Chapter 27 Zhou Jiajia looks abnormal
At this time, everyone had almost finished eating.

Move the battlefield.

The crowd came to the living room.

The living room, which was a little empty just now, became lively with their arrival.

There is a pink schoolbag on the sofa.

There are also two things like rabbit ears on the schoolbag, which are drooping and very cute.

At first glance, it looks like a schoolbag used by young girls.

Seeing her mother opening her schoolbag, Zhou Jiajia stood there nervously, as if she was afraid of something.

Ye Heng had no idea what was happening.

Having just finished eating, he was full of energy and went directly to Zhou Jiajia, "Jiajia, let's go play hide and seek."

Zhou Jiajia nodded stiffly, but the expression on her face was not particularly good-looking.

Ye Qi noticed this, and a flash of doubt flashed in her eyes. For safety reasons, she did not let Ye Heng take Zhou Jiajia away.

"Xiao Heng, please don't run around after you've just finished eating."

Ye Heng was disappointed and said weakly, "But... But Xiao Heng wants to play hide and seek!"

"Mom didn't stop you from playing games." Ye Qi explained seriously, "Can we take a break first and then play games with my sister?"

Ye Heng hesitated for a moment, but finally did not refuse. He nodded hesitantly, "Okay."

Zhou Jiajia's expression became even weirder when she heard that she was not going to play the game.

She seemed a little uneasy.

Zhou Yiran had already taken out her homework book from her schoolbag.

The exercise book is brand new, and there are no traces of writing on it from the outside.

At the same time, Zhou Yiran took out the pencil case again, still looking girly.

It can be said that these stationery supplies are what countless girls dreamed of when they were children.

Xia Zhi couldn't help but feel a little moved.

But she is already an adult, and she is only slightly moved, so naturally she will not equip herself with these.

Zhou Yiran took out a sharpened pencil from the pencil case and opened the homework book at the same time.

Although it looks brand new on the outside, the questions inside have been done before.

It's just that the person doing the questions seemed to have paid attention intentionally. Apart from the complete answers, there were no traces of scribbling on the homework book.

"Mom, what are they doing?" Ye Heng asked puzzledly.

Ye Qi smiled mysteriously, "Xiao Heng, did you lose the match with Xiao Ran today?"

Hear this.

Ye Heng's little face suddenly drooped, and he looked at Ye Qi resentfully, as if to say: Are you still my mother?Why do you want to expose my shortcomings? !
Ye Heng snorted and said unconvinced, "He is just lucky. Xiao Heng will not lose to him!"

"Does Xiao Heng want to continue competing with Xiao Ran?"

"Of course, Xiao Heng will never lose to him!" Ye Heng continued following Ye Qi's words.

It seems that Ye Qi understands Ye Heng's temperament very well, so Ye Qi can almost be said to have Ye Heng under control.

Xia Zhi glanced at her helplessly, wondering what Ye Qi's purpose was.

Ye Qi then suggested, "How about we Xiao Heng also get a pen and let the two of them do the questions together?"

Zhou Yiran was a little confused by Ye Qi's behavior, but after thinking about it for a while, she still didn't refuse.

"In that case, Jiajia, let's do it together." Zhou Yiran waved to Zhou Jiajia and motioned for her to come over.

Unexpectedly, after Zhou Jiajia heard these words, the expression on her face suddenly froze.

There was a look of horror on her face.

[Is Little Princess Jiajia scared? 】【It seems that something has been wrong with her since just now. Could it be that she has a bad stomach? 】

[Hahahaha, the longest road Ye Heng has walked may not be his mother’s routine! 】

[Come on Xiaoheng, you can definitely win this time! ! 】

[Actually, there is no need to bother with the questions. Wouldn’t it be better to just take Ranbao for an IQ test? I’m curious about how high his IQ is]

[I feel that these three little guys are very good, I love them]

Seeing that her daughter didn't listen to her words, Zhou Yiran immediately came over, her voice suddenly became colder, "Jiajia, come here."

Even though she was afraid, Zhou Jiajia still walked over timidly.

She seemed to be more afraid of Zhou Yiran's voice than she was scared just now.

Of course, no one was aware of this at this time.

Seeing that her daughter was obedient, Zhou Yiran's complexion improved a lot.

She gave each of the three children a pen and a piece of paper in turn.

There is only one homework book, so they can only write their answers on A4 paper.

Fortunately, the director team provided the paper in time.

Zhou Yiran thought about her daughter's study progress, and then turned to the latest page of the homework book that contained no questions.

This is the homework Zhou Jiajia should complete tonight.

She had carefully checked her previous assignments, and Jiajia got full marks almost every time.

Moreover, Jiajia went to a private aristocratic kindergarten, and some of the courses there were even more difficult than the first grade of some public elementary schools.

She didn't believe that Xia Zhi had the money to let Xia Ran go to an aristocratic kindergarten!
Sure enough, when he saw the topic in the homework book, even Ye Heng, who had always been confident, pouted.

He held the pencil tightly in his hand and stared straight at the questions in the exercise book without writing for a long time.

so hard.

Why is it more difficult than what he learned in kindergarten? !

Ye Heng looked up helplessly at the ceiling.

Huh, Xiao Heng must not be the only one who can't do it if it's so difficult.

He subconsciously looked towards Zhou Jiajia, but saw that Zhou Jiajia had not started writing yet, and the expression on her face seemed to be about to cry.

"Don't be afraid, Jiajia." Ye Heng stretched out his little hand and wiped it on her cheek, "Xiao Heng will protect you!"

Ye Qi held his forehead, but he didn't expect that his cheap son could be so good at flirting with girls.

On the other hand, Xia Ran always had a calm expression on his face.

After seeing the topics in the homework book, he did not write down immediately, but subconsciously looked at Xia Zhi.

Xia Zhi looked at him with encouraging eyes, "Baby, come on."

Xia Ran was encouraged, calmly looked away, and began to work on the questions seriously.

But when he lowered his head, his earlobes were abnormally pink, as if he was shy.

It was obviously a competition between three people, but Xia Ran was the only one to write.

Zhou Yiran saw her daughter sitting stiffly and not moving, and the smile on her face faded little by little, "Jiajia, brother Xiaoran has already started to do the questions, what are you waiting for?"

Hearing her mother's voice, Zhou Jiajia stiffened and quickly lowered her head. She held the pencil tightly in her little hand, but she still didn't finish writing.

Hearing that Xia Ran had started to do the questions, Ye Heng's face became serious.

He stopped paying attention to Zhou Jiajia and glanced at Xia Ran who was doing the questions, as if his fighting spirit was ignited.

The next second, he frowned and looked at the questions in his homework book.

If you don’t know the first question, go to the second question. If you don’t know the second question, go to the third question.
Finally, when he saw the fifth question, Ye Heng's eyes suddenly lit up. He knew how to do this question!
(End of this chapter)

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