Chapter 165 is coming to an end
Fan Yimin didn't embarrass everyone too much. He reminded, "You have brought all the mission rewards with you. You can take them out now."

Speaking of this mission reward, Xia Zhi had to complain.

Because the rewards she received were all weird-shaped cards that looked like puzzle pieces.

I thought that after completing the task, the puzzle would be completed.

The result was still a mess.

But the director's words gave her new ideas.

Perhaps these cards were part of the puzzle, but she didn't get all the pieces.

Just as Xia Zhi thought.

After everyone took out their mission rewards, all the cards were gathered into a group photo.

This photo was taken at the end of their first season.

Now it seems that it is very memorable.

[The directing team is really thoughtful]

[Let me go, the reward is actually this, why am I so touched? 】


[I feel like the nine of them are really harmonious. 】

[Director team, please pay for my tears]

[Director team, let me tell you the number and put it on the shelf immediately. I want to collect this photo]

The director's move moved not only netizens, but also participants such as Xia Zhi.

They didn't expect it to be a puzzle.

Looking at the smiling self in the photo, everyone was filled with emotion.

After the recording of today's program ends.

Fan Yimin did not let them leave, but stayed with them to discuss another matter.

"Our original arrangement was to ask you to invite your friends as guests." Fan Yimin added, "Of course, it is the last two periods. You should prepare and see who to invite."

As for the ending, the more lively the better.

Several other people said there was no problem.

After returning to the room, Xia Zhi first contacted Rong Yun.

"Junyun, when will you come back?"

It was daytime over there at Rong Yun.

She said, "It will take two days. What's wrong? Do you miss me?"

"Well, I miss you." Xia Zhi said with a smile.

Then, she paraphrased Fan Yimin's words and told her.

"Are you free then? Do you want to come and record the show?" Xia Zhi asked.

"Okay." Rong Yun nodded, "I have time, as long as you are not afraid that I will expose your background on the show."

If Rong Yun hadn't mentioned this, Xia Zhi still wouldn't be able to remember it.

She pretended to be surprised and said, "That's it, otherwise we might as well forget it.

I'll look for someone else. "

"Xia Xiaozhi, I'm so capable of you!"


The two sisters chatted very happily.

On the other side, Fu Jinye was also thinking about who to invite.

He sent a message to a friend.

[How did your matter go? 】

There was a quick reply, [It’s almost finished]

[Well, do you want to participate in a variety show? 】

【what's the situation? 】

After explaining the whole thing clearly, Fu Jinye asked the same question again.

This time, the reply was not so quick.

Fu Jinye was not in a hurry.

About 10 minutes later, his cell phone buzzed.

Seeing the content above, the corners of his lips curved into a smile.

The other party only replied with one word [OK].Time flies, and in a blink of an eye, the recording of the program is coming to an end.

During this period, Xia Zhi and the others went to several places.

Sometimes I encounter fans, which makes it difficult to continue recording.

Whenever this happens, the director will definitely choose a place with no people next time, or a place that can be reserved.

The last stop of the program group came to the Mid-Levels Inn.

This inn is built on the mountainside and is usually used for tourists who go up the mountain to rest and stay.

The owner of this inn is not short of money, so he does not make money from this inn.

He built this inn mainly because of the good environment here.

The boss comes to live occasionally, but most of the time the employees manage here.

The arrival of the program team added a lot of popularity to the inn.

[Wow, this inn is so pretty]

[Where did the director team find this inn? It feels very good]

[I know where this is. It’s halfway up the mountain near my home. Not many customers usually go there, but it has never closed down, so I’m very impressed.]

[I feel like after recording this show, this inn will become popular]

[I have stayed at this inn before when I was hiking. The service was really good, and the room was clean and tidy, with no peculiar smell]

[嘤嘤嘤, I feel like the recording of the program is almost over, I feel so reluctant to leave it]

[Now I am a fan of all nine of them. Director, I will be sad if they break up]

[Director, let the nine of them film another season! 】

[One person’s blood book, I hope they will still be the protagonists in the next season! 】

[Blood Book Add me! 】

The barrage is full of parting and reluctance.

In the blink of an eye, the program recording has also entered its final phase.

Before going up the mountain, Xia Zhi sent a message to Rong Yun.

The people from the program clearly said they were here, but why didn’t they see anyone?
Xia Zhi's doubts were soon answered.

When they entered the inn, Rong Yun and others had been waiting for them for a long time.

"Ran Bao, do you want to be your mother?" Rong Yun walked up to Xia Ran, squatted down and hugged her.

In Xia Ran's heart, the most important person besides Xia Zhi is Rong Yun.

"Yeah." Xia Ran nodded, "I thought about it."

"So good." Rong Yun said with a smile.

Several other people also chatted with their friends.

Basically, men invite male friends, and women invite female friends.

Only Fu Jinye.

It seemed his friend hadn't arrived yet.

Xia Zhi asked him curiously, "Who did you invite?"

Fu Jinye gave it a try, "You'll know when he arrives."

What do you mean?
Xia Zhi looked at Fu Jinye doubtfully, "Is he someone I know?"

Fu Jinye nodded, "Yes."

Are they high school friends?
In the past few years since they were separated, her and Fu Jinye's friend circles no longer had any overlap.

In addition to Fu Jinye's friends, she also knew Shen Jiangqi's friends.

He and Shen Jiangqi were in the same band, named Lin Ze.

Lin Ze took the initiative to come over and say hello, "Xia Xia, Junyun, long time no see."

"Lin Ze, long time no see." Xia Zhi responded.

Rong Yun looked at the person in front of him with some surprise, "You are doing well now."

Lin Ze chuckled, "You are the best, I almost didn't dare to recognize you just now.

I cut my hair short and am cooler than before. "

Rong Yun has always been a cool girl, especially after cutting her hair short, her temperament has changed a lot.

Perhaps the only thing that hasn't changed is her carefree personality.

(End of this chapter)

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