Chapter 43 This Summer VS Seven Summers
Zhou Yiran smiled happily in front of the camera and said softly, "Baby, you are so good. Mom is not thirsty, so you can drink."

Zhou Jiajia nodded and took a sip of water.

Her cute and well-behaved appearance instantly captured the hearts of fans of the film.

Comments all said that Princess Jiajia was so cute and wanted to steal her home to raise her.

While the two groups of families were still hanging out, Fu Jinye had already prepared lunch.

Four dishes and one soup, including meat and vegetables, look very rich.

Xia Zhi was awakened by greed.

She stood up from the sofa and yawned, her eyes blurred and she was not yet fully awake.

"Mom, eat." The sound of milky milk from Xia Ran's milk rang in her ears, and Xia Zhi responded with a thick nasal voice.

She stretched and opened her eyes with difficulty.

The scene in front of her made her eyes widen instantly.

"Fu Jinye?" Xia Zhi asked loudly, "Why are you at my house?!"

As soon as he finished speaking, his mind suddenly came to his senses.

After all, the mouth is still one step ahead of the brain.

Xia Zhi immediately regretted it.

She has such a bad mouth!
Fu Jinye glanced at Xia Zhi, smiled slightly and asked, "This is my home too."

Xia Zhi nodded, not daring to look at him.

Who made her talk but couldn't think straight when she just woke up?

[Do you think anything is strange? 】

[I always feel like something happened between these two people]

[Stop talking about it, no matter what the relationship between the two people was before, they are now "a family", and it is enough to know this]

[Xia Zhi has plastic surgery, Xia Zhi has plastic surgery, Xia Zhi has plastic surgery, Xia Zhi has plastic surgery, Xia Zhi has plastic surgery, Xia Zhi has plastic surgery]

[Our old man is really a IKEA person. Whoever marries him will be lucky in his previous life]

"Xia Zhi, Konye, ​​are you at home?"

Not long after Xia Zhi picked up the chopsticks, Ye Qi's voice came from outside.

The three of them immediately held up their chopsticks and went out to greet him.

At that time, Ye Qi had already led Ye Heng to the door.

Xia Zhi quickly opened the door and greeted the two of them to come in.

Shen Jiangqi didn't come with them, he should have gone back to put the car away.

"I can smell the fragrance coming from your room from outside. The food is good." Ye Qi joked.

Xia Zhi asked Fu Jinye to pour water for them, "You must be hungry. We just started eating not long ago, why don't we sit down and have something together."

"No need." Ye Qi waved his hand, "Shen Jiangqi has gone back to cook. We still have a lot of leftover food, which is enough to eat."

"Xiao Heng, do you still remember how mom gave it to you?"

Seeing Ye Qi change the topic to Ye Heng, Xia Zhi looked at him curiously.

At that time, he discovered that Ye Heng was holding a convenience bag in his hand.

Ye Heng stood up from behind Ye Qi and said generously, "Brother Xia Ran, Aunt Xia, this is the sausage Xiao Heng and his mother bought for you."

His voice sounded shy at first, but became more and more confident by the end.

It seems that he has regained his appearance as a naughty devil.

"Thank you, Xiao Heng." Xia Zhi said with a smile, "Ranbao, please thank brother Xiao Heng."

Xia Ran suddenly felt like he was facing a formidable enemy.

On one side is mother and on the other is Ye Heng.

He hesitated for a few seconds, then took the plastic bag containing the sausage from Ye Heng's hand with a stiff expression, and said in an awkward tone, "Thank you, brother Xiao Heng."

When the last two words came out with difficulty through his teeth, Ye Qi laughed out loud.

"Your son is too arrogant," Ye Qi joked.

Xia Zhi also laughed helplessly.Fortunately, Ranbao still listened to him.

[Hahahahahahahahahahahahaha, is there a proud little Zhengtai than us? 】

[The Great Demon King VS the Proud Little Shota, these two treasures really made me laugh]

[This "brother" really made our Ranbao awkward]

[Qiqizi, do you dare to smile a little more wildly? ! 】

[Did anyone notice that when Ranbao called "brother", Xiao Heng's face turned redder than before?]

[It’s better for these two to be enemies. I’m not used to being so close to each other rashly.]

[I’m laughing so hard, the three babies this season are so cute]

Although Ye Qi was not left to eat, Ye Qi did not leave empty-handed.

Almost half of the four dishes were filled for her to take with her.

When Ye Qi led Ye Heng back to his home, Shen Jiang Qi had just packed up everything and was preparing to wash vegetables and cook.

Seeing the lunch box in Ye Qi's hand, he was a little surprised, "This is it?"

"Xia Zhi insisted on letting me bring him back." Ye Qi was a little helpless, "It was all done by Konno."

Shen Jiangqi knew Xia Zhi's cooking skills.

He was lucky enough to see it in person, and since then he has never dared to eat her cooking again.

"I guessed it." Shen Jiangqi said smoothly, "Xia Xia has no eyes for cooking."

When Ye Qi was placing the dishes, he paused when he heard Shen Jiangqi's complaints.

The barrage in the live broadcast room was even more frantic.

[Brother Qi, have you ever eaten the food cooked by Xia Xia? 】

[What is the relationship between Qi Ge and Xia Xia?The two seem to be very familiar]

[So, should I date Qi Xia or this summer? Why do I feel that both pairs have a good relationship?]

[I feel like I am looking for melons in a melon field. Can anyone tell me what the relationship between the three of them is? 】

[Shi Chui, Seventh Brother absolutely loves Xia Xia. Every time he mentions Xia Xia, his eyes are very gentle]

[Our husband is the most worthy of marrying, okay?]

[Seventh brother can also cook, more like IKEA! ! ! 】

There is a large display screen in the room, on which you can see the barrage of the live broadcast room.

Ye Qi glanced at it and was a little surprised to see the content in the barrage.

Not only netizens are curious, but she is also quite curious.

Ye Qi asked directly, "Even Xia Zhi knows whether her cooking tastes good or not. It seems like you two know each other very well."

Shen Jiangqi brought up the topic of cooking, which means that he doesn't mind mentioning it in front of the camera.

If it were anyone else, Ye Qi would definitely not ask so boldly.

Shen Jiangqi nodded, "Xia Xia and I have been friends for a long time."

"That's not kind of you." Ye Qi joked, preparing to end the topic, "With such a beautiful woman beside you, you didn't introduce her to us earlier. Who would mind having another beautiful friend?"

Shen Jiangqi responded in response, "Ye Yinghou taught me that next time I meet a beautiful friend, I promise to introduce her to you as soon as possible."

The two people looked at each other and smiled, and they seemed to have a good understanding.

There were a lot of dishes packaged from Xia Zhi, so they didn't make a new meal for lunch, but mixed a cold dish and started eating directly.

Xia Zhi received three grilled sausages, which were her favorite starchy sausages.

"Mom, I'll give you something to eat, too!" Xia Ran looked at Xia Zhi with bright eyes.

Although Fu Jinye didn't say a word, he also expressed with actions that his grilled sausage also belonged to Xia Zhi.

Looking at the three sausages in front of her, Xia Zhi couldn't laugh or cry, "What are you doing? Each of you has one, and no one is allowed to give it to anyone."

After speaking, she distributed the sausages to the other two.

(End of this chapter)

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