Chapter 164 A tiring trip

Four words, there is fish and water.

Fu Jinye spoke quickly, "He takes to the water like a fish."

Xia Zhi's group successfully answered one question correctly.

Then Xia Ran started to draw the second word.

This time, his painting was not so vivid.

A larger animal with a flower behind it.

Xia Zhi and Fu Jinye looked a little confused.

Xia Ran looked at the words on the sign, thought about it, and then connected the two objects with a stroke.

Large animal eyes are connected to the flowers.

Fu Jinye said, "Watch the flowers on horseback."

Get the next question again.

Xia Zhi played soy sauce throughout.

Fu Jinye and Xia Ran have a perfect understanding.

Xia Zhi was happy to hear this.

The relationship between father and son has improved, and she is happy to see it happen.

This time, Ranbao's paintings were more abstract.

He simply drew five horizontal lines.

"This" Xia Zhi is in trouble, how do you guess?
Five lines, three long and two short, is there any pattern?

Wait a moment.
Xia Zhi suddenly realized and said loudly, "Three longs and two shorts!"

Get the questions one by one again.

Xu was concerned about the children's literacy level, so he came up with some relatively simple idioms, which were easy to answer.

Especially Xia Ran’s soul paintings.

Rather than understanding the meaning of the word, his paintings tend to focus more on the word itself.

Soon, Xia Zhi's group answered seven questions correctly and won the task reward.

The mission reward is a strange-looking card.

Xia Zhi couldn't understand what this card was for, so she simply put it away.

"Let's go to the next stop." Xia Zhi said.

Fu Jinye nodded, which made no sense.

When the three of them came to the place where the electric cars were placed.

Xia Zhi was stunned.

Where is their car? ? ? ?

[Hahahahaha, I knew this would be the case! 】

[The program crew is really sad (dry) and sad (sick) (beautiful) and crazy (beautiful)! 】

[Xia Zhi’s confused expression can make me laugh all day long]

【Who stole my electric car? ! 】

[Hahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahaha xswl]

[It is seriously suspected that someone from the program team rode away with the purpose of cheating their money]

Without transportation, what should Xia Zhi and the others do?

In other words, what else can they do?
I had to walk over there.

It is impossible to take a taxi. It is impossible to take a taxi in this life. How can I afford a taxi when I can barely survive on 200 yuan.

Fortunately, the first site is not too far from the second site.

Xia Zhi seriously doubted that the program team did it on purpose.

There was not a single shared electric vehicle along the way.

However, this also facilitated the filming crew, and the shooting technique was quite stable.

The second stop was similar to the first stop, there were still not many people.

Xia Zhi's group quickly completed the challenge.

Fu Jinye, who is in charge of intelligence, and Xia Ran, who is not inferior to Fu Jinye in intelligence, plus Xia Ran who is not holding back, they completed the task very quickly.

Even so, a lot of their money was still stolen by the director team.

Even for lunch, the three of them just bought steamed buns, ham and sausage and ate it while sitting on a park bench. [This is really the most down-to-earth variety show eating recording I have ever seen]

[Steamed buns and spicy strips are a perfect match, right?]

[For those who are talking about spicy strips, could you please consider Ranbao? He is only five years old. Can his stomach handle eating too much spicy food? 】

[Does anyone feel salty when eating ham sausage, and then eat it with staple food?I rarely eat ham alone]

[I’m afraid you’ve forgotten, isn’t instant noodle partner just ham? 】

[I have decided to spend a lot of money to have the same lunch as my idol at noon today]

[Good idea, if anyone accuses me of cheating again in the future, I will tell them this is the same lunch as the best actor]

Xia Zhi didn't think much about it.

What can you eat that won’t fill your stomach?
What's more, she thought it would be nice to eat like this once in a while.

Of course, it's just a little aggrieved to burn treasure.

When buying ham, she bought a bottle of water for herself and Fu Jinye, and a can of eight-treasure porridge for Ranbao.

No one can suffer the child.

"Mom, drink." Xia Ran fed the first mouthful to Xia Zhi.

Xia Zhi was not polite. After taking this bite, she said, "Eat Ranbao. Mom was full just now."

She didn't feed Ranbao too much steamed buns and ham. She was calculating how much he would eat. After finishing this can of eight-treasure porridge, she should be almost done.

At the end of the day, even though Xia Zhi lived frugally, the director's team had squandered her 200 yuan.

Not to mention the team of Ye Qi and Zhou Yiran.

Xia Zhi went back quite early.

When Ye Qi and Zhou Yiran came back, they were completely exhausted.

Except for the two little ones, the four adults looked tired.

Xia Zhi was a little surprised, "What are you doing?"

Why do you look so tired?

Ye Qi sighed and couldn't help but say, "Don't mention it, it's not the fault of not having money."

“In order to complete the task, we can only borrow money from the director team.

Then I was assigned to do hard work by the director team. "

"Ah?" Xia Zhi was a little surprised.

Ye Qi and Zhou Yiran embellished their story today.

Taking a taxi, eating, and doing tasks all cost money. What should you do if you don’t have money?The director's team will lend it to you.

After completing the task, the director team has to recover the money they lent.

What should I do if I have no money?The director team will find a way for you.

So, under the "trick" of the director team, the four of them started their journey of working.

"So, you are working part-time in stage plays?" Xia Zhi asked doubtfully.

Ye Qi nodded, "I am also a movie queen after all, but the role assigned to me was a background one with no lines!"

Although she was complaining, there was no pride in her tone. It did not arouse the disgust of netizens, but made them laugh.


[Look at how wronged our Qiqizi is, you guys from the program team are simply too bad]

[For a moment, I couldn’t tell who was worse off. Although Xia Zhi and the others did not work, their food was much worse than the other two groups]

[I was laughing so hard. You, the program team, know my point of laughter! 】

[Fortunately, Ye Qi is just a background board. Qi Mo and Shen Jiangqi are really tired. They are the props team and are responsible for setting up the stage. It is not too miserable! 】

[The program team probably did this to let them experience the difficulty of acting. It feels very thoughtful]

[Suddenly I discovered that the group of Xia Zhi and Fu Jinye was not so miserable anymore. It was really annoying to compare each other to each other! 】

Not only netizens think so.

After hearing what Xia Zhi and Fu Jinye had experienced today, Ye Qi and others also cast envious glances.

Xia Zhi could only comfort everyone, "Have a good rest tonight. You shouldn't be so tired tomorrow."

Tomorrow's funds have not been released yet, and Xia Zhi guessed that the program team would not ask them to do the same thing two days in a row.

Therefore, it should be easier tomorrow.

(End of this chapter)

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