Chapter 162 Knock on the door in the middle of the night
What follows is Ye Qi’s self-narration, “As the second concubine in the house, it seems that I am living a good life, but in fact I have been living in pain these years.

The master gave me a status, but he has always restricted my freedom in every way. No one can disobey him.

In this family, he is the absolute ruler.

But he should never, never should have done anything to my child.

He despised me for being an actor and felt that I was not worthy of having his son. My unborn child was killed by him before he was even three months old.
He is a beast! ! !

So, I gave him arsenic, hoping to poison the beast! "

Speaking of excitement, Ye Qi's eyes turned red again.

Of course, this time it's all about her blending into her character.

Perhaps they are all mothers, and Ye Qi can understand the character's own pain.

Fu Jinye and Zhou Yiran's reasons have been discovered by them before.

Fu Jinye's method was to stab him with a knife, while Zhou Yiran wanted to stun the master and lock him in the basement to torture him slowly.

It's Qimo's turn.

After a moment of silence, Qi Mo slowly spoke, "I am the housekeeper of the mansion. I have worked hard in the mansion for several years. I have saved some money to leave the mansion, marry a wife and have children. Who would have thought that the master doesn't want me to leave? He The design stole my money, and then pretended to be kind-hearted and said that he would continue to take me in and let me work in this home.

Luckily I was smart and marked my money.Later, when I saw my money in the accounting room, I immediately understood what was going on.

It's just that maybe I don't have the idea of ​​killing him, but he should never, never do anything to the person I like! "

After saying that, Qi Mo looked at Xia Zhi, and Xia Zhi answered in time, "I am a singer, but I don't sell my body. The master asked me to come to the house to sing. In fact, he asked me to come to the house to sing. He approached me privately several times, but I declined them all. .

Unexpectedly, he actually wanted to do it for real this time.

Fortunately, Qi Mo was working in the house and learned about his plan, so I survived. "

Shen Jiangqi suddenly realized, "You two are"

Xia Zhi nodded, "Yes, we are lovers, and I am Qi Mo's marriage partner.

The two of us came from the same village and worked hard together in the city. We agreed to leave the city and return to the countryside to get married after making enough money.

Everything was ready, but the appearance of the master disrupted our plans. "

Qi Mo answered, "So we decided not to do anything and kill the master directly!"

[This master really deserves to die! 】

[These six people are really a mess of CP, and I feel like every pair is having a good time! 】

[This family is too miserable. You, the director team, have no intention of arranging such a cruel story]

[This master would not regret it even if he died ten thousand times! ! 】

[When Qiqizi cried, I cried with her. Her acting skills are really contagious! 】

[I didn’t expect Qi Mo and Xia Zhi to be a couple! emmmmm, this is not impossible for CP]

【This summer is real, this summer is eternal, this summer is yyds! ! 】

[You are all following the story, am I the only one who saw Xia Zhi’s name written on Fu Jinye’s whiteboard? 】

【In front, you are not alone】

[I thought Fu Jinye would let Xia Zhi win, but I didn't expect him to laugh so hard that he died of laughter. Where is the "protection" he promised? 】

[Fu Jinye: Today is also a day to do whatever it takes to win! 】

Fan Yimin naturally noticed the content on the whiteboard.

He said, "It was Fu Jinye who completely guessed the two murderers. At the same time, the two murderers escaped smoothly. The three of them each received 50 yuan in activity funds as a reward."

Current activity funds: Xia Zhi and Fu Jinye’s team has a total of 170 yuan, Qi Mo and Zhou Yiran’s team has a total of 130 four, and the lowest is Shen Jiangqi and Ye Qi’s team, which only has an original activity fund of 100 yuan .

This money is for traveling tomorrow.
In the evening, after everyone finished eating, they went back to their rooms to rest.

After Xia Zhi settled the burning treasure, she knocked on Fu Jinye's door.

Well, she came here to ask questions.

Unexpectedly, things were completely different from what I thought.

What's the point of asking for help? It's obviously a sheep in the wolf's mouth!

When Fu Jinye saw Xia Zhi, he pulled her into the room without any explanation.Xia Zhi was held at the door by Fu Jinye.

He looked at him condescendingly, "Has anyone told you that it is dangerous to enter the room of someone who likes you in the middle of the night?"

Perhaps it was because he had just taken a shower, but Fu Jinye had a faint bath fragrance on his body, which was elegant and light, and smelled very good.

Xia Zhi's heart skipped a few beats.

The original momentum was also much weaker.

After a while, she became hard again.

"Let me go first." Xia Zhi said.

Fu Jinye didn't let go and asked hoarsely, "What are you doing with me?"

"Of course." Xia Zhi paused deliberately, "Let's settle the score!"

She stepped on Fu Jinye's foot.

Unexpectedly, he was wearing slippers and couldn't use it at all.

Xia Zhi:.
Fu Jinye only felt that his strength was soft, just like hers, without any lethality.

Xia Zhi was helpless.

What more can she say.

"Didn't you say you would protect me?" Xia Zhi asked, raising her head.

In fact, she wasn't here to question him.

I just want to meet Fu Jinye.

Fu Jinye was slightly startled, smiled, and explained, "If I don't vote for you, will we have an extra 50 yuan in funding?"

That makes sense.

But will Xia Zhi admit that what he said makes sense?

You can admit it in your heart, but not with your mouth.

"Would a great actor give up what he said just for 50 yuan? Doesn't your conscience hurt?"

Fu Jinye's eyes were gentle, "Because we have to support our family, 50 yuan is also very important.

As for whether your conscience hurts, how about you touch it? "

Fu Jinye's voice was low, and Xia Zhi's eyes were unconsciously attracted to him. Looking at his deep eyes, Xia Zhi seemed to be under hypnosis, sinking into his eyes.

But soon, she woke up again.

A honey trap, definitely a honey trap!

Xia Zhi still wanted to say something.

The next second, Fu Jinye came up directly.

Xia Zhi didn't expect him to be so direct, and felt that it was appropriate.

She liked his too.

Therefore, she does not reject such close contact.

I don't know how long it took, but when Xia Zhi felt that she was about to run out of breath, she pushed Fu Jinye away.

Her cheeks were red and her eyes were moist. At first glance, she thought she was being covered.

"Xia Xia." Fu Jinye's voice was low.

Xia Zhi secretly cried out in her heart.

Although they are in the same mind now, they are recording the show after all, if something happens.
Will she have the nerve to see other people tomorrow?
"Fu Jinye, you go to bed early, I'm going back first, good night."

Xia Zhi quickly opened the door and left, her movements flowing smoothly without any hesitation.

I was afraid that if I ran a second late, I would be caught by Fu Jinye.

(End of this chapter)

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