Chapter 44 You cook, I wash the dishes

【Anyone who can marry Lao Fu must be very happy】

[Wow, wow, wow, Xia Zhi is really at the peak of her life, her son and husband love her so much]

[Very good, I have the material for tonight’s dream]

[Is this really a parent-child variety show?Why do I feel like I’m watching a couple’s variety show? The sense of camaraderie between these two people is too strong.]

[I don’t know how Ranbao’s father felt when he saw this scene]

Fortunately, Ye Qi was given half of the meal.

After the three of them finished eating the grilled sausage, they reluctantly finished all the remaining dishes.

"Don't do so much next time." Xia Zhi covered her overstuffed belly, lay down on the sofa, and muttered, "If I eat any more, my swimming ring will come out."

Fu Jinye raised his eyebrows, "You're still lying down because you're afraid of getting fat?"

"No, no, no." Xia Zhi shook her head, "Experts have said that lying down is easier to digest food than standing or sitting."

"What expert?" Fu Jinye asked doubtfully.

Why hasn't he heard such remarks?
Xia Zhi smiled and said, "WeChat official account expert."

Fu Jinye pinched his eyebrows. Sure enough, he shouldn't believe her.

"Is this how you have been living these years?" Fu Jinye couldn't help but asked curiously.

Xia Zhi doesn't look like a person who can take care of himself.

I'm sure I've been cheated a lot.

I left him inexplicably in the first place. If it hadn't been like this, I wouldn't have gone through so much.

Hearing Fu Jinye's words, Xia Zhi's heart skipped a beat.

She was feeling sad for no reason.

Xia Zhi pretended to be calm and sat up from the sofa, coughing twice, "I'm going to wash the dishes. You should take a rest first."

Fu Jinye looked at Xia Zhi who was almost running away, and became even more sure that she had a guilty conscience.

With a sigh, Fu Jinye followed Xia Zhi into the kitchen.

Xia Zhi piled the dishes and chopsticks into the sink and prepared to fill them with water to wash the dishes.

Fu Jinye's voice suddenly came from above his head, "I'll do it."

Xia Zhi shrank and froze.

How did he come here?
The kitchen space is not big.

Barely enough room for two people.

But it is a bit difficult to move freely.

Xia Zhi didn't expect Fu Jinye to come over suddenly, and was a little at a loss for a moment. "It doesn't matter. You cook and I wash the dishes. Let's divide the work reasonably."

She kept her eyes fixed on the pool, not daring to look back at Fu Jinye.

Xia Zhi didn't know what kind of posture Fu Jinye was behind her. She just felt like she was wrapped in his breath.

Unable to escape, can only endure silently.

Such a depressing feeling made her breathing slow down unconsciously.

"You go out first, I will wash it in a moment." Xia Zhi spoke again.

After dinner, Ranbao went back to his room to take a nap.

At this moment, apart from following the broadcast, they were the only two people left in the living room.

Fu Jinye remained unmoved, "Then let's work together, it will be more efficient."

How can it be? !
Xia Zhi complained silently in her heart.

One plus one does not always equal two.

[Are these two really not showing off their affection? 】

[If it doesn’t work, I’ll do it. Can’t you two go somewhere else to show off your affection? ! 】

[Kicked the dog food in front of him and bit the dog leash away! 】

[What we are saying is, you two should stop filming parent-child variety shows and go to love variety shows. I support you! 】

[The old man helped her because he was well-educated. Can some CP fans please stop talking nonsense! 】

[I don’t agree with this marriage. Wouldn’t it be good for me to be your bachelor? ! 】【Civil Affairs Bureau: So should I come or not?Please give me an accurate letter]

Xia Zhi's side is in harmony.

Relatively speaking, Zhou Yiran and Qi Mo looked a little bleak.

Fu Jinye and Shen Jiangqi both knew how to cook, so they took the initiative to take on the task of cooking.

But Qi Mo doesn't.

The three people who had been busy all morning barely made enough money, but they had no extra money to buy other things.

The cruel director team took away all the ingredients in the kitchen, leaving only the necessary condiments.

Fortunately, they bought four steamed buns when they came back.

The staple food was already in place, and as for the dishes, I used the leftover dishes from this morning.

After returning home, Qi Mo went upstairs to take a shower and change clothes.

Zhou Yiran not only had to wash up, but also prepare meals for three people, which was very busy.

Fortunately, she had learned to cook before in order to shoot videos.

Although it doesn't taste good, the pretense can still scare people.

The most important thing is that she arranged the dishes exquisitely and it was delicious at first glance.

As for the taste, she is making it for people other than the camera, so the taste is not important.

[Yiran is really a model of a good wife and mother]

[Among the three families, Yiran is the only one who knows how to cook, and the cooking is so beautiful, it must taste delicious too]

【I really want to eat Yiran’s cooking! 】

[Qi Mo is so lucky to be able to partner with Yi Ran, he should be the luckiest among the three]

[Zhou Yiran is busy in the kitchen alone, doesn't Qi Mo help at all? 】

[They should have discussed the division of labor. Just like Fu Jinye’s group, one is responsible for cooking and the other is responsible for washing dishes. I think it is very reasonable]

[But Qi Mo just watched Zhou Yiran busy in the kitchen. He was not a gentleman at all, and he was far behind Fu Jinye! 】

[Some people are really stupid. What happened to Qi Mo, who was tired all morning and went to change clothes and take a shower?Who did he offend? ! 】

Zhou Yiran glanced at the content on the barrage.

When she saw Fu Jinye cooking for Xia Zhi, she was shocked.

A nameless anger welled up in my heart.

Obviously, Fu Jinye should be in the same group as her.

The two of them cook and live together, there will definitely be a lot of explosive moments!

Unexpectedly, all of this turned out to be false.

Xia Zhi and her son are really cheap!
"Ahem." Qi Mo choked and took a big bite of the steamed bun to recover.

Hearing the sound, Zhou Yiran immediately asked with concern, "Are you okay?"

"It's okay." Qi Mo said coldly.

He has never eaten anything more delicious than this.

Did this woman mistake the sugar for salt? Why does it taste so strange?
Because he was in front of the camera, Qi Mo did not criticize Zhou Yiran. He just speeded up the meal and rarely picked up the food.

After eating quickly, he stood up and said, "You can go back and rest after you finish eating. I'll wash the dishes."

"Okay." Zhou Yiran smiled and nodded, looking virtuous.

Qi Mo took a deep look at her, and then his eyes swept over Zhou Jiajia, who was taking a small bite to eat.

Zhou Jiajia seemed to have no sense of taste, chewing the vegetables in her mouth.

No, she probably disliked it too.

I just don’t know why, but I don’t dare to show it.

When his eyes fell on Zhou Yiran again, Qi Mo understood everything instantly.

"What's wrong?" Seeing Qi Mo staring at her, Zhou Yiran asked with some confusion, "Is there something dirty on my face?"

(End of this chapter)

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