Chapter 28 Xia Ran’s Contempt

After Xia Ran, Ye Heng also began to write.

Only Zhou Jiajia was left, but she had not yet started writing, and her face was getting more and more ugly.

About 3 minutes passed.

Xia Ran put down the pen in his hand, and neat characters appeared on the A4 paper.

He stood up, ran to Xia Zhi on his short legs, and looked up at her as if begging for praise, "Mom, Ranran has finished writing all the questions."

"Ranbao is awesome!" Xia Zhi praised him as he wished.

Zhou Yiran blinked in disbelief, "It's impossible. This is a whole page of questions."

Xia Ran's problem solving speed was almost catching up with her as an adult.

"Xiao Ran must be freeing up what he can't do, right?" Zhou Yiran said, walking towards the table and reaching out to pick up Xia Ran's A4 answer sheet.

The handwriting on it is very neat and not crooked at all. It shows that he has received special training.

After seeing the answer sheet, the smile on Zhou Yiran's face disappeared instantly, and she even forgot to manage her expression.

Regardless of whether Xia Ran's answers were correct or not, at least he had written down every question.

And write them one by one on the answer sheet according to the question serial number.

Unless they saw it with their own eyes, no one would believe that a five-year-old child could do this.

"Mom, these questions are so easy." Xia Ran's voice sounded like a magic spell again, "Can you not let Ran Ran do this kind of questions next time?"

Killing and punishing one's heart, that's all.

Zhou Yiran smiled awkwardly, and then turned her attention to the remaining two children.

Ye Heng was still writing furiously, seemingly unwilling to lose to Xia Ran again.

Although Xia Ran had finished, he did not give up. Instead, he looked at every question in the homework book carefully and wrote everything he knew how to do on the answer sheet.

It was Zhou Jiajia.

This is obviously her homework book, but her answer sheet is empty.

Sensing someone's eyes on her, Zhou Jiajia lowered her head.

After another 10 minutes, Ye Heng also handed in his homework.

He pushed the answer sheet forward in frustration, "Xiao Heng can only do this."

"Wow~~" Ye Heng got down from the chair directly, threw himself into Ye Qi's arms and hugged her legs, "Mom, the questions are so difficult. There are many things Xiao Heng doesn't know."

"Did Xiao Heng do the questions he knew how to do?" Ye Qi asked patiently.

Ye Heng nodded, tears streaming down his cheeks, snot bubbles spurting out of his nose, and his expression looked very funny.

Ye Qi didn't have any objections, took out a tissue to help him clean up, and then said in a coaxing way, "In this case, Xiao Heng is very powerful."

"Don't panic when you encounter such a test paper in the future. First write down what you know, then wait for the teacher to finish correcting the homework, and then learn what you don't know. Can Xiao Heng do it?"

"Of course!" Ye Heng whimpered.

After a while, he quietly asked, "Is Xiao Heng still the best child in mother's eyes?"

He seemed to care about the answer to this question.

He was obviously very concerned in his heart, but he pretended to be indifferent on his face.

Seeing that Ye Qi didn't answer, Ye Heng's face suddenly dropped again, and he rubbed the corners of his clothes with his little hands, showing his inner uneasiness at the moment.

Five-year-olds have not yet learned to hide their emotions.

His every move revealed his inner thoughts.

Ye Qi looked at him tenderly, stretched out his hand to straighten his little head, and looked into his eyes, "Xiao Heng, no matter what time, you are the best child in my mother's heart!"

Ye Heng's eyes lit up visibly.The blow just now seemed to disappear instantly.

He is indeed a big-hearted person.

His mother's words revived him again.

"Xiao Heng hasn't lost yet!" Ye Heng suddenly spoke and "hummed" at Xia Ran unconvinced, "The scores haven't been announced yet!"

There are a total of 23 questions in the homework book.

In order to facilitate calculation, Zhou Yiran directly set one point for each question.

She took out another red pen and read Xia Ran's answers while reading the questions.

23 questions, all correct.

Zhou Yiran looked at the answer sheet in her hand in disbelief.

How can it be? !
"Is Xiaoran really going to kindergarten?" Zhou Yiran asked reluctantly with an unnatural smile on her lips.

Xia Zhi nodded happily, "Yes."

Zhou Yiran wanted to speak again, "But the questions here are even as difficult as the second or third grade of elementary school. Xiaoran shouldn't have done them in advance, right?"

[It must have been done in advance, otherwise how could it be possible to write the answer so quickly]

[Is it so difficult to admit that others are good?Xiao Ran is already a genius. Which child would be fascinated by "Moonlight Night on the Spring River" at the age of five? ? ? 】

[Are kindergartens like this already?The difficulty of the homework is actually that of second and third graders. What will they learn when they go to elementary school? 】

[There are so many outstanding people in the world, why can’t there be one more like me! 】

[Ran Bao is really amazing. Why don’t you send him to have his IQ tested? Don’t delay the child.]

[I remembered that during the college entrance examination the year before last, the person sitting in front of me who borrowed the 2B pencil from me was Xia Ran! ! 】

Xia Zhi was also a little surprised when she heard Zhou Yiran's words.

How difficult is it for second and third grade?
She knew that Xiaobao had always been smart, but she didn't expect that his IQ was so incredible.

When he looked away, his eyes fell on Fu Jinye inadvertently.

If it is Fu Jinye's seed, such an IQ seems to make sense.

Fu Jinye is an extremely smart person.

His son would naturally not lose to him.

Thinking of this, Xia Zhi touched the hair on the top of Xia Ran's head with pity, and thought with some worry, Baby, it's okay to be extremely smart, but don't be extremely smart in the future.

"Is it difficult?" Xia Ranqing said coldly, with no emotion in her eyes and a very calm tone.

There is even a feeling of contempt for the king.

It seemed that asking such a question was not a shock to him.

These three simple words immediately made Zhou Yiran's expression freeze.

Obviously, they are no longer on the same level.

Ye Heng bit his cheek. For some reason, when he saw such a stinky Xia Ran, he felt a surge of unknown anger in his heart. Ahhh, I really wanted to beat him!
At this time, Ye Heng still didn't know that there was a kind of nightmare in the world called "other people's children", and Xia Ran would become his nightmare for a long time in his life, and it was the kind of nightmare that he couldn't get rid of.

"It seems that Xiao Ran is quite talented in mathematics." Zhou Yiran spoke reluctantly.

In front of the camera, she was not allowed to be more presumptuous.

After reading Xia Ran's answer sheet, Zhou Yiran symbolically glanced at Ye Heng's.

After seeing that there were only a few scattered answers above, I felt somewhat gloating about my misfortune.

Oh, with Ye Heng at the bottom, her precious daughter will no longer be in last place. .

(End of this chapter)

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