Fan Yimin spoke at the right time, "The master was indeed stabbed many times. After examination, it was found that these wounds were caused after death."

Fu Jinye's suspicion can be cleared for the time being.

His motive for murder should be because of that will.

As for why the master changed his will, it probably has something to do with the video on the camera.

At present, it seems that Fu Jinye's doubts can be ruled out for the time being.

Xia Zhi suddenly said, "Did we forget something very important?"

Everyone looked at her in unison.

Xia Zhi said, "From the time of reasoning to now, we don't seem to have seen the body yet."

If we don’t know how the deceased died, how can we tell who killed him?
[It makes sense, it’s enlightening]

[If Xia Zhi doesn’t say anything, I will say it anyway. They reasoned for a long time. Where is the body? 】

[Suddenly I discovered that the game can still be played even without corpses. After all, the design is very simple. 】

[Although the plot is simple, it is so fun to hold these six people apart!If it had been anyone else, would it have been possible to have such a program effect? 】

[Xia Zhi didn’t tell me that I would have forgotten that there was a corpse]

[Oh my God, have you seen Qi Mo’s expression?She looked at Xia Zhi as if she was mentally retarded, hahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahaha, I wonder what Xia Zhi will think after she reacts]

[Xia Zhi, please don’t forget that you are a bad person. Does your partner know that you are so active? 】

Does Xia Zhi still remember that she is a bad person?
She remembered, but not completely.

Fan Yimin was also a little helpless, and now they finally remembered this matter.

In fact, it doesn't matter if there are corpses or not, after all, the program team has not prepared.

"The key to the bedroom is in the safe, and the safe has a password." Fan Yimin said.

In other words, they now have to decipher the code of the safe and take out the key inside.

Several people searched in the study and found the safe.

At the same time, there is a note on the safe.

On the note is a string of numbers.

4894 1236 =
9795 1645 =
7743 1412 =
3789 =?
Find patterns in the above three sets of numbers, and then deduce the fourth set of numbers.

The four numbers deduced are the combination of the safe.

Xia Zhi doesn't like mathematics very much.

She was in trouble for a moment.

Several other people were also thinking.

Not only them, but the audience in the live broadcast room also thought along with everyone.

30 seconds later.

Fu Jinye suddenly said, "Simple."

【Ok? ? ? ? 】

【What?Did you figure it out? 】

【What rules?Don’t say it yet, I think I can see it too】

【This is too fast】

[Do you know you are so fast? 】

[Such a simple rule does not need to waste much time. 】

Everyone turned their attention to Fu Jinye.

Fu Jinye explained, "Look at the first two numbers in each group. What is the relationship between the sum of the first two numbers and the first two numbers at the back?"

4 + = 8 12
9 + = 7 16
7 + = 7 14
The sum of the first two numbers before the equal sign is equal to the first two numbers after the equal sign.

After Fu Jinye's reminder, everyone quickly discovered that the product of the two numbers after the equal sign is equal to the last two numbers after the equal sign.

The password is 1072.
After entering the password, the password box opens.

Inside was the key to the bedroom.

Many puzzles seem difficult until they are solved.

But once you figure it out, it's actually very simple.

Several people came to the bedroom door with keys.

Xia Zhi opened the lock.

Before opening the door, everyone made some mental preparations.

What if the corpse inside was made very realistic? Would there be a smell of blood or something like that?

Unexpectedly, what they saw when they entered the room was this scene.

Several staff members are disguising the "corpse".

Xia Zhi knew these people, they were from the props team.

The door was thrown open suddenly.

People inside and outside the house were shocked.

Fan Yimin didn't expect that they could find the answer so quickly.

Ahem, I should ask more difficult questions next time.

[Hahahahahahahahaha, my stomach hurts from laughing so hard]

[It’s okay to make corpses on site]

[Seriously, do the show crew want to laugh me to death and inherit my Huabei? 】

[I announce that this is the best joke today]

[ #半身# If this meme is not trending, I would suspect that the number of people in the live broadcast room is fake. ]

[I want to know who is more embarrassed among the people inside and outside the door]

[I know this question, the directing team is the most embarrassed! 】

After being exposed, the director simply stopped pretending and asked the prop team to put the "body" on the ground, and then asked the staff to leave through the balcony.

In other words, even if they didn't get the key just now, they could still enter the bedroom through the balcony.

Fan Yimin's voice sounded at the right time, "Actually, whether there is a body or not does not affect your investigation of the case."

But they suddenly mentioned it, and Fan Yimin decided to get one now.

Well. Although it was a little different from what he expected, the program was very effective.

Several people thought this was Director Fan's remark to make up for it.

When they entered the bedroom to search, they realized that Fan Yimin was right.

Because there is the master's autopsy report on the table.

With this autopsy report, whether the body is a corpse or not is actually not that important.

All the details about the body were written in the autopsy report.

Fu Jinye picked up the death report and read it.

Several people came over, and Ye Qi asked curiously, "How did the master die?"

Fu Jinye turned to the cause of death page, which read: Death from mechanical asphyxia.

There are many ways to die from mechanical asphyxiation. It is clearly stated here that the deceased was strangled.

There is a paragraph below. Multiple wounds were detected on the body of the deceased. There was arsenic in the water cup next to the deceased. The deceased had been taking a medicine for a long time. If it lasted for a long time, he would die directly. There was a deep wound on the neck of the deceased. Strangulation marks.

After reading the autopsy report, things finally became clear.

[The dead are so miserable]

[Strangulation is really cheap for him]

[No wonder the program team didn’t make a corpse. Director Fan was right. The presence or absence of a corpse does not affect the result.]

[But what just happened is still very funny]

[The arsenic should belong to Shen Jiangqi or Ye Qi, right?Long-term poison should be one of the two]

[Now that everything has been deduced, let’s see if they can find any clues to identify the murderer. 】

[I guess Fu Jinye must have known who the murderer was in the end, and then helped Xia Xia conceal the incident and help her escape punishment]

(End of this chapter)

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