Chapter 46 You are so boring
"No." Fan Yimin looked at Fu Jinye suspiciously, "You shouldn't be the kind of person who would suffer a loss, and Xia Ran's appearance is at least similar to yours. Could he be yours?"

Fan Yimin really couldn't say the words "biological son".

In fact, this is just his speculation.

When he approached Xia Zhi to participate in the show, he investigated Xia Zhi's background.

He did not discover the existence of Xia Zhi's husband.

Even the kindergarten records only mentioned divorce.

Xia Ran's father has always been a mystery.

If it is really Fu Jinye
Considering the similar looks of the two people, it seems possible.

Fu Jinye did not directly answer Fan Yimin's question, but said in a calm tone, "When did Director Fan become such a gossip?"

Fan Yimin said angrily, "Am I gossiping?"

"I'm obviously concerned about your love life."

"I've known you for such a long time, but this is the first time I've seen you lose control in front of a girl."

"Who would believe that you two have nothing to do with each other?"

Fu Jinye was silent and did not answer.

Xia Zhi was indeed an accident in his life.

Moreover, this accident brought him many surprises.

But he didn't want to escape at all.

"Remember to send me a copy of the video before deleting it." Fu Jinye stood up, not wanting to discuss his gossip with Fan Yimin anymore.

The purpose of his coming here is to hope that Fan Yimin can delete the surveillance just now.

He didn't want people with ulterior motives to see such a scene, spread it, and affect his plans.

"Don't you still want to think about it?" Fan Yimin looked at him with disgust, "Why didn't I realize that you are such a boring person before?"

Fu Jinye frowned, glanced at him with disgust, and turned to leave.

Fan Yimin couldn't help laughing.

This time he really found a treasure.

Xia Zhi, what kind of surprise will she bring to him next?

Xia Zhi woke up from the pain.

She held her stomach and hunched over her body and headed straight to the bathroom.

The sharp dull pain in her abdomen made her face pale.

It wasn't her period, she just had a simple stomachache.

"Mom, are you awake?" Xia Ran's milky voice came from the door.

Xia Zhi responded feebly, held her stomach and stood up to open the door.

Without looking in the mirror, she had no idea how pale her face was at the moment.

Xia Ran, who originally wanted to be with Xia Zhi, saw this and asked with concern, "Mom, what's wrong with you?"

Xia Zhi pretended to be relaxed, with a weak smile on her lips, "Mom is fine."

Xia Ran frowned, her face bulging with anger, "Do you have a stomachache again?"

Xia Zhi choked.

This son is really smart.

Nothing can be hidden from him.

"Do I look bad?" Xia Zhi lowered her head and asked with some disappointment.

Xia Ran nodded, "Mom, wait a moment, Xia Ran will go find medicine for you."

Xia Zhi wanted to stop Xia Ran, but he had already walked downstairs with his short legs.

There are surveillance cameras in the living room and Fu Jinye, so nothing will happen to Ranbao.

Thinking of this, Xia Zhi returned to the bed without closing the door to the room.

Stomach pain is not a common problem, it can be fatal.

Xia Zhi curled up and lay on her side, with no color on her face.

I should have known she shouldn't have eaten the ice cream.

Really unhappy retribution.

Since giving birth to Xia Ran, her body has been extremely weak.

It is common to catch a cold when exposed to the rain. Seven out of ten times you will get a stomachache after eating something cold.She was also taking a chance, just in case this time was the same as those three times.

Sure enough, one cannot live by chance.

Seeing Xia Ran running down the stairs with her short legs, Fu Jinye asked, "What's wrong?"

Even though Xia Ran doesn't like Fu Jinye.

At this time, he would not joke with Xia Zhi's life.

He asked clearly, "Where is the medicine box? Mom is sick and has a stomachache."

"Stomach pain? Is it serious?" Fu Jinye asked while going to find the medicine box.

Fortunately, he had already memorized the locations of everything he could use when he first arrived, so he quickly found the medicine box.

After finding it, Fu Jinye carried the medicine box and prepared to see Xia Zhi.

After his eyes fell on Xia Ran's anxious face, Fu Jinye squatted down and stretched out his arms, "Come here, I will carry you over."

Xia Ran hesitated for a moment, but still walked towards Fu Jinye.

He knows what option is best for him.

This wasn't the first time Xia Ran was hugged by that person.

But this was the first time a strange feeling arose in my heart.

Being more precocious than other children, he clearly knew that he was different from other children.

There are only two people in their family, he and his mother. He has no father and his mother has no husband.

Xia Ran didn't think it was anything.

On the contrary, being able to live with her mother is enough for Xia Ran.

When she saw this man who looked similar to herself for the first time, Xia Ran felt an inexplicable hostility towards him.

He was keenly aware that his mother seemed to know this man.

Perhaps, he is this man's son. ,

But Xia Ran had no intention of recognizing his father.

It is enough for him and his mother in this family, there is no need for a third person.

Fu Jinye carried Xia Ran to Xia Zhi's room.

Hearing the sound of the door opening, Xia Zhi turned around and her eyes fell on Fu Jinye and Xia Ran.

Seeing Fu Jinye holding Xia Ran with one hand and the two of them looking at her at the same time, Xia Zhi felt an indescribable feeling in her heart.

Anyone can see that these two people are biological father and son.

But she wanted to hide this matter.

She, who was already in poor health, became depressed, and her face looked even weaker.

Fu Jinye squatted down, put Xia Ran down, and then quickly walked to Xia Zhi's side, "What's wrong with you? Are you okay? Do you want me to take you to the doctor?"

Xia Zhi shook her head, "It's okay, it's the same old problem."

"Just bring me the medicine box."

Hearing this, Fu Jinye handed the medicine box to Xia Zhi.

Xia Zhi searched for a long time and finally found the medicine she wanted.

"Painkillers?" Fu Jinye frowned.

Xia Zhi nodded, "This medicine is very effective. You won't feel any pain after taking it."

Fu Jinye pinched his eyebrows and said, "Why do you think it's called painkiller?"

This is simply treating the symptoms rather than the root cause.

Sure enough, she didn't know how to take care of herself at all.

Seeing her current appearance, it's enough to imagine how she got here in the past few years.

Seeing Xia Zhi's pale face, Fu Jinye didn't say anything.

He asked calmly, "Why do I have a sudden stomachache? Is it my period?"

Xia Zhi shook her head and said truthfully, "I think I caught a cold from the ice cream I ate in the morning."

"Did it often happen like this before?" Fu Jinye spoke again.

Xia Zhi nodded casually, "Absolutely."

Fu Jinye almost laughed at her. He knew what condition his body was in, but he still ate ice cream. He was really desperate!
(End of this chapter)

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