Chapter 160 I Protect You
"Now that we have almost found clues, we have to start the task." Fan Yimin suddenly said.

Everyone looked at him and wondered what the mission was.

This time, Fan Yimin decided the task content by drawing lots.

There are six task cards in total, and each person draws one.

The order of drawing lots is: Qi Mo, Zhou Yiran, Fu Jinye, Ye Qi, Shen Jiangqi, and finally Xia Zhi.

After Xia Zhi drew the mission card, she looked at her mission: tell people in the enemy camp that you are a bad guy, and ask them to say the words "I protect you."

this task
Xia Zhi's first reaction was to think of Fu Jinye.

If you tell him, will he say these four words?
At the same time, Xia Zhi also quietly looked at the others.

This time, she had no way of knowing the news about other people when she received the task by drawing lots.

"Are we still going to look for clues separately?" Xia Zhi suddenly said.

The others were stunned.

Ye Qi answered, "Look for it."

"Anyway, both by completing the task and deducing the murderer, we can know the identity of the two bad guys."

The others nodded in agreement.

Xia Zhi led Fu Jinye to the balcony.

The view here is wide and the scenery is beautiful, which is very suitable for heart-to-heart talks.

"Fu Jinye, what is your mission?" Xia Zhi suddenly approached, "Can you tell me?"

[Beauty trap, naked beauty trap! ! ! 】

[Old Fu, you have to resist, don’t fall into the trap! 】

[Ah ah ah, Xia Zhi kill me]

[Do you know why I’m not excited?Because Xia Zhi is my wife, I see this face every day, and I’ve long been tired of it]

[Should I say it or not, Xia Zhi is really pretty. 】

[I finally understand why so many people in ancient times couldn’t resist the beauty trap. Even if it were to happen to me, I couldn’t resist it either! 】

The fragrance of Xia Zhi penetrated into Fu Jinye's nose.

He swallowed, "Xia Xia, you must be a bad person."

Xia Zhi was stunned for a moment by the sudden words.

Now is a good time!
She smiled, "If I were a bad person, would you protect me?"

Fu Jinye's eyes flickered, and he finally nodded resignedly, "Yes."

He can still tell which is more important, the variety show or his wife.

"What's going on?" Xia Zhi asked knowingly.

Fu Jinye said, "I will protect you."

"Who will protect me?"

"I will protect you."

Great, mission accomplished.

"It's a pity that I'm not." Xia Zhi said, "So, I don't need your protection."

This look looks very much like a scumbag who dumps him after using him.

Fu Jinye shook his head, "No, you are."

"But from now on, you are not."

Xia Zhi was confused by his words. What does it mean that she is and she is not?
"What do you want to do?" Xia Zhi frowned and looked at him.

Fu Jinye said seriously, "I said, I will protect you."

It would be a lie to say that I was not moved when I heard this sentence.

Xia Zhi sniffed, "Aren't you afraid that fans will attack you?"

After all, you have to follow the rules when playing games.

"Then I'll protect you secretly and don't let them know."

It's rare for Fu Jinye to be so childish.

Xia Zhi glanced at the cameraman in front of her, then looked helplessly at the camera.

[Ah, yes, yes, you protect me secretly, we don’t know anything]

[Fu Jinye, do your fans know that you are so naive? 】

[Am I the only one who thinks something happened between Xia Zhi and Fu Jinye?How can I put it, they feel like they get along like a boyfriend and girlfriend] [Take Fu Jinye away, a certain fan, can you please stop teasing me, from the time I just recorded the show to now, it’s really ex]

【I knew it! ! !yyds this summer! ! ! 】

[Civil Affairs Bureau: Here I come]

[These two people show off their affection as if no one else is watching]

[Please respect our fans, please, and leave us some way to survive.]

Anyone with a discerning eye can see the relationship between Xia Zhi and Fu Jinye.

Especially during this recording of the show, the relationship between the two has made a qualitative leap.

Zhou Yiran, who came to the room alone to look for clues, did not expect to hear such explosive news.

She walked out of the room in despair.

Seeing this, Qi Mo asked with some confusion, "What's wrong with you?"

Zhou Yiran forced herself to smile, "It's nothing."

Fu Jinye and Xia Zhi are together.

Zhou Yiran had noticed it before, and Fu Jinye's words just now confirmed this.

She couldn't figure out why it was Xia Zhi.

Obviously that woman has nothing but her face.

What does Fu Jinye like about her? !

Suddenly, Xia Ran's face appeared in Zhou Yiran's mind.

That face is very similar to Fu Jinye.

Everything seems to be clear.

Fu Jinye is Xia Ran's biological father.

This can also explain why Fu Jinye and Xia Ran look so similar, why Fu Jinye, who has never participated in variety shows, came to this variety show, and why he likes Xia Zhi.

Zhou Yiran was still very unwilling.

However, she did not dare to do anything.

Her agent said that her popularity has skyrocketed since she joined the show.

If we can stabilize the current situation, we will definitely make a small profit.

Maybe it can attract more fans.

But if the demon is targeted by Fu Jinye’s team,
Zhou Yiran took a deep breath, forget it, she already has children, why is she messing around?
She smiled at the camera and said, "Let's continue looking for clues."

[Seriously, this is the first time since I watched this show that I feel that Zhou Yiran looks pretty good]

【Baby Yiran is so beautiful! ! ! 】

[Zhou Yiran is a beautiful person with a kind heart, you are April in the world]

[Why didn’t I realize before that Zhou Yiran looks pretty when she smiles?]

[I always hear people say how good-looking Zhou Yiran is. I didn’t think it was a big deal before, but now I feel pretty good. 】

As a partner, Qi Mo looked at Zhou Yiran doubtfully.

Although I don't know what she was thinking just now, her temperament at that moment cannot be deceived.

Is she overthinking this?
After a series of operations such as collecting evidence, completing tasks, and checking identity information, everyone came to the final discussion.

In the meeting hall, everyone sat in a row.

Fan Yimin spoke first, "I think everyone has already made a judgment about who is the bad guy.

Now write the names of the bad guys you think are on the whiteboard. "

【Finally this moment has arrived】

[So excited, come on Qiqizi]

[Yiran baby, Mommy believes you can guess it right!

[Want to know who Fu Jinye will write about]

[Fu Jinye, now it’s time to test you to see which one is more important, Xia Zhi or winning or losing the game! 】

[Do I still need to consider this?A girlfriend is definitely more important! 】

[Xia Zhi’s performance this time is remarkable, I feel pretty good. 】

(End of this chapter)

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