Chapter 163 The first stop, let’s go! ~
Fu Jinye didn't really want to do anything.

If he really wanted to do something, Xia Zhi would not escape so easily.

He said, give Xia Xia some more time.

Now, he is very patient.

The next day.

Xia Zhi got up early in the morning.

Since developing her biological clock, she rarely sleeps in, and her overall energy level has improved a lot.

Ranbao is still sleeping.

After washing up, Xia Zhi came to the living room.

By that time, others had already woken up.

Xia Zhi yawned, "Morning."

Others said at the same time, "Morning."

"Xia Xia, come here, we are looking at today's plan."

"what's the plan?"

Walking over, Xia Zhi saw a travel plan document on the table.

It clearly marked the tours they were going to do.

Perhaps because they were afraid of attracting onlookers, most of the locations chosen by the director team were areas far away from the busy city.

Even so, Xia Zhi was still a little worried.

She asked casually, "Are you still going to put on makeup to disguise yourself today?"

With the presence of a makeup artist, Xia Zhi completely believed in the existence of disguise in costume dramas.

"It shouldn't be necessary." Ye Qi said, "There are not many people, so I guess not many people can recognize us."

[Qiqizi, don’t you understand your popularity? 】

[Where, sign up for a seat and I'll stay there! 】

[Oh my god, I’m so envious of my friends who live in the same city as them. As an office worker, I can’t go anywhere]

[If the program team has the ability, please announce the travel route. I promise not to disturb them! 】

[I guarantee that there is something wrong with your guarantee]

【Their skin is in good condition when they wake up in the morning! 】

[Confession to Fu Jinye, husband, I love you]

After the three little ones got up, nine people ate instant noodles in the morning.

Because there is nothing in the refrigerator but eggs.

The condiments in the kitchen are quite complete.

There are also instant noodles from the sponsor’s father.

Since the activity funds are limited, they have to eat more in the morning. Who knows if there are other expenses during the day.

Instant noodles are boiled and eggs are added. ,

The adults didn't feel anything, but the three little ones ate very happily.

Maybe they are still at the age of snacking, so they are fascinated by this type of food.

After eating, the three groups of families set off separately.

The director team not only planned the route for them, but also stipulated the places where they must check in.

Some of these places cost money, some don't.

In line with the principle of saving when you can, Xia Zhi decided to buy a shared electric car and set off.

That location is not too close to where they are now.

Since none of them are disguised, it is easy for them to attract onlookers when taking the subway.

Taking a taxi was too expensive and she didn't deserve it.

All things considered, shared electric vehicles are still cheaper.

The starting fee for shared electric vehicles here is two yuan. Calculated based on time, one yuan is added every half hour, which is very cheap.

Moreover, Ranbao can use the same shared electric car as her.

"Actually, it's not impossible for three people." Xia Zhi looked at the shared electric vehicle in front of her.

Fu Jinye knocked her on the head and said, "You'd better let the cars go.

We have plenty of money and don’t care about the one or two dollars. "

"Very domineering." Xia Zhi gave him a thumbs up.

He's a bit like a domineering president.He is just a domineering president with a "huge sum" of less than [-] yuan.

[Hahahahaha, Fu Jinye looks so funny wearing a helmet! 】

[Don’t you think Fu Jinye really loves Xia Zhi?No matter what she does, she will cooperate, and the interaction between the two is also very sweet]

[Fu Jinye, you are my Internet boyfriend. What should I do if you fall in love? 】

[Some fans are more sensible. How old is Lao Fu? It is normal to fall in love.]

[Fortunately, Fu Jinye is not a traffic idol. He relies on his strength to speak. As long as his lover doesn’t act like a monster, fans generally won’t object.]

[Isn’t Xia Zhi enough to be a demon?I really don’t know how she became so popular. Is it just because of her face? 】

[Xia Zhi go to the entertainment industry, you are not worthy of standing next to our brother! 】

[Can some barking dogs shut up? If you don’t like seeing them, get out. No one is forcing you to stay here. 】

[Those who say Xia Zhi is unworthy, please take a look at the two-person commercial she and Ye Qi filmed. Our Xia Xia’s performance in the commercial is not inferior to Ye Qi’s, okay?]

[Take Qiqizi away without asking, you two are quarreling, don’t take away the rightful owner of my family]

The barrage seemed to be the same as it was when Xia Zhi first came to this show.

At that time, Xia Zhi had a lot of negative fans, and there was almost overwhelming criticism about her on the Internet.

Finally her reputation began to improve.

But because of his increasingly close relationship with Fu Jinye, he was scolded again.

The interaction between the two people was always open and open, and there was no intention of hiding anything from others.

Although they didn't move too intimately, there was a natural magnetic field between the two people that made people think of each other unconsciously.

Several years later, everyone understood that this magnetic field was called the tacit understanding between husband and wife.

Nowadays, there is a lot of noise in the barrage.

Xia Zhi and Fu Jinye didn't care about this at all.

They rode electric bikes towards their destination.

The program crew always followed the two.

Since we were on the road, the pictures we captured were not particularly clear.

However, this still cannot stop the enthusiasm of fans.

The first stop for Xia Zhi's group is a street. They have to complete the task on this street and get the task reward.

This street is a bit like a Jiangnan small street.

There were few people around, and it seemed that the program team had made preparations in advance.

After Xia Zhi and Fu Jinye parked the car, Xia Zhi couldn't help but tell her, "You must be careful and let others ride away!"

[When Xia Zhi says this, I feel like I will be ridden away]

[Is Director Fan going to cause trouble again?]

[It would be fun if the show crew rode the car away]

[Hahahaha, Xia Xia, you should be careful with your words and deeds, you can’t beat the show crew]

[Ran Bao is so good, how can I give birth to a son like Ran Bao?]

[Husband, look at me! 】

Xia Zhi led Xia Ran, and next to her was Fu Jinye, and the three of them walked towards the mission location together.

The task this time is very simple: complete your drawing and let me guess. There are fifteen questions in total. You only need to answer seven questions correctly to pass.

"The registration fee is twenty per time." The staff said, "Scan QR code payment and cash payment are supported~"

200 yuan is simply not enough money.

However, for the mission, the money still needs to be spent.

The one who drew the picture was Ranbao, and the ones who guessed were Xia Zhi and Fu Jinye.

At the same time, the other two groups also arrived at their destinations.

Their first task is also for you to draw and I guess.

The three groups were performed almost simultaneously.

Staff members stood behind them holding signs.

After Xia Ran glanced at the words written on the sign, he immediately lowered his head to draw.

I saw that he had drawn a fish on the paper, and the fish was surrounded by water patterns.

"Baby, how many words?" Xia Zhi smelled it.

Xia Ran glanced at the staff and when he was sure he could say the number of words, he said, "Four words."

(End of this chapter)

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